Community > Posts By > Dav777

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:39 PM

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.

Then what good would free will be?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:38 PM

Which is it... it cannot be both?

Maybe free will is God's will.

Yeah. What good is love if it is forced?

What good is love to someone and found out that they are not the one you fell in love with, just the same face? For example, someone lied to you and later you found out that they were literally a different person? You got played.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:36 PM

If 'God' is perceiving itself through this human <existence>, as some have claimed, then why is that so? What logical construct can one use to arrive at this conclusion?

The common premise used, which supports pantheism, says if one is everything then one cannot be able to distinguish itself from itself. There can be no frame of reference, no <comparative> measure... if one is all. There is no line between something and nothing. One finger cannot point at itself.

I find that supporting claim to be a detriment...huh

So, if 'God' is indivisible, then all things must be of 'God'. Then what factor caused the need for this separate <existence>? Moreover, without an ability to distinguish, how could any need be addressed as such by this 'God'?

Before creation became realized, 'God' was everything. Therefore, 'God' was no individual thing. The ability to distinguish anything as separate requires the recognition; the difference between one's self and that which is other than... one's self. It <necessitates> separate cause or reason... a separate <existence>. Separate does not exist though, in this case.

Separate, or the illusion thereof, did not exist before creation, or the manifestation of it. Recognition requires individual experience, which requires a separate <existence>.

So if 'God' was all, and 'God' knew not itself. It would follow then that 'God' could not know this was the case.

Therefore, 'God' could not be the purposeful cause of it's own manifestation.

If 'God' needs a separate <existence> to experience and observe itself, then how does one logically conclude this need to be recognized before the manifestation of creation?

I recommend you get firefox instead of internet explorer... it has spell check with it! <misspelled word here that I corrected>. Anyway, those red lines are distracting to me! Now to read your post...

I don't believe in the first paragraph, moving on.

One is made up of three letters. Those letters of atoms... you get my picture!

Maybe we're God's little germs?

Maybe there was no beginning and man disrupted that thought... God didn't write the bible, man did. How do you know that the beginning wasn't just a dream? And God said that rest. But lets take God out of the picture. We would go back to the same thing, no one knows for sure. Lets go back to what we do know. The universe is vast. We have cells in our bodies, and the outside word (to our cells) is vast. How do you know that we're not just cells or germs to a larger body?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:27 PM

Which is it... it cannot be both?

Maybe free will is God's will.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:26 PM

God created this world as a perfect whole. He created the beautiful, harmonious world that man threw away -- the perfect world that we are longing to find again, the world for which we are all searching.

In this perfect world God placed a perfect man. Adam was perfect because nothing that God does can ever be less than perfect and upon this perfect man God bestowed not only the most precious gift of all--the gift of life eternal, He also gave him the gift of freedom. God gave to man the freedom of choice.

More to follow tomorrow, maybe. If we're lucky.

I think some people put their egoistic opinions in the bible. Riddle me this: If God man man perfect and man sins, is man really perfect? And for all the people who believe in Satan: If Satan is sin/evil and is the ruler of evil, did God create sin/evil when he created Satan?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:20 PM
Is it just me, or is there very very few topics here? NC asleep or do people here actually have lives? Or just not enough conversation topics to go around? SHH... Close your eyes and imagine a diamond. Hey I didn't say open your eyes again!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:16 PM
What if I'm not a lady? ;)

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:15 PM
I find politics boring...

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:14 PM
I'm bored too. I always find some sort of monkey to put on my shoulder and walk around like a pirate. I just have a problem when it snows... my monkey keeps falling off.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:12 PM
ok I've been sick for the past four days... and no one in that time could think of anything random? Ok, I'll see about working my magic.

Get this: There was once a Heretic farmer who lived on the outskirts of Muradia. He says "Three cents for an unconvinced murderer, and I'll see what I can do. If I had a phallic, I'd show you spock the bear in the underside of my left food and only comes out when it senses my significant other... My dreams can't be fulfilled and as untitled it may be, it sure is unconstitutional. And it as maniacal as the gray wanderer once said "The white upon the white folds in," if you know what I mean."

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:49 PM

Spartan, the God you speak of is not the God I know.
The God I know and serve is a just God.

Abra, now that you have shared more about your background, it sounds like your mom knew and loved this just God too.
But ,It is only your own perception and unbelief , that allows you to not see the truth about who God really is.

Before ,I thought perhaps you were just exposed to religion...hence the unbelif on your part.
But now, I think you have been exposed to the real and loving and just God,and not just religion... but just are not willing to accept Him for some reason.

Perhaps you blame God for decisions you made with your life?
Perhaps you unconciously are angry at Him ,also ?

