Community > Posts By > Dav777

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:47 PM

When my mind is blank, as it often is, I get into my head for some serious introspection. Occasionally I find more than cobwebs, like the time I found that missing sock that I thought was lost in the laundry. Whodathunk it? laugh laugh laugh

Those cobwebs, for me, turn into Psychological concepts... even if I haven't read about them yet................

I should be so fortunate. The best I can hope for is hearing the script of Forest Gump playing between my ears. Sucks getting old.bigsmile

I usually hear music between my ears...

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:43 PM

in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word".

not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country.

Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else.

Our founding fathers were political prisioners who were banished from their respective countries. Have you read a history book?


Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:42 PM
Need a new hobby? GO TO EBAY! Joy.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:41 PM

When my mind is blank, as it often is, I get into my head for some serious introspection. Occasionally I find more than cobwebs, like the time I found that missing sock that I thought was lost in the laundry. Whodathunk it? laugh laugh laugh

Those cobwebs, for me, turn into Psychological concepts... even if I haven't read about them yet................

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:40 PM


Thanks Dav777... :wink:

Any time!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:39 PM
nm Mozart FTW too! Alla Turca!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:38 PM

I have given it some thought after reading some definitions of what pantheism is and is not and since I don't follow some people's idea of what pantheism is,... (A.E. the Nature collective) I am hereby shedding that label.

I haven't decided if I am an atheist or an agnostic when it comes to God.... so I guess since I can't prove God one way or another I guess I will have to say that I am agnostic.... (unless of course I am actually God.) I don't want to be God, so I am going to settle on agnostic.

In any case, I probably shouldn't even be posting in the religion forums. This makes the third time in my life I have adjusted my core belief system. It now stands at: I don't know.

In not knowing, I find myself with nothing to discuss.


laugh laugh laugh Not to make light of your dilemma Jeannie as I feel you are sincere but why do you feel the need to label yourself? Be yourself and follow your heart. Answers come in due time. flowerforyou

It's not for me, its for all those other people who insist on a label.

It's not really a dilemma, actually I feel rather grounded now.bigsmile

Anybody wanna party? smokin

... (puts on her shades and turns up the music...)

I get drunk, feel like listening to music... But I always forget! ... I'll go ahead and put some on so I won't forget again. Tool FTW!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:35 PM

I have given it some thought after reading some definitions of what pantheism is and is not and since I don't follow some people's idea of what pantheism is,... (A.E. the Nature collective) I am hereby shedding that label.

I haven't decided if I am an atheist or an agnostic when it comes to God.... so I guess since I can't prove God one way or another I guess I will have to say that I am agnostic.... (unless of course I am actually God.) I don't want to be God, so I am going to settle on agnostic.

In any case, I probably shouldn't even be posting in the religion forums. This makes the third time in my life I have adjusted my core belief system. It now stands at: I don't know.

In not knowing, I find myself with nothing to discuss.


Legally you can post in a religious form!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:34 PM
PS: No, thats when I show you: You're brains where your shoes should be!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:33 PM

no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

Sounds like in order for "state" and "religion" to be separated... one must have no religion governed onto him. Correct? Thus the US government can not choose a religion without being bias and enforcing that religion. Or else they will be "compelled to frequent or support any religious worship"

Hmmmm a Virginia statute. What is your argument?

What's yours?

Stay with the program son. I? <You> misquoted the first amendment concerning state sponsored religion, claiming its meaning to be separation of church and state which, for the record, I agree with and when i explained the history of the first amendment you posted a Virginia statute which has no relevance pertaining to the first amendment of the constitution. Again, what is your argument? Is this where you throw out a "Look! Your shoes are untied!" and run? :wink:

Only if you do. I looked at the link you gave me and there I beheld that quotation!

Anyway, either way you look at it... that quotation defines this:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

AKA a government means to govern: to tell people what to do. If that government is govern by a religion... well I hope you see the problem in that and the quotation above!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:25 PM

Ya know Jeannie,

There is a woman whom I love so so dearly, she is I... in so many ways... we are of one, and have been for what seems like an eternity.

This woman who reminded me who I was gets bothered by witnessing my participation in threads such as this, where it seems like my goal is to de-construct one's beliefs. It is very hard for some to perceive what I do, and why. In my mind there lies something that I am aware of but cannot describe. At times, I work backwards to the goal of assessing the conclusion, should a conclusion have been previously drawn.

I have never thought inside of a box. I have never been a follower. It is not in me. I know not of that existence. I cannot comprehend things unless they go through the mill of my mind.

