Community > Posts By > mamacat2007

mamacat2007's photo
Wed 06/11/08 06:35 AM

Ask her if she is taken?

happy LOVE the hair....Wish i coudl get those kinds of curls
flowerforyou Lucky young lady

mamacat2007's photo
Sat 06/07/08 09:18 AM

Don't mind the barage of insults thrown at you. The finger pointing makes them no better.
. Add to your faith dear girl. Be the light in a darkness. God bless...

:heart: :heart: :heart:

THANK YOU a hundred times come your so far 1 of 2 who can answer my question with out reading into it?? your a genius...I KNEW it wasnt that hard but was beinging to wonder
YOUR answer was PERFECT..THANK YOU<THANK YOU THANK YOUflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

mamacat2007's photo
Sat 06/07/08 09:15 AM

Christians don't have a monopoly on manners, on decency or on respect. If no one else agrees with me, I know of at least one girl who once volunteered at a camp--where a man betrayed her while the ink was barely dry on a creed affirmation he had no intention of honoring.


yawn To HOPEFULLY put a end to this nonsense..FIRST I DID NOT say that ONLY christians could have those principles..I said it SEEMS they are the only ones who UNDERSTAND...ohwell
in an earlier post I said that there are MANY people who CLAIM to be christians and DO NOT live the way Jesus intended us to,those pepole piss me off..THIRD I NEVER claimed to be a representative of the christian faith ( IM STILL trying to figure out how ANYONE read that into it!!!!!!!)
All I can ever hope for people who haev ahd bad experiences such as yourself is that you remeber people are failable and people are NOT GOD dont judge GOD or the christian faith based on HUMAN actions..flowerforyou

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 10:01 AM

I will give you the fact that it could have been stated in a diffrent way although I dont see how correcting others misconceptions of what I said is being disrespectfull

I don't find you correcting others misconceptions disrespectful, I find your opinion disrespectful.
Now let's move on to what I interpreted your question to really be....(I of course am going to answer from the Christian perspective...all others are going to have a field day I'm SURE) I would agree that it SEEMS like the core values have gone away but if you think about it, these battles have been going on since the fall of man and those core values will continue to dwindle until the second coming.

Disrespect not intended nor would I have posted it if I imagined it could have been taken that way.. What you say is true it has been going on for ages and will just baffles me when I see it on a large scale

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:38 AM

it seems as if only truely dedicated christians understand these things..

This is where you said it. I am aware that you are only stating an opinion. However, I find your opinion offensive. In MY opinion, you are not extending common decenscy nor common courtesy to other people who may not share your religious views. Some of the most wonderful people I have ever met have not been christian and some of the most dispicable people I have met have stood on the pulpit. I think the more appropriate question should have been, "I have noticed that common decensy, common courtesy and honesty have become a lost art. Where, when and how, in your opinion, did the breakdown in these core values happen? Did the MAJORITY of the worlds population ever really have them? Or is this just a battle that the world has been fighting since the beginning of time?"

I will give you the fact that it could have been stated in a diffrent way although I dont see how correcting others misconceptions of what I said is being disrespectfull

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:34 AM

I would give an opinion and agree with you that older people do get unyielding but i would probably get clobbered for that too
nothing personall...just in shock

Well as it's only me left here...I think you're safe enough lol

And see...all's well that ends well :D No harm done, I'm sure, inadvertantly, your question was answered and it's purely as individual as everything else laugh

Good luck!! flowerforyou

Those who cant handle the truth or even an opinion leave reall sin if you stand strong against it you will over come

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:30 AM

SO silly me Im asking to much for people to take things for what they are not what they THINK it is???:tongue:

?? But...isn't that what you did? You asked a question, based upon what you think...but then don't want others to respond based upon what they think it is...

In that sort of a one can win :(

OF course its ok to respond with what you think just only comment on what was ACTUALLY said with out adding to it..I never knew it was so hard:tongue:

Ok...but my point is, you interpreted things that one a truely devote christian seems to have those ethics...that was your opinion based upon what you've personally seen, read, experienced, etc. Well...based upon what you wrote, people interpreted it the way they saw things to be (i.e. the way they saw what you were trying to say) doesn't make the way they see it correct or was just the way they understood your post. An opinion, based upon information they were given. Not everyone processes the information in the same way. So...basically, you were stating an opinion, based upon information and your interpretation of that (which isn't wrong..that's your opinion/interpretation) but then get upset when others mis-interpret what you were trying to say. Their own opinion. Which isn't wrong was just taken in a slightly different manner than you intended. those people, they did comment on what they believed was actually said. Same as you commented on what you believe to be true, based upon your personal experiences. Nobody is right or wrong...everyone's just processed their given information in different ways...resulting in a difference of opinion and a misunderstanding of context.

