Community > Posts By > RicJL

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:24 AM
If life were fair, then the human race would have no word for "massacre" or "atrocity" because they wouldn't know what they are.
i.e. none had ever happened.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:18 AM
If life were fair, then Mocha Java coffee wouldn't be so hard to come by.

RicJL's photo
Wed 05/21/08 04:12 AM
If life were fair, then all the troops from all the different Coalition factions would be home with their families tomorrow.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 08:08 PM
Come into my kitchen and I'll teach you how to eat fried worms.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 08:06 PM

Ok - so I'm not doing something wrong. I get pretty much the same thing. I click on Instant Messege and I get the square but it's totally blank.

That's my story and there ain't no more to be told!

HI EVERYONE! Hi Kat, I'll mail ya!

Hi Red. I'm still trying.


Okay...I have tried "JSH" and "1+u". I get this box with two connecting things that do not connect with the words "connecting" running across the box. Is this going to go away and work sometime?

Still trying.


In all the time it's taken you to flog this dead horse, she could have been downloading and installing Yahoo Instant Messenger and you guys could have been chatting by now.
Sometimes it doesn't pay to be obstinate. This is one of those times, methinks.

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 08:00 PM
A priest, a rabbi, and a pastor walk into a bar. The bartender takes a look, does a double take and then says loudly, "What is this? A friggin joke?"

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:55 PM
Try what happened with me and my last g/f...find an excuse to see him again and then ask diplomatically if he thinks the reason you broke up was really valid. Then suggest nicely that you try again, with the understanding that the subject that caused the argument that led to the breakup no longer be discussed.
Worked for us until she moved far away, we're still good long distance friends, too.

Meh, it's worth a try, right? If it doesn't work, then at least you know that you gave it a shot and in that, there is at least closure, right?

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:32 PM

*Runs around gathering things up, then trips over his untied shoelace and does a faceplant into some dirty underwear that aren't his on the coffee table.*

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:16 PM
Tuna salad (made with Miracle Whip and celery) with lettuce and tomato on fresh thick cut Sourdough bread

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 07:02 PM
I wonder if maybe the Mods are working on improving it and have it in maintenance mode? Ya think?

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:52 PM
*Walks up and gives Topsy a big old bearhug*

Thhpt, thhpt! I got hair in my mouf!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:39 PM

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:37 PM
Water beetles, they breath with their arses! laugh

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:11 PM

fly like a bird when you are....?

Aren't one

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 06:07 PM
Oreo's are too greasy, got any fig newtons? They're fruit and cake!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 05:45 PM
Rice pudding with raisins, fig newtons and ice cold milk.
I wouldn't offer you a brush, I'd offer to brush it for you.
laugh :wink:

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 02:27 PM
Okay, I thought that I had read every conceivable inane and lame-ass question possible but this one might just be the all time "greatest"!
And people are actually trying to answer it! Amazing!

*Slowly shuffles off, head bowed and shaking from side to side*
:wink: grumble

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 11:51 AM

They wouldn't like the taste...laugh

Ya, they like sweet not bitter...laugh laugh laugh

Last I was told, I was Spicy, not bitter. Zut Alors!

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 11:44 AM

Depends...can you speak with a decent French accent?

oui' I meant so the sharks get you though....laugh laugh

They wouldn't like the taste...laugh

RicJL's photo
Tue 05/20/08 11:39 AM

Start filming and adding a monologue in a French accent, "Zee ghreat whait shark is ze monarke of zee shark speciesa..."

nope...don't like the frenchdrinker smokin

Too bad, I'm doing my Cousteau imitation or I'm not getting in the cage. :tongue:

When you go, will you leave it open for me...the cage that is?

Depends...can you speak with a decent French accent?

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