Community > Posts By > WarElephant

WarElephant's photo
Wed 08/13/08 06:56 PM
TSA is one of the worst governmental regulatory agencies next to the ATF. TSA should be completely abolished, and airport security should be entirely privatized.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 08/13/08 06:53 PM

huh How come people keep saying that neither candidate is any good?huh Whats wrong with Obama?huh All the bad things people keep saying about him are all lies or about somebody else.glasses

Obama and McCain are the same thing. Bought and paid for by foreign and corporate interests, who have little regard for America or its beloved values. They are owned by the same people who groomed Bush and Clinton, and thus, America will continue down this sad path of affairs.

Also, a couple of platform problems I have with Obama (McCain is self explanatory--I don't vote for fake conservatives):

- Does not plan to reduce the size of government, or eliminate spending
- Does not favor repeal of the 16 Amendment and the income tax (in fact he plans to raise it)
- Does not favor getting rid of the Fed
- Supports the socialist "windfall profits" tax
- Plans to raise the capital gains tax (seriously screw that, I paid enough of that last year on my investments)
- Does not favor a withdraw of American forces from the Middle East. Obama apparently wants to "go after" Pakistan, and spark a regional war that Bush has avoided by the skin of his teeth.
- Does not support energy independence
- Is in favor of socialized medicine
- His wife is CFR. 'Nuff said.
- Wants to pursue more racist affirmative action policies
- Is backed my commercial banking more than ANY OTHER candidate
- Has not made any effort to secure America's borders, nor has indicated that he will
- The Global Poverty Act (this thing is insane)
- Believes in the myth known as global warming

The list goes on, but my fingers hurt.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 08/13/08 11:43 AM

This would be news if Obama (along with every other mainstream candidate through the primaries) wasn't taking foreign/corporate money. Oops.

I you you cant, but the question begs to be asked.
Can you show proof where Obama is taking illegal foreign donations?

You do realize this is illegal activity, aye?
Probably not!

I know full well the rules and regulations of the FEC concerning donations,as I have worked on several campaigns in my home state. The problem with "foreign" donations is that this is unclear--the way donations are handled is that they are made via an individual and sorted by zip code. When an American living in say, Germany, makes a donation, they can't list a zip code. The problem is that there is no system to discern who is making the actual donation--only who is theoretically making the money transfer with the name provided.

As for Obama accepting illegal, foreign donations;

And just for fun regarding the corporate question;

WarElephant's photo
Wed 08/13/08 02:12 AM
So, uh, in Obama's America, where does the cut-off stand for middle class? I'm making well above 40k, and would like to know.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 08/13/08 02:08 AM
This would be news if Obama (along with every other mainstream candidate through the primaries) wasn't taking foreign/corporate money. Oops.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:36 PM
You are unamerican not because of your views, but because of your disregard for American values, and more importantly, your malevolence towards them. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with American policies, but saying that you are an American simply because you took an oath (one which you can't uphold obviously) is a load of BS. You've made it abundantly clear on here that you have an allegiance to your nation of birth, which obviously supersedes your supposed oath to the Constitution, which is in fact, a violation of that oath.

Go back to the Soviet Union from whence you came and I'll see you out on the battlefield when America's "Eagle proceeds to rip the intestines from Eurasia's "Bear."

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 09:21 PM
01tim, you are disgrace to this country, hiding behind an oath you took as a right of complete disregard for the responsibilities associated with it. In the words of one of Russia's own, "we will bury you." The Soviet Union has faded into the history books once; this time, we will erase your nation's tyrannical reign of terror entirely.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 05:16 PM

funny my passport says i,m american. so your telling me your government is wrong.

No, the government is right--you are an American in name only. You seem to lack the fundamental spiritual and philosophical qualities to be a considered a true American though.

Condolences, comrade.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 04:58 PM

today john McCain says he speaks for all Americans. about Russia invading Georgia. but must don't no or choose to ignore. Georgia start the war. so john you don't speak for me.

He does speak for all Americans. You are clearly not one with your inability to recognize the genocidal chaos that the Soviet Union has inflicted upon Georgia.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 03:05 PM
Obviously, whoever wrote this piece failed microeconomics. If corporations could get away with not paying federal income taxes, the word "outsourcing" would not even be in the American vocabulary.

And no one should be paying income taxes anyways, not corporations or individuals, as the very concept is legalized theft.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 02:59 PM

But seriously what god awful kind of government would formulate reasons to start a war?

Obviously, you failed world history.
Just america and nazi germany eh?

... and every other nation/empire on Earth.
Well in modern histroy, say after ww2 america stands as far as being involved in wars. Shall I list them for you?

Given that every war is suspect of foul governmental play, your inclusion of just the ones where America was involved destroys your credibility as an intelligent, forward thinking individual.