When I was an Atheist, I hated it when people tried to label me as angry. I wasn't, just mislead. You can take a camel to water but you can not make them drink!

Totally agree, but a lot of people think that is where it ends...bringing a camel to water. But i believe it has to go have to jump in. And then they see how much fun you can have and WANT to join. JMHO.

Well it all depends. The camel might not drink still. And they might not be able to see you have fun because they are blind, or distracted by other things. Some people (like Autistics) don't have fun in social environments. We can see people have fun but we're more annoyed than anything.

That's when a little discernment comes into play. Even Autistics have things they like to do for fun...The pool was an analogy for life not meant to be taken literally. :smile:

Yes but our idea of fun is different, and it has to be timed right. Otherwise we're just annoyed. But no matter what the analogy is: People aren't always on your wave length. You have to find theirs (if it's even possible, for some) and take it down brick by brick.

Should have been more specific. Discernment=finding their wave lenght:smile:

Well sometimes trying you just annoy them because you're not able period! lol that's what I meant. Just let time take it's toll and they'll have to figure it out on their own. I'm going to bed now. Good night.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:47 PM
Say something random! Ok I'm going to bed now...

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:42 PM

huh why man? did your pet see you stroking the ol' salami? laugh

No I have a fetish with pussies.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:39 PM

Spartan, the God you speak of is not the God I know.
The God I know and serve is a just God.

Abra, now that you have shared more about your background, it sounds like your mom knew and loved this just God too.
But ,It is only your own perception and unbelief , that allows you to not see the truth about who God really is.

Before ,I thought perhaps you were just exposed to religion...hence the unbelif on your part.
But now, I think you have been exposed to the real and loving and just God,and not just religion... but just are not willing to accept Him for some reason.

Perhaps you blame God for decisions you made with your life?
Perhaps you unconciously are angry at Him ,also ?

When I was an Atheist, I hated it when people tried to label me as angry. I wasn't, just mislead. You can take a camel to water but you can not make them drink!

Totally agree, but a lot of people think that is where it ends...bringing a camel to water. But i believe it has to go have to jump in. And then they see how much fun you can have and WANT to join. JMHO.

Well it all depends. The camel might not drink still. And they might not be able to see you have fun because they are blind, or distracted by other things. Some people (like Autistics) don't have fun in social environments. We can see people have fun but we're more annoyed than anything.

That's when a little discernment comes into play. Even Autistics have things they like to do for fun...The pool was an analogy for life not meant to be taken literally. :smile:

Yes but our idea of fun is different, and it has to be timed right. Otherwise we're just annoyed. But no matter what the analogy is: People aren't always on your wave length. You have to find theirs (if it's even possible, for some) and take it down brick by brick.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:37 PM
no because there is no normal, only a range. And some are REALLY out there!

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:36 PM

this is a shocker..........

a pet saw you masturbating?
((((Peccy)))) Sweetheart you have way to much time on your hands babe...Or is that....OMG it is, Quick get the dog to lick it off!!laugh laugh :wink:

laugh laugh laugh i don't think thats time on his hands

Is that hair gel?

laugh laugh laugh laugh the best on the market

Good, maybe I'll use it in my pets hair.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:35 PM

men don't experiment, we perfect it.....

that we do

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:35 PM

I dont think it deserves punishment. It's just one of those things that most everyone experiments with.

Ever seen south park? RED ROCKET!

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:34 PM

Spartan, the God you speak of is not the God I know.
The God I know and serve is a just God.

Abra, now that you have shared more about your background, it sounds like your mom knew and loved this just God too.
But ,It is only your own perception and unbelief , that allows you to not see the truth about who God really is.

Before ,I thought perhaps you were just exposed to religion...hence the unbelif on your part.
But now, I think you have been exposed to the real and loving and just God,and not just religion... but just are not willing to accept Him for some reason.

Perhaps you blame God for decisions you made with your life?
Perhaps you unconciously are angry at Him ,also ?

When I was an Atheist, I hated it when people tried to label me as angry. I wasn't, just mislead. You can take a camel to water but you can not make them drink!

Totally agree, but a lot of people think that is where it ends...bringing a camel to water. But i believe it has to go have to jump in. And then they see how much fun you can have and WANT to join. JMHO.

Well it all depends. The camel might not drink still. And they might not be able to see you have fun because they are blind, or distracted by other things. Some people (like Autistics) don't have fun in social environments. We can see people have fun but we're more annoyed than anything.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:31 PM

this is a shocker..........

a pet saw you masturbating?
((((Peccy)))) Sweetheart you have way to much time on your hands babe...Or is that....OMG it is, Quick get the dog to lick it off!!laugh laugh :wink:

laugh laugh laugh i don't think thats time on his hands

Is that hair gel?