Community > Posts By > germanchoclate1981
Don, be so kind to inform us, at least in your state, the minimum age at which one can purchase ammunition.
Thank you in advance. Obviously in the above case, before the robbery takes place, the officer has been purchasing weapons illegaly from the dealer over time in hopes to reveal his source. The weapons purchased go into evidence for the case being built to show a pattern. Someone had to have tipped the NYPD to set up a long-term investigation. This means either a neighbor or other criminal whose gun came from Aristy. Which also means that they couldn't determine a source after a few transactions. Aristy wasn't getting the guns from local licensed dealers. There would be a record they could easily determine that to be the source. Running the numbers on the guns themselves, if they had any, would also have been done which should have turned up some names or businesses with regard to ownership or custody. If it didn't, which appears to have been the case here, HERE ARE YOUR FLOATING GUNS. The illegal ones? Yeah, those. Hint: guns are not shipped from the factories preloaded. So.... We have 2, count them 2, black market trafficking circuits of contraband that should never make it to the poverty stricken drug infested, oh wait that's 3 black markets, [hmm, black markets....] areas and predominantly black neighborhoods in OUR country. EVIDENCE^ |
Manhunt in Fox Lake Illinois
Last night authorities recieved home security footage that may show the suspects. More details to come.
Mental Illness
CAUTION: Stupidity is 10 times more contagious than SARS. If you are exposed, thoroughly cleanse your auditory canals with peroxide and think before speaking. The more you know... I would not say stupidity. Just different life experiences. When faced with mental illness, be it a family member, work, socially etc, you need to learn about it. Until then you are really naiive about such things. Stupidity such as denying the existence of mental illnesses. |
Mental Illness
CAUTION: Stupidity is 10 times more contagious than SARS. If you are exposed, thoroughly cleanse your auditory canals with peroxide and think before speaking. The more you know...
$hit happens..... All though since the undercover cop had units near by since they never make those kind of moves without back up you would think he should have let it go and let one of the unmarked cars roll the robber.... And the hammer goes to you, sir. You hit the nail on the head BUT were there backup surveillance stake out in place at the time? Idk. Should they have been, absolutely. Undercover ops are complicated, he couldn't blow his cover but when you're slinging lead like this your cover is blown anyway. Yes the guy robbed the cop but he did not pull the trigger. Should the suspect be charged for thoughts formed outside his head and acted upon without his muscles or will? All robberies with fake guns don't turn out that way. I'm not at all condoning the crime at all. In the pursuit of justice one is not supposed to break the law, right? The suspect was shot and detained and will be charged for the crime he committed. He snatched and ran. I doubt he ran backwards facing the officer screaming threats to shoot him(which he was incapable to do with a fake gun). We know he didn't fire any peremptory shots at the officer forcing him to CHOSE deadly force sustained with reckless abandon. Should he have SOME responsibility in the killing? Yes. Accessory, unwitting accessory, yeah. First degree, second degree, manslaughter, no. No. He did not make a conscious choice OR react/ reflexively accidently killing a bystander. From the time that he turned away and ran he had NO ABILITY to directly or indirectly influence the thoughts or actions of the officer. It is unconscionable to assume responsibility belongