Community > Posts By > Dav777

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:41 PM

You guys know that the Puritans were the ones who burnt children at the stake for playing in the woods and singing about anything except God, right? Is that how you want this country to be?

Salem witch trials every night?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:40 PM

I think the original version didn't have the Under God in it. Congress stuck it in in the 50s, I think. But, I could be wrong.

We used to say this pledge every morning in primary school when I was growing up in the 60s. I went to the Dow Avenue school in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Although it was 46 years ago, it seems like only yesterday at times.

And richard stanz is still around.

No you are correct there.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:39 PM

Under which God? The God in the Pledge of Allegiance, of course!

God is such a generic name. If you really want to say anything, say Yahweh. But I think it was Jesus who said something like "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." In other words: God and government are separate.

the problem is that some view under God as the <Christian> God and some don't <believe> in a god at all. this country has freedom of religion and because of that...they have separation of church and state.

God is a god. God god gods. The problem is the part in the constitution where it says "Freedom of Religion." And where the court legally named Atheism a religion. "God" or "god(s)" doesn't fit.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:36 PM

in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word".

not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country.

Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else.

your kidding right? are you really that ignorant? it's in the damn decloration of independence that there is a devision of church and state as well as no person being descriminated against for their beliefs and you have the balls to say that? do you even have the slightest clue what your talking about at all?

Rather than calling people names and putting them down maybe it would be better for you to be informed before launching into a war of words. Here is your answer.
Going back to the high school history lesson you will remember that the first amendment came about as a jab at England, where a person was expected to accept the church of England. The puritans, some of whom came here, did so to avoid persecution in a land where they could worship freely. So begins the story of the USA. bigsmile

I hope you do know that wiki info can be given from anyone, even the illiterate (who know how to type!). But another HS history lesson: Why did they flee to the US? and How many of our founding fathers were not Christian?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:32 PM


Now that everbody is thinkin'...

Would it be ok if I just built a sandbox over there--------->

So I can make some sandcastles with moats and stuff?


Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:30 PM

Under which God? The God in the Pledge of Allegiance, of course!

God is such a generic name. If you really want to say anything, say Yahweh. But I think it was Jesus who said something like "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." In other words: God and government are separate.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:27 PM

Yep, you're right. He doesn't like that sin stuff at all. he's not perfect at tolerating sin in the least.

You suck. Seriously... who taught you the bible? God forgives all sins! Duh he does have a tolerance.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:20 PM

Not Satan, the Roomba, man! Satan leaves potato chips all over the place anyway.

Ah, so you have Schizophrenia?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:20 PM

Yashua called my God my God because God had forsaken him at that time. That was the plan. Yashua took on the sin of the world. A perfect God can't abide sin, so his perfect son then became the perfect sacrifice. He died and rose again afterwards. It's a great story. You should read the book sometime.

And guess who he did this for? For you. For me. For everyone. If you want to take advantage of this, all you have to do is ask, determine to follow him, and confess it publicly. Then get baptized by immersion, receive the spirit and follow through: worship, fellowship, learn, minister and work on your mission.

Good luck to you. Let me know if you need help, prayer, advice of whatever.

Or not.

But I hope not.

That didn't sound like a plan... or you just don't make much sense.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:18 PM

How do you clean your house without robots?

So Satan's the house cleaner?????

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:17 PM

I'm gonna live forever, gang, if I have anything to say about it. And I have someone to help me with the project. I get closer every day, and I'm gonna take a whole lot of people with me, too, if it's at all possible. It could happen!

I think you're a fake.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:15 PM

in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word".

not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country.

Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else.

your kidding right? are you really that ignorant? it's in the damn decloration of independence that there is a devision of church and state as well as no person being descriminated against for their beliefs and you have the balls to say that? do you even have the slightest clue what your talking about at all?

Some people need a history lesson. I mean... why was USA founded again? Freedom of Religion! Not to Colonize for Christianity... uh... I hope people see the difference in those two different wording!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:10 PM

This country was founded by our forefathers who followed the inate principals of God. If it was good enough for our founding fathers to put it in that should be left that way.....And it is way off the OP somehow......


Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:01 PM
lol I'm from VA though... Richmond originally then Danville, VA but that was... 14 years ago in Richmond and seven since I lived in Danville lol.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:59 PM

With hurricanes,<tornadoes>, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of

If it's God's will, will it matter?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:58 PM

Free will is something God has given us and has blessed us with. I use mine to chose to follow him, to read his word, to pray to him, to fellowship with others, to minister to my fellow believers and to engage in mission, spreading the word about God to others.

Free will is used during our time here during our test, as God gives us trust with the resources we have and during our temporary assignment on earth.

What will you use your free will for?

As a Psychology major, I can't believe in free will. I think it's a part of man in the bible, not of God. Because if it's God's will then it is not yours. And I have Autism, which means that I can not function normally in society as far as communication goes. My walk, my senses, my speech, and my perception is different. Different for me and different for others when they view me. I also have ADHD. This means I can't control my impulses (emotions), so when I get angry I react instead of think. When I'm sad, I react instead of think. When i get hyper I run around and do things a kid would do. But I have natural intelligence so I can combat these things, to some extent. The other extent is meds and counseling. Now if we're all predestined by genetics (intelligence, Autism, ADHD, and etc) where is free will? No where, only God's will. We are more like pawns to react. Riddle me this: If God is all powerful and knows everything that will happen AND made you, can you do something that he will not expect? That is, if you REALLY wanted to.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:50 PM

I agree we are all one in a sense. We are all created from the same creator but we are all obviously seperate. Maybe I don't understand the question really.

I don't want to be like some and be judgmental even if I think they are wrong. There are many who think I am wrong. I can imagine a God without human traits by thinking of a living coral reef maybe.

But if he didn't have human qualities why would he want to create humans? That to me doesn't make any sense.

If you're bored, would you want to stare at your leg all day?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:45 PM
Near Raleigh, about 20 mins maybe.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:42 PM

Any ladies in here looking for a relationship, hit me up

Um... What if I'm not a lady? ;) Best you find your own gloryhole!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 06:40 PM
nm just college seeking and occupying space.