Community > Posts By > WarElephant

WarElephant's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:39 AM
Cynicism is a must. There's nothing like good ol' American cynicism.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:37 AM

I don't know if I would use the word asshole per se. Women just happen to like men who have some jerkish qualities to them. There's a fine line I think.

But any woman who says she wants a nice guy is just setting every "nice guy" up for failure. Most of them won't appreciate anything from the nice guys, because they become bored with them. It's all a game, unfortunately.

For those guys who say they're assholes or nice guys, I think it is a game.

I dunno, I've been an asshole ever since the day I was born. It's not a game to me. I just happen to have a low tolerance for BS, and that ceases to change, whether I'm getting attention from women or not.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:29 AM

9. They don't whine about being nice guys.

Haha, this is hands down the best reason by far.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 11/13/08 11:26 AM
I don't know if I would use the word asshole per se. Women just happen to like men who have some jerkish qualities to them. There's a fine line I think.

But any woman who says she wants a nice guy is just setting every "nice guy" up for failure. Most of them won't appreciate anything from the nice guys, because they become bored with them. It's all a game, unfortunately.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 07:50 PM
Listen, no one can deny that Rose is an amazing musician. He is a very prolific lyricist, and a great songwriter, but he knows he is that good, and insists on being an asshole about it. The reason he stopped the 2002 tour is because he refused to show up at the Philadelphia showing, and the crowd rightfully called him out on it. You don't just not show up--the opening act tried to quell the audience, but he didn't show up and was nowhere to be found. Soon after, he called the entire tour off. His next tour date was when I was supposed to see him. I vowed from that day on I would never support him for his selfish actions--and I plan on pirating this CD for his smug attitude.

Axl is not famous BECAUSE he is a great musician. It's because fans recognize his talent, and in turn support his endeavors. When he turns his back on that and acts like his production of music is merely a service to those willing to listen, then he loses respect. That is why so many people don't like him

Roger Waters and Yngwie Malmsteen are the exact same way. It must be a talent complex, or something.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 06:36 PM
I think I'm a little young for you, Ropen, but you're still pretty hot.

I do love my Stetson. =D

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:46 AM
No legal claim here, unfortunately. Supreme Court has ruled (and multiple times) that you do not have full constitutional rights until you turn 18, including the fabled 1st Amendment. It kinda sucks, but there is a reason for it.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:43 AM
I live in Florida, and we also passed a marriage amendment here. I think the margin was like 30%, it wasn't even close. I voted yes on principle.

From a constitutional perspective, the gay community in this country has absolutely no precedence for framing this as a civil rights issue, though they can make a legal claim (i.e. civil unions). I've heard some gay people compare this to the African American struggle in this country. If I were African American I would be offended by such a suggestion--the right to vote (or even more so, to be recognized as an individual) and the ability to get married are completely unrelated.

Case in point: getting married is not a right, has never been a right, and will never be understood as a "right." Marriage developed as a consequence of cultures and religions, mostly for the sake of children. To argue that marriage is a civil right means that that rights comes from government, and the fact is it doesn't.

They should really spend their time and energy trying to pursue civil unions. They get the legal benefits; but they do not get, nor should they get, the language.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 10:29 AM
Dream Evil
Symphony X
Rhapsody of Fire
Armored Saint
Anubis Gate
Iron Maiden
Dream Theater
Judas Priest
Iced Earth
Yngwie Malmsteen
Time Requiem

I dunno, a lot of metal is trash nowadays. Some of it is downright unlistenable, especially all this nu-metal crap.

WarElephant's photo
Wed 11/12/08 09:48 AM
I will believe this album is going to be released when I see it wrapped, on a store shelf.

This album has been the Duke Nukem Forever of the music industry. You know something is wrong when one of the lead tracks on your new album was leaked eight years ago.

Also, I want my free Dr. Pepper. But yes, I'm sure the CD will be better than anything Velvet Revolver has put out, because good god, that band is trash.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 08/28/08 05:48 PM
I have a friend who lives in Kenner, and during Katrina he had shot at several looters trying to break into his house. If everyone had a gun in N.O., looting during a hurricane would never be an issue.

WarElephant's photo
Thu 08/28/08 05:43 PM

I the good old days, most EMPLOYERS in the US provided health care for their employees as an incentive to attract and retain good workers.

As the cost of health care increased, many EMPLOYERS eliminated this benefit and put the responsibility back on the employee or the gov't.

The new generation of EMPLOYEE does not care about corporate benefits and has taken the attitude of "show me the money"! they are young and healthy and don't care about benefits.

Now we find that there are millions of people who need some type of health care when a catastrophic illness strikes.

People in this country, especially the south, have turned ANTI-UNION and they wonder why they have no health care?

Why not REQUIRE EMPLOYERS to provide health care for their employees? We already reqire them to provide Workmens Comp and various other insurances. Almost everyone pays into Social Security and Medicare.

People in this country need to wake up and quit acting like a bunch of Chinese slave laborers. We are Americans!

I know the argument you will hear will be employers CANNOT afford to pay health care premiums for employees. DON'T kid yourself. What they are saying is that they do NOT care about you or value you as an employee.

Employees need to negotiate these benefits from their employers. Demand they provide insurance.

If the employers threaten to move the company overseas, slap such a heavy tarriff on the products it will make their head spin. We are the greatest nation of consumers and they know it.


Stay United as Americans. Don't buy into the propaganda.

I agree that unions have been unfairly criticized in many capacities (in others, they are as guilty as charged), but mandating healthcare benefits from employers? Are you insane? If a person works and does not get healthcare benefits then they are free to pick up and go to a job that does. That's the way the free market works. Injecting the government into the equation just makes things more costly and puts smaller business owners in the gutter.

I work a 60k+ job where I get no benefits, and I am MORE than capable of affording separate health insurance. Granted, I also do a whole lot of investing, but if I wanted benefits, I wouldn't have taken the current job I have.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:44 PM
"Free healthcare" is an Orwellian term that is laced with deception and dishonesty. There is no such thing as "free" healthcare. Someone will always pay for it, unless all doctors decided to just treat for nothing, but judging as they need to provide for their welfare, security and families, that is an unrealistic and ridiculous expectation. The truth remains that it is socialized medicine which is funded through government theft upon the individual's assets. Taxing the labor/assets of everyone for universal healthcare is morally wrong.

And don't give me that left-wing crap about "well in Europe we could ________". This isn't Europe. Here in the states, we actually have some vestige of respect for the individual and the concept of liberty.

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/26/08 02:09 PM

The point being that Obama is not planning on creating new wars so the need for a draft will be nil to none.

Pakistan doesn't count? What about his "redeployment" efforts in Afghanistan?

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/26/08 12:26 PM
Obama is for mandatory service too. What's your point?

WarElephant's photo
Tue 08/26/08 12:22 PM
Since Biden actually considered running with McCain in 2004, this pick seems right in line with the globalist agenda. For those who couldn't swallow the fact that Obama and McCain are clones, we now have our bridge of personality as proof: Joe Biden!

Have fun voting yourselves into tyranny kids.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 08/22/08 12:37 AM
Madison says he supports the troops and not the mission, much like myself, yet his posts have proved otherwise.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 08/22/08 12:30 AM
A better name for this thread would have been "What's worse, calculated hyperbole or terrible threads?"

WarElephant's photo
Fri 08/22/08 12:28 AM
Is there really Quebecois in this thread lecturing Americans on God? Because if there is the apocalypse is imminent, and I need a drink.

WarElephant's photo
Fri 08/22/08 12:23 AM
Yep. Sounds like the police state is progressing just fine.

For America, Comrades.

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