Community > Posts By > mamacat2007
personally i DONT have to guess I know and that is what faith is about,believeing with out seeing,touching excetra..All the questions and concerns that we as humans deem important now will fly away and be replaced with WOW..sheer amazement,over powering joy ,love and peace..worry about making your time here the best it can be..heaven will be waiting for you when its your time
maybe I was just lucky but the way I describe it is imagine a blood pressure cuff around your whole mid section . If youve ever had a nurse who REALLY over does it and basically puts your arm to sleep thats it...pain and pressure..hurts yes but there is a LOT to be said for relaxation techniques,its amazing how well they work,besides like many others said out here,when its over you wont care so much about what you went through but you also wont be trying it again anytime soon either.I wouldnt let my husband touch me sexually for months after he was informed he would get a free vasectomy if he did.
feedback please...
no need to lower your standards,be happy with who you are and what you have chosen to do. Life has a way of working things out and when its right mr.wonderfull will pop out of no where...untill then watch out for those frogs pretending to be have brains use them in all you do
Wrong on the Virgos at least the one I know best,he was a hard nut to crack at first but when you get to know him he is the most sincere loyal caring friend anyone could ask for and he lets you know he cares about you.
Question to those who hopefully know the exactness of some bible theorys as I am only able to give generallness,.
Over in parenting someon was being obnoxious and said garbage about how GOD condones killing children excetra.. (we all know this isnt true) What I need the exactness or advice on is what I wrote in reply and to know how close or how far off I was. I wrote that God wants us to discipline our children in love and only for the purpose of bringin them up to be good and morall people in this world and suggested that this person needs ot read the many areas of the bible that touch this subject beofre making a untrue statement. how close am I in my opinion of what the bible says about discipline and children? |
To slap or not to slap?
UM..... you MUST be reading a diffrent bible then I do honey cuz I KNOW of at LEAST 7 translations and they DONT say what you said. In generic terms what the Bible says is that children should be disciplined but with LOVE and ONLY for purposes of correction so that they may grow to be strong,moral people and live right in the world. there is more then one passage and you have to read them ALL to get the story
To slap or not to slap?
I have talked to many parents who are afraid of disciplining there children in any way and they run wild 98% of those kids. Starting in the 3rd grade my kids gave me the " Ill tell social services on you or the cops" I have given them the same response for 10 years. "go ahead, I'll hand you the phone,dial the number and pack your bags but Im gonna whop the tar out of you before they get here to make it worth my time, you want to talk abuse I will SHOW you abuse" My kids have NEVER done that and I havent had to come even close to spanking in a very long time.I had a cop tell me as long as you dont leave a mark anywhere you can spank your child and I did but ONLy as a last resort. I agree that many parents used to get much to carried away and it ended up being abuse NOT discipline but that is NOt an exscuse for the way society has went in the other direction