It is dangerous ground to walk upon out loud...

There is much to be risked, regarding both, how I am being perceived, and another's learned stability, should one's reality be completely wrapped up into that which I contemplate out loud.

There are no rights and wrongs, per se...

I steer clear of those terms as often as my conscious mind allows...

There is evidence of that which is greater than us, and we all assess it within our own measure of ability, according to that which we have already accepted as our own personal truth.

If it brings good upon the face of this earth... do it.


Better spelling but I'm too drunk now to read AND comprehend all of that...

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:15 PM

Oh....thank you wise spell checker...

I humbly bow to your services...:wink:

Where is the saw?

Spell checker? Thank firefox, I just right click! BTW: It's in your ankle, you can dig in with your teeth to find it!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 08:13 PM

no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

Sounds like in order for "state" and "religion" to be separated... one must have no religion governed onto him. Correct? Thus the US government can not choose a religion without being bias and enforcing that religion. Or else they will be "compelled to frequent or support any religious worship"

Hmmmm a Virginia statute. What is your argument?

What's yours?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:57 PM
lol k, just checking. I've been near Asheville on my way back/to college.

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:55 PM

Curiously how does an illiterate person know what they are typing? Don't you think the ability to read would be a prerequisite?

Copy and paste!

Look up illiteracy. You will understand it. An illiterate person will be wowed by the pictures alone. laugh Like Homer says..... Mmmmmmmm doughnuts! laugh

*Sigh* some people just don't know how to use their brains. If I say that illiterate people can put things online. And that they copy/paste. Don't you think that they would have someone else pointing their finger and directing them?

Illiteracy: Not able to read or write! What does that have to do with selecting a body of words and pasting them? CTRL + C and CTRL + V! Point and click...... I'm dumbfounded by what you replied with... shame shame!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:52 PM
no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.

Sounds like in order for "state" and "religion" to be separated... one must have no religion governed onto him. Correct? Thus the US government can not choose a religion without being bias and enforcing that religion. Or else they will be "compelled to frequent or support any religious worship"

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:47 PM

Curiously how does an illiterate person know what they are typing? Don't you think the ability to read would be a prerequisite?

Copy and paste!

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:46 PM

in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word".

not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country.

Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else.

your kidding right? are you really that ignorant? it's in the damn decloration of independence that there is a devision of church and state as well as no person being descriminated against for their beliefs and you have the balls to say that? do you even have the slightest clue what your talking about at all?

Rather than calling people names and putting them down maybe it would be better for you to be informed before launching into a war of words. Here is your answer.
Going back to the high school history lesson you will remember that the first amendment came about as a jab at England, where a person was expected to accept the church of England. The puritans, some of whom came here, did so to avoid persecution in a land where they could worship freely. So begins the story of the USA. bigsmile

I hope you do know that wiki info can be given from anyone, even the illiterate (who know how to type!). But another HS history lesson: Why did they flee to the US? and How many of our founding fathers were not Christian?

I can help you. Type "separation of church and state" in that little box in the upper right and click on the little magnifying glass. You will find all of the links. They all cite the first amendment verbatim. No, they all weren't Christians. How does that pertain to the first amendment and no STATE SPONSORED RELIGION? Remember what they did to non-Christians in merry olde England as well as the Puritans? Do your own homework. It makes for a more interesting discussion. drinker

What once was a little snow ball is now an avalanche. Have fun ;)

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:44 PM

Matt 4:5-7
the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, "If You are the Son of Yahweh, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

'He shall give His angels charge over you,'


'In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone .'"

7 Yahshua said to him, "It is written again, 'You shall not tempt Yahweh your Elohim..'"

Now who can show me where the scripture that Satan quoted if found,fullfilled. If you can't then how can he be the Messiah.. Find it..a good search..Blessings..Miles

Dash your foot against a stone? You know that the prophets spoke in metaphors. Could the stone be The stone? Could it be talking about the resurrection?

Dav777's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:44 PM

Matt 4:5-7
the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, "If You are the Son of Yahweh, throw Yourself down. For it is written:

'He shall give His angels charge over you,'


'In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone .'"

7 Yahshua said to him, "It is written again, 'You shall not tempt Yahweh your Elohim..'"

Now who can show me where the scripture that Satan quoted if found,fullfilled. If you can't then how can he be the Messiah.. Find it..a good search..Blessings..Miles

Dash your foot against a stone? You know that the prophets spoke in metaphors. Could the stone be The stone? Could it be talking about the resurrection?