Community > Posts By > regularfeller
Some of my best friends,,,,
just curious...are some of your friends white? and do you think white people are bigoted? I have multicultural associates, my 'friends' are family, who are multiculturacial and multi racial as well I believe people of every race can be bigots, and that every race of people has some bigots in it so, yes, some of your best friends are white and they are bigots. thank you. |
I just hope she doesn't become the first pseudo black trans-sexual. that would be unfortunate, people are extremely screwed in the head these days when it comes to acceptance of themselves,,, and the acceptance of others. its not nearly as important to accept anyone else as it is to accept oneself,,,, she accepts herself - AS A BLACK WOMAN! What's hard to understand about that? |
![]() I stated several times that the NAACP has transformed in the years that have passed since its inception. Why do you still feel the need to say it was started by whites? Anybody with half a brain would know that blacks could never have started this organization on their own behalf in the early 1900's. They would have been lynched or otherwise murdered. This has nothing to do with it maturing into a black biased bigoted organization! Not saying the bias or bigotry is misguided, unfounded, wrong, or bad. Just saying it exists. But, I AM saying that bigoted people have no business pointing their prejudicial fingers at another and criticizing them for being bigots! And no matter what you try to quote or claim, fact of business is that this started because she was not black as she claimed, not because she "lied on a job application". Transracial equality! If she feels she is a black woman trapped in a white body, then she has the same right to identify with her inner being the same as a man that feels he is a woman or woman that feels she is a man. How long are you going to keep the self identified black woman down? |
![]() ![]() This one is great! ![]() |
![]() You're killing me! ![]() ![]() Fat guys! ![]() |
Y'all are confusing the birth of an organization with the "grown up" it has become. Just as the sweetest babe may mature into a cannibalistic serial killer, organizations transform over time. Even the boy scouts transitioned from a paramilitary organizations to a mere day care like social gathering.
But y'all know all this. Your failure to recognize it as such is intentional. A ploy. And it is comical. Besides, I think I can see Reb's point. If she could identify as male with all of your blessings and defense of her choice, why can't she identify as a race other than that to which she was born with the same acceptance? Eminem did it and nobody cared. Where is your consistency? Transgender, Transracial, Transspecies, Transformers - EQUALITY FOR ALL! |
Lets talk about sex baby?!!
Met online, and he wants to go bare skin. Saying he is clean and all that extras. yay or nay ??????? ![]() C'mon, man! |
Lets talk about sex baby?!!
Lets talk about sex baby lets talk about you and me ![]() Let's talk about all the good things And the bad things that may be Let's talk about sex |
![]() A "plan" to me is - let's go to the mountains for a week. "Unnecessary planning" is devising an itinerary for the trip. I prefer to leave what happens between departure and arrival up to fancy. |
Procrastinator checkin in.. Later... ![]() |
The Truth Behind Love?
No matter how many times it is disected under the microscope by so called smart people it shall always remain more than the sum of its parts. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We all know what this love enigma is about. When it eludes us it doesn't exist and is a fairy tale... When it has us in its grasp it is an all powerful, inexplicable, beautiful force that lightens our hearts and buffers us against all the ills of the world! |
The Truth Behind Love?
more often than not, love starts out one-sided...but becomes beautiful and meaningful once reciprocated... ![]() ![]() Let's test your hypothesis....start loving me! I'll remain aloof as long as I can! ![]() love is a gift that is freely given, it may be spontaneously felt or learned, but it not asked, expected nor demanded from anyone... ![]() ![]() You ruined a perfectly good stab at humor with reason and wise words! |
Muscle vs Weight
Could be because nowadays ya.get bashed for being honest for instance if I said I prefer dating man at least my height or taller I run risk of offending any man less than 5ft10. If I say I prefer man with well groomed facial hair?clean shaven men might get miffy If I say that a few extra pounds do not bother me but I would prefer someone who is not morbidly obese because of health issues that often accompany it and because I am physically active this opens me up to being called a chubby hater which would be ridiculous since my ex husband was almost 400 lbs before his gastric bypass ![]() ![]() effin hilarious! |
Well apparantly its not going to let me quote..stupid phone perhaps this would be that sound of one hand clapping we have all heard about? ![]() ![]() |
The Truth Behind Love?
