Community > Posts By > I_am_Tater

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:18 AM
gee thanks lol

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:17 AM
im crazy too but oh yea u already knew that

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:11 AM
josh is my bro so yall better be nice lol

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 06/13/08 09:08 AM
yea josh is the best yall will love him :D

I_am_Tater's photo
Fri 06/13/08 08:59 AM
okey dokey my big bro just joined so yall better be nice to him LOL hes Joshua2727 hes the shiznit sooo go say hi if ya want

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 06/12/08 02:31 PM
yea c'mon girl give it up

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 06/12/08 02:27 PM
awww teddy that was awesome

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:36 AM

Awesome like always nikki! Frog will be ok. Just hang in there, and don't think any other way.

not frog hun eric

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 06/12/08 10:13 AM
Edited by I_am_Tater on Thu 06/12/08 10:16 AM
For so long you've been my strength
The only sincere smile in a world of bitter cold
When you pick on me I cannot help but laugh
Discouraged and defeated a million times
I never felt as though I lost
You were still proud
Stepping out of the safety of oblivion
The feeling of an abandon beaten puppy crept in
Emotionally battered
Some days I wanted to give in
To rest in a bed made of cool earth
But you took my hand
You stood beside me
Not a leader
But a guide
I'm free of the shadows
Of the smothering worthless feeling
The sun still rises
It still sets too
Much of this is thanks to you
Your love is the greatest gift
The strongest bond
Many others walked out
But you?
You stepped closer
swallowed by waves of panic
You sat calmly with me
Repeating over and over
It wasn't your time
You weren't leaving me
This time is much different
Everything is so uncertain
Fear clings to my insides
Tears litter pale cheeks
With my faith at zero
I'll pray...
Because I love you
You've walked the streets of hell with me
Pulled me from the shadows
Instilled hope within a once empty soul
Truth be told
I'd give my life for you
You always tell me
“Keep your head up kid”
And so I will
I'll be your strength
As you've always been mine
I promise...

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:35 AM
thanks u guys it means a lot

I_am_Tater's photo
Thu 06/12/08 09:23 AM
I could use A LOT of help...figures everytime i deactivate somethin goes down! what gives? the help isn't for me though its for my bro when i first came here i posted a story about my friend eric i was informed that he was in a pretty bad accident and is having a ton of problems this guy has been here for me longer than ANYONE he gave me the courage and support needed to stand up to my mom and take control of my life he makes me smile when the world is dark and terrifying and forgives me when i forget his birthday because dates are hard for me to remember and yea sometimes he picks on me but thats what brothers do he means the world to me and i dont know what i would do without him everybody tells me to have faith and pray but i lost faith long ago and in order for a prayer to work you have to BELIEVE which isn't easy so i thought maybe if we ALL said a little prayer for him it might work right now i'm horrified guess its true when it rains it pours my bro is my hero we arent blood but hes always had my back...brokenheart :cry:

I_am_Tater's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:28 AM


What's goin on baby sis? flowerforyou flowerforyou

i really really REALLY dont wanna talk about it but ya have my e-mail address soo drop me a line there so i dont have to come back here ok :)

I_am_Tater's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:25 AM
a break i love yall to death but i need to get outta here for awhile people just really irk me right now especially the ones who are convinced im nuts because i have panic attacks last night i was given an ultimatum and soo im letting him hit the road it hurts...hes a creep but i'll get over it thank ya all who've been there for me when i needed and for bein there just cuz ya love me bigsmile catch ya later!


I_am_Tater's photo
Tue 06/10/08 10:41 AM
lol fatman wins again you sooo made my day with that bigsmile i loves ya buddy you rock

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 06/09/08 06:52 PM
night kirk sweet dreams

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 06/09/08 06:18 PM
heya amy hows it goin tonight?

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:53 PM
hey guys how goes the monday evening? :)

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:00 PM

Of course, it was an illegal action (technically it is not a war, it is called a military action), bin laden was not in Iraq, Saddam did not strike us so the war is illegal. Bush wanted the war for his personal agenda and he cares not how many innocent American lives nor Iraqi lives are lost in his pursuit.

THANK YOU its about darn time somebody else says it i knew i wasnt the only one that feels the way i do

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 06/09/08 02:50 PM
Edited by I_am_Tater on Mon 06/09/08 02:51 PM
why would you even ask that? of course the war is wrong it was the only way bush could prove to daddy dearest he had more balls he doesnt care who dies or whos injured sureeee he SAYS hes deeply saddened by the losses but why should he be? its not his husband, wife sisters mothers brothers aunts uncles and cousins in danger every single day he doesnt wait for letters or phone calls he doesnt have to keep reminding himself every day that no news is good news he doesnt have to lean on friends for support when it gets too hard because if he did we wouldnt still be over there if he DID give a damn he wouldnt treat human lives like peices to a game ohhh damn some were lost well better send more this war was a mistake hes just not man enough to step up and say it!

I_am_Tater's photo
Mon 06/09/08 01:00 PM
Forgive them?
You people must be nuts
Have you already forgotten?
I sure haven't
To forgive would be to dismiss
And that is simply something I cannot do
Dad stop giving me that wide-eyed stare
Yes I know I'm prejudice
No it doesn't bother me
Please stop telling me to calm down
You don't understand
What gives them the right to come here?
To enlist in our defenses
Wear our colors?
I wish someone
Would understand
This is not something I'll “work on”
They make me angry
He suffered Dad
Never before have I seen such agony
Felt so much pain
They're just like us you say?
That's where you're wrong!
We wouldn't have treated another human that way
Stop calling him an American
I refuse to be his friend
People like that are the reason
I was forced to move on...
To love another
It still hurts
Damn it does
Each and every day
I'm forced to awaken to reality
Never again will I see his face
For last August
People like that
Robbed me of him
You'll have to excuse me
If I don't shake his hand
Or thank him for his service
I do not see an American
Nor potential for a good friend
Only emptiness I long to fill
And searing pain
Where our dreams had once been
Maybe someday when the dust settles
And the pain gives way a little
This tune will change
Until then all I ask
Is that you try to understand
Yes I know he forgave them
The man was a hero
In every sense of the word
We won't agree on this subject
So please just hold me while the tears fall
Year number one without him has been
The closest to hell I'll ever see
As August approaches
And the memories come flooding back
Don't try and change my mind
Or shake your head with disgust
I'm trying...
No longer do I cry everyday
Or pine for the past
But I'm not ready to forgive
I just can't...

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