Community > Posts By > mamacat2007

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:04 AM
Ok for all you objectors out there wiht out ANY opinions of my own given the question should have been..
Why does society seem to have lost a lot of values especially honesty,that used to be so common and when did it happen?

is that better?

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 09:00 AM

ok I resent that statment. I am a very dedicated, respectful, honest, and courteous person without being a christian.

I'm with you Jilly. drinker

OH boy here we go agian I DID NOT say you had to be a christian to be a good person I said that it SEEMS they are the only ones who find those qualities to be a good,normall and regular part of life
but that's not true

What do you mean by "but that's not true"?

If you are saying that when she said "OH boy here we go agian I DID NOT say you had to be a christian to be a good person I said that it SEEMS they are the only ones who find those qualities to be a good,normall and regular part of life" it wasn't true, then you are wrong.

it seems as if only truely dedicated christians understand these things.

I said it's not true because she STILL said it SEEMS that only Christians are the ones that have those qualities

What? Seems means that she perceives it that way. Unless you are omniscient, then you have no place telling anyone what he/she thinks or believes.

NO I dont feel like Im being attacked only flustered that so many people could put there won twist on things said and not take it as it is say someone implys something is saying you interpeted it in this way or that and NOT that i was wrote that way..I write exactly word for word what i mean..I dont imply anything..I have no reason to when I can be honest about what Im saying

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:55 AM

First peice of advice would be to realize we are NOT you,we dont know you,your quirks,what sets you off and so on..Geez just tell us so we DO know . 2nd ,if you were recently out of any kind of relationship YOU DONT BELONG HERE..get yourself together and deal with the issues BEFORE trying dating againmad Most of us out here have already dealt with the situation that caused us to be single and really dont want to hear again and again about how much of a B**** your ex is,how she screwed you over excetra..Sharing is one thing, complaining is with it an move on..honesty..if you say you like us and want to see us again..make SURE you mean it and follow through..there are wonderfull inventions called,telephones,Instant messaging (often can be found free in places )text message,tell a friedn what ever so you can let the other person know your not available like you thought you would be.. NEVER just dissappear after saying you like and want to see someone again These things used to be called COMMON COURTSEY , COMMON SENSE and HONESTY I am learning those values dont exsist very much now a daysexplode
Seriously people, if you wouldnt want someone to any given thing to you,lie to you,disrespect you excetra then treat others the same way


Sounds like you need to step back and look at your own life.

WHERE did I say that there was ANY time frame involved???reading into it something that was NOT said.... again

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:53 AM

Since when did common decency,common courtsey and honesty become a lost art?? it seems as if only truely dedicated christians understand these things..

Partial Quote

She did says seems...but then again she said only truly dedicated Christians --- Hello, did I miss the fact that people who are not "truly dedicated christians can understand"?

LOL you got me on that oneflowerforyou

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:52 AM

Stop trying to back peddle. You implied your meaning with the word's you chose.

Implying nly happens when someone reads into it and doesnt take it for face value

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:51 AM

you are awesome..jill

too bad people "like you" only comprise 1% of the world...

:wink: :wink:

All I can say is that if Christianity is working for you, than more power to you. But even tho you have met many people, you have limited experience in the world as a whole ( as do I and most people in general)
Your religion should add to the person you are, reflect how you are and your beliefs. It should not determine whether or not you are a good person. flowerforyou I see what you are saying, or trying to say. My advice to you is to try to keep more of an open mind and allow for other ideas and possibilitiesflowerforyou

My sarcastic arent we??? You couldnt refute the fact that I dont need statistics to give an OPINION so you turn to sarcasim..If you dont like what i say why are you reading it?

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:48 AM

All I can say is that if Christianity is working for you, than more power to you. But even tho you have met many people, you have limited experience in the world as a whole ( as do I and most people in general)
Your religion should add to the person you are, reflect how you are and your beliefs. It should not determine whether or not you are a good person. flowerforyou I see what you are saying, or trying to say. My advice to you is to try to keep more of an open mind and allow for other ideas and possibilitiesflowerforyou

UMM OKhuh back to I DID NOT say that they are the ONLY ones who are good (where did anyone get that?) there fore my mind is open..I KNOW and didnt think it would be so blown out of context and read into then given someone elses twist when I said IT SEEMS to me christians are.....excetra

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:45 AM

Even christians can make bad people. I've seen it time and time again but I don't hold it against all of them.