Oh and btw, if you really want to present yourself as a patriot, I suggest you not hang your own country's flag upside down. You're not really helping your case.
Technically, a formal declaration of war needs to be requested by the President and approved by congress. This has only happened 5 times in the history of the United States (War of 1812, Mexican-American War, Spanish-American War, WWI, and WWII).

However, Congress has also authorized many acts of war without formal declarations. These include but are not limited to the Vietnam War, Invasion of Panama (Operation Just Cause), Persian Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm), Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom), and the Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom).

In total, United States soldiers have been involved in roughly 300 (appx. 289) conflicts, attacks, wars, operations, occupations, and policing events since the formation of the country. 0

So? How exactly does this address your earlier point? The fact that nations go to war is hardly something new, let alone the idea that nations actively plan wars. That's the way political orders work. Have you ever read Machiavelli?

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 11:43 AM

But seriously what god awful kind of government would formulate reasons to start a war?

Obviously, you failed world history.
Just america and nazi germany eh?

... and every other nation/empire on Earth.
Well in modern histroy, say after ww2 america stands as far as being involved in wars. Shall I list them for you?

Given that every war is suspect of foul governmental play, your inclusion of just the ones where America was involved destroys your credibility as an intelligent, forward thinking individual.

Oh and btw, if you really want to present yourself as a patriot, I suggest you not hang your own country's flag upside down. You're not really helping your case.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 11:24 AM

But seriously what god awful kind of government would formulate reasons to start a war?

Obviously, you failed world history.
Just america and nazi germany eh?

... and every other nation/empire on Earth.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 01:30 AM
John McCain is worse in substance, but Obama is the more treasonous one. Regardless, both have a firmly planted and well-established hatred/disgust for the American political tradition, so does it really matter?

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 01:27 AM
I think if our actions were moral and just most every country would be with us, but of course all the good will we had after 911 was mispent in Iraq. Pitty we screwed up so bad isnt it?

Uh, American foreign policy has been creating illicit hatred of the U.S. way before Iraq ever became a prime time news issue.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 01:25 AM
And forgetting about whether or not we could defeat Russia (seriously, I don't know, so I don't want to argue that point), it would have DISASTROUS policy fallout if we tried. It's not because we have a spineless leader, it's because the mere attempt to do so would have ridiculously far reaching consequences, very few of which would be positive.

I honestly don't think that bipolarizing the current geopolitical face of the Earth would help much of anything, so the argument that there would be far reaching consequences seems kind of moot. There are just as bad far reaching consequences by not being proactive about this situation, and more so for Europe than the U.S.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/12/08 01:22 AM
But seriously what god awful kind of government would formulate reasons to start a war?

Obviously, you failed world history.

WarElephant's photo
Mon 08/11/08 06:51 PM
The Russian chauvinism in this thread is hilarious.

First off, 01time, if the Soviets were so intent on earning respect like you say, they would take a cue from their own history, as well as present day current affairs, as invading a country does not exactly make you any friends.

Now, comrade, your comparison of USA invading Iraq to that of Russia invading Georgia has no circumstantial similarities, except for the fact that both situations entail one country invading another. While both could certainly be classified as poor foreign policy decisions, the brutality of Comrade Putin's actions in Georgia have now gone from "disproportionate" to full-on barbaric. Not only has Georgia willingly offered a cease-fire, they have begged the Soviets to stop this genocidal mania, and the Soviet diplomats have snubbed them at every turn. The reality is that in a conventional war, the US could take on the Red Army with few strategic problems, but we won't because we happen to have a spineless goat for a leader.

Count your blessings, Comrade.

WarElephant's photo
Mon 08/11/08 11:49 AM
No, Russian equipment is poor and sub-par compared to our stuff. Even if they did have a stinger-equivalent, it wouldn't matter in the long run because Japan is building us a slick new tank that is RPG and IED-proof.

WarElephant's photo
Sun 08/10/08 08:01 PM

Don't even bother with Fanta. It's all laugh and noway with him, even in the event of a credible source. The U.S. military wins in a conflict with Russia hands down; there is no debating this. Our military was built from the ground up to fight Russia, and it is nowhere near its strength it was 20+ years ago. It is still a force to be reckoned with, yes, but it is far away from being something we could not handle. A really nice Nuclear submarine and fancy cruise missiles are nice, but they're nothing compared to the new Navy rail guns and path finding technology we've invested in for our vehicles.

This coming from someone who thinks we can win a nuclear war!!Did you ever serve War?

Irrelevant, but good try in order to segway the debate into something far less meaningless. I don't just "think" we can win in a nuclear war, it is supported by facts. You choosing not to acknowledge them is not my flaw.

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