Community > Posts By > Dav777

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:30 PM

if you walked in on a kid jerking off to an s&m magazine would you try and spank him??????????

lol exactly... OOO thanks daddy!

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:28 PM
*Spank "Bad boy!" ok I'm going to stop there, I have a sick mind...

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:27 PM
no I'd be too distracted with what I was doing... And I don't have pets anymore. I wonder why...

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:24 PM

Spartan, the God you speak of is not the God I know.
The God I know and serve is a just God.

Abra, now that you have shared more about your background, it sounds like your mom knew and loved this just God too.
But ,It is only your own perception and unbelief , that allows you to not see the truth about who God really is.

Before ,I thought perhaps you were just exposed to religion...hence the unbelif on your part.
But now, I think you have been exposed to the real and loving and just God,and not just religion... but just are not willing to accept Him for some reason.

Perhaps you blame God for decisions you made with your life?
Perhaps you unconciously are angry at Him ,also ?

When I was an Atheist, I hated it when people tried to label me as angry. I wasn't, just mislead. You can take a camel to water but you can not make them drink!

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:22 PM

This thread is long long overdue....People are always asking why can't you just agree to disagree on your religious long as I have been doing this thread (10 years) it will never happen...

So this thread is for all the different diverse people to get to know the person......I don't want to know what religion you are. I don't want to know your beliefs.

I want to know the person behind it...What makes you tick? What makes you unique so to speak....

This is for fun people..get to know each other chat..and just for once have fun...

I like to argue... a LOT! But what makes me tick... ADHD and Autism mostly. I mean I literally tic, as in stereotypical movements... If I put a hood over my head, I'm the night owl! "I take my gun and I kickem in the head!"

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:18 PM

when a child is abducted,raped and killed
when so many bad things happen to really good people and yet child molesters and rapest and murderers go on doing what they do
where is this so called great and loving god
we are on our own here people
and if there really is some kind of god out there
letting these things happen i'll be damned if i will worship him or even want to be with him when i pass on

Who are you? Who have you wronged? Ok I'll get to my point: Most of what you said people do to people. Lets try the weather aspect. A tornado comes in, crushes a house and the family is penned under and suffers before they die. That would be a better example! But why would God change what he set in motion? What fun would it be if we had no pain? With no pain, how would we know joy and happiness? Now you can ask "well what was the point of them dying?" Cause of nature. And did the people decide to live there, in a place that they knew had tornadoes?

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:14 PM

I've been going to a friend's Church. They are UPC. My friend told me I needed to wear a long skirt. I don't wear short skirts anyway, but I like wearing dress pants. Their reasoning is that men will lust if you wear pants.

I say if a man is going to lust it doesn't matter how much clothes a woman puts on? What do you think?

If you're a woman, men will lust after you. If you're hot, men will lust after you. If you're not fat, men will lust after you. If you are fat, men will lust after you. Hell some people have fetishes with certain cloths. Lets said a huge thick coat! Why worry about what other people will do when you have a plank in your eye?

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:11 PM
Think on this. If God created Satan (Most Christians would agree.)

Now clear your mind...

Most Christians would agree that Satan is evil! And that he is sin.

Does this sound right? God created Satan = evil/sin?

Personally I don't think that there is a Satan, doesn't make sense. God knows everything, so he'd know he'd be creating Satan/evil/sin. So why would he? What would be the purpose?

Now if you go back and remove Satan. There's God, then there's sin (going against God). Must more logical.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:04 PM

Because he was pointing out the God part?
huh What God and what country???huh Who is this "we" he keeps talking about? huh

Abaca pyro!

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:03 PM

everyone chooses what they do. You cannot say a person is not free just because they dont live in america. They have the choice to live where ever they want - where there is a will there is a way.

Psychology 101: Autistic people do not choose to tap their fingers/hands and wave them about. We just do without thinking! Then those of us with ADHD don't choose to get distracted or loose things, we do. If you say someone is free, they're dead. Think on that one ;)

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 11:02 PM

not all people are equal or free

americans have it easy we can say, think and do what we want

not every human lives in america so refine that statement

you can be born free and never know freedom

You can also be born disabled... Like with a hunch back or ADHD/Autism.
that is an awfully beguiling smile in your pic...what are you trying to hide...are you an ex-con?devil

No, I just hacked up my wife in AR. She always wanted to go to China, so I sent her big toe there. The rest went to the moon, Osama, and Ben Franklin.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:58 PM
yep, I'm usually 5-20 minutes early. It depends... I'll know if I get distracted, I'll loose track of time. So that tends to be a 40-50 minute wait when someone's just 30 mins lol.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:51 PM
I triangle made of 000111!

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:50 PM
My chair won't stop squeaking! Anyway, I'll talk to anyone that has anything to say. Unless they get boring and can't say anything but "hey" or "nm." For example: "What did you do today?" nm.


Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:46 PM

So getting your tonsils out isn't so bad afterall.

Im just back to work today and back in the swing of things.

lol I might need to get mine removed. But I dare not: no insurance and my tissue isn't quite normal... Or I might just have a cold.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:45 PM

Americans that is. Put a man on the moon?

No the Japanese blew it up and built a new one before we even noticed.

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:44 PM

I was wondering if any has any success stories?

I was always weirded out by the whole internet thing but then met someone on here. Now we have a real relationship and i'm so happy for the first time in a long time.

Anyone else had success?

YES! That's why I'm here... Actually I have met a few women, they tended to be psychos. Had one cry when I took her to the natural bridge and say I didn't love her... it was where she always wanted to go lol. Must have been Bi-polar. The only sane one I've met was through my family...

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:42 PM

I told some guy that I didn't want to have sex with him. All he does is IM me and hit on me so so so much. To the point where I had to get angry and yell at him to leave me alone.

I blocked him, but he keeps looking at my profile ><


At least you haven't forgotten to eat something today... I should get a late night snack. Wait that was yesterday! Yoohoos are so tasty though...

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:39 PM
I used to have a cat... it died. The other one got pregnant, those kittens had incest and more kittens. Never try to skin your cat to see what it tastes like when cooked on a grill while you're drunk. You'll fail and run off crying! But she'll love you even more ;)

Dav777's photo
Tue 03/25/08 10:37 PM
Because he was pointing out the God part?