more often than not, love starts out one-sided...but becomes beautiful and meaningful once reciprocated... ![]() ![]() Let's test your hypothesis....start loving me! I'll remain aloof as long as I can! ![]() |
guys vs girls - part 135
I just hope she doesn't become the first pseudo black trans-sexual. that would be unfortunate, people are extremely screwed in the head these days when it comes to acceptance of themselves,,, and the acceptance of others. |
you mean like our presidents over the last 200 years? or the membership of the fortune five hundred? or CONGRESS,,,,lol oh wait, thats WHITE,, did that mean being white is a requirement in any of these places,,? ![]() Are you implying that a black person should be drawn at random to be given a fortune 500 company just so there is representation of your race in that sector of society? White wasn't a requirement but it was a result of an organization that sought to look out for the advancement of it's own race, just like the good ol NAACP. are you implying that white membership should be higher so that there is represenation in that organization? there is already representation, just as there is representation of blacks in the fortune 500, but the question implied some issue with how lopsided the proportion was,,,,,that is not an issue in all these other areas where the numbers are lopsided in favor of white males... and as I said, you know little about the NAACP, the organization wasnt about its 'own race' as it was founded mostly by non black people do you believe people fighting for homosexual rights are only homosexuals? do you believe people fighting for womens rights are only women? do you believe people who fought to end slavery of blacks were only blacks? people sometimes work together to try to reverse injustice they see , even when it happens to others,,, however, those it happens to would naturally represent the majority of those seeking to reverse the injustice they suffered.... The numbers are lopsided because people succeeded in business or were elected by their constituents. I wholeheartedly believe that white people are solely responsible for the freedom of slaves as blacks had no voice in the matter whatsoever. But the NAACP, no matter by whom or how founded, is NOT the NAACP you are speaking of today. And has not been for many a year. |
Exactly as predicted...."white chicks is just a harmless ol movie". And a black person outed for being white and terminated for "lying" would be viewed as a victim of discrimination. BECAUSE, why did he have to conceal his race in the first place? Why deny the truth. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Employers aren't even legally permitted to ask you your race prior to your being hired. AND, you NEVER are required to answer the question if you choose not to. Even if her own family initiated the publicity, it was not up to them whether she continued in her employment or not. While she may have resigned, we all know how those situations work. Truth of the matter is, a white woman was NOT desired to lead a chapter of the NAACP (which does nothing for the advancement of any other people, which is bigoted). they are permitted to have race on an application and one is not OBLIGATED to answer, but if they CHOOSE to they are bound by contractual obligation to give TRUE information she could just as easily not answered the information on race, but because she CHOSE to and lied,, she could be eligible to be let go for signing a contract and attesting to information that is false and like I said, how do you know it was not up to HER to continue her employment,, maybe SHE believed it would be better than being a source of negative sensationalism for the organization? and Im positive you know very little about the NAACP besides that its name is about advancing colored people which to you seems bigoted and pointless,, apparently... What information do you have that she wasn't ousted? I am likewise sure that YOU either know VERY little about the NAACP or are acting purposely naive in arguing that it is not an organization with a definitive racial/ethnic bias. And I said the NAACP is bigoted, not pointless. Don't put words in my mouth to make your case in defending this organization. But, please, explain how the name denotes anything but racism. Give some examples of this organization promoting any other race. I think you feel that racism is okay when perpetuated by any ethnic group victimized by prejudice. Your posts, in my opinion, belie any statement to the contrary. What you fail to understand is that I don't care that they promote "their own". I DO find hypocritical those that "promote their own" also vilify any other organization that promotes "its own" real or perceived ethnic agenda. And race is NOT permissible on an APPLICATION for employment. It does appear on POST employment documents for "statistical use" but is not required to be answered. • Can indicate that the institution is an equal opportunity employer AFTER HIRING ONLY: • Can ask race for affirmative action plan statistics IT IS ILLEGAL TO ASK/REQUEST • Any inquiry that would indicate race and/or color • Color of applicant’s skin, eyes, hair • Any other questions directly or indirectly relating race or color |
guys vs girls - part 135