Uh yea an you can believe i wont make the mistake again to assume people can respond to comments of ANY SUBJECT NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS ONE****** based ONLY on what was wrote.
If they had used there opinions,beliefs and experiences to answer the question AS WRITTEN then there would not have been a problem

I'm not trying to argue with I don't know why you're shouting at me...? I'm merely trying to explain from a non-biased viewpoint what happened...but people seem hell bent on arguing today. So...based upon that experience...I give up. It's becoming my opinion, that the older you get...the more passive-aggressive you become, resulting in highly argumentative people with strong and unyeilding opinions....*note to self....don't get older...keep open mind...stay calm and cool and collected...woohoo!* lol

I hope your day gets better for you, and sorry if it seemed I was trying to argue with you, resulting in you yelling. That was certainly not the case, I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say.

flower for you in hopes your day goes better. flowerforyou

I would give an opinion and agree with you that older people do get unyielding but i would probably get clobbered for that too
nothing personall...just in shock

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:27 AM

PLEASE, I BEG YOU ALL....... let it go, let it die.......... flowerforyou

Im stubborn...when they drop it and be nice I will...made it through life so far being stubborn:smile:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:24 AM

you do have to get in line for the marriage proposals though!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Shucks thats always my luck:wink:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:23 AM

SO silly me Im asking to much for people to take things for what they are not what they THINK it is???:tongue:

?? But...isn't that what you did? You asked a question, based upon what you think...but then don't want others to respond based upon what they think it is...

In that sort of a one can win :(

OF course its ok to respond with what you think just only comment on what was ACTUALLY said with out adding to it..I never knew it was so hard:tongue:

Ok...but my point is, you interpreted things that one a truely devote christian seems to have those ethics...that was your opinion based upon what you've personally seen, read, experienced, etc. Well...based upon what you wrote, people interpreted it the way they saw things to be (i.e. the way they saw what you were trying to say) doesn't make the way they see it correct or was just the way they understood your post. An opinion, based upon information they were given. Not everyone processes the information in the same way. So...basically, you were stating an opinion, based upon information and your interpretation of that (which isn't wrong..that's your opinion/interpretation) but then get upset when others mis-interpret what you were trying to say. Their own opinion. Which isn't wrong was just taken in a slightly different manner than you intended. those people, they did comment on what they believed was actually said. Same as you commented on what you believe to be true, based upon your personal experiences. Nobody is right or wrong...everyone's just processed their given information in different ways...resulting in a difference of opinion and a misunderstanding of context.

Uh yea an you can believe i wont make the mistake again to assume people can respond to comments of ANY SUBJECT NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS ONE****** based ONLY on what was wrote.
If they had used there opinions,beliefs and experiences to answer the question AS WRITTEN then there would not have been a problem

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:19 AM

Im sometimes smarter than a 5th grader!!!:wink: laugh drinker

I watch the show an dont know if I could win...glad you can though..invite me to coffe with the winnings *hug*

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:17 AM

Since when did common decency,common courtsey and honesty become a lost art?? it seems as if only truely dedicated christians understand these things.. i was brought up that this is how life IS not an option..The bible says "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (ok pretty close) WHY does this seem to be so hard for many to understand ???DID I lose sight of what is going on??

OK I consider myself to be a christian and this pisses even ME off!!! I do agree with you that common decenscy, common courtesy and honesty have gone on the wayside. HOWEVER, Christians are not the only ones that have these traits. Just like it is not only the Christians that are guilty of making such hypocritical, self righteous, judgemental and idiotic statements like "it seems as if only truely dedicated christians understand these things"

WHERE DID I SAY that christians were the ONLY ones who is my experience that they are ..excetra
taking it and adding to it again

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:13 AM

SO silly me Im asking to much for people to take things for what they are not what they THINK it is???:tongue:

?? But...isn't that what you did? You asked a question, based upon what you think...but then don't want others to respond based upon what they think it is...

In that sort of a one can win :(

OF course its ok to respond with what you think just only comment on what was ACTUALLY said with out adding to it..I never knew it was so hard:tongue:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:12 AM

i am definately a fan of native american religion...the Great Spirit (bows) which also includes mayan aztec..ect.... i cant wait till the volcano spits out a virgin and it lands in my bed upstairs thru the open roof

yeah i wrote fairy tales in another

would you like fries with that?

sorry hair trigger

Got any male virgins in there??:wink:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:11 AM

I agree!!! All people should be over their ex and the feelings before they try and get into a new relationship.drinker

MY GOD someone gets it!!!!!:heart: :heart: :heart:
I think Im in lovelaugh :wink:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:09 AM
SO silly me Im asking to much for people to take things for what they are not what they THINK it is???:tongue:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:08 AM

I respect your right as a christion to believe what U do as long as U respect mine as a Lakota to believe what I do!!!flowerforyou

Absolutely...I am NOT going to give any opinion here positive or otherwise for it may be taken AGIAN out fo context..but if your soul feels happy then its right for you

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:05 AM
Get out the whips and chains and critics

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:05 AM

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:05 AM
OOPS forgive me

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