I completely agree with you MANY people are very bad representatives of what GOD intended a christian to be that is why i am against any one "thumping" as it was put there idea of religion into anyone else

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:44 AM

HEY LADY, GO THUMP YOUR BIBLE ELSEWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! it or she just may thump you in the head with it. lol

ohhh can I??laugh

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:43 AM


Last i checked this was a RELGION chat area..where else do bibles and thumping belong?? DID I say that ANYONE was bad?? NO DID I say anyone was going to hell or anything close to it?? NO
read it for what it is NOT what you think it says

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:41 AM

I chose to be a Christian, but I already owned those attributes. It's not a Christian thing. It's a humanity thing. I'm sorry you feel that only devout Christians live by the "rules". I just absolutely don't agree with you. Seems prejudiced. But, love you still. You kind of opened a can of worms here. Please try to see it's an individual attribute or lacking. flowerforyou

OH hello?? DID I say ANYWHERE that ONLY christians could have those ethics???

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:40 AM

what is the source of your statistics???

ok I resent that statment. I am a very dedicated, respectful, honest, and courteous person without being a christian.

flowerforyou ok then your of the 1% blessings to you

PEOPLE, I was asking a question and telling of my PERSONALL experiences..where do you miss that part..once AGIAN I said it SEEMS those types are the ones who espouse those charecteristics I grew up with (forgive the lousy spelling)
Statistics are not needed when it is an OPINION based AS I STATED on MY personall experience ..

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:37 AM

You stated: "Only truly dedicated Christians understand these things." Does this comment convey common courtesy?


It is an opinion I have formed by meeting many people...

Then you should stay away from non-dedicated christians and the rest of us heathens...maybe go to a dating site for just christians.

I resign..I will go back and take some pshchology course and maybe a few english ones so I understand how I keep coming off wrong:smile:

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:35 AM

ok I resent that statment. I am a very dedicated, respectful, honest, and courteous person without being a christian.

I'm with you Jilly. drinker

OH boy here we go agian I DID NOT say you had to be a christian to be a good person I said that it SEEMS they are the only ones who find those qualities to be a good,normall and regular part of life

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:33 AM

You stated: "Only truly dedicated Christians understand these things." Does this comment convey common courtesy?


It is an opinion I have formed by meeting many people...

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:32 AM

ok I resent that statment. I am a very dedicated, respectful, honest, and courteous person without being a christian.

flowerforyou ok then your of the 1% blessings to you

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:30 AM

just my honest (sometimes humble) opinion

in my honest (or humble) opinion..

depends on the poster.. generaly H=honest

laugh laugh Right on cue Izzie.
the offical JSH transelator is here!!!!

Thank you for the advice flowerforyou I will remeber that if I ever even dream of getting on my soap box again
We all love our soap boxes here...I had mine painted with a JMHO insignia just for ease of use. laugh

Got to love a sense of humor:heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:30 AM

just my honest (sometimes humble) opinion

in my honest (or humble) opinion..

depends on the poster.. generaly H=honest

laugh laugh Right on cue Izzie.
the offical JSH transelator is here!!!!

Thank you for the advice flowerforyou I will remeber that if I ever even dream of getting on my soap box again

Bringing up the issues is cool as long as we can keep it civil. All's well that ends well and productively.

You're alright by me. flowerforyou

Thanks for the flower:heart: HOLY COW I had no idea some people would read so much into it and forget that this IS a forum for expressing opinions an you know what they say about opinions every one has one ...:wink: My main intent was to MAYBE hopefully save another female or male, the heartache of people doing things that no one should do..forgive me for I have sinnedsad IF I hadnt seen others comment on bad situations like this or if i wasnt willing to follow it myself I would NEVER have posted...I guess many just like to bury there head in the sand and HOPE the world gets to be a better place or the next guy is honest with them excetra..

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:25 AM
Since when did common decency,common courtsey and honesty become a lost art?? it seems as if only truely dedicated christians understand these things.. i was brought up that this is how life IS not an option..The bible says "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (ok pretty close) WHY does this seem to be so hard for many to understand ???DID I lose sight of what is going on??

mamacat2007's photo
Thu 06/05/08 08:21 AM

just my honest (sometimes humble) opinion

in my honest (or humble) opinion..

depends on the poster.. generaly H=honest

laugh laugh Right on cue Izzie.
the offical JSH transelator is here!!!!

Thank you for the advice flowerforyou I will remeber that if I ever even dream of getting on my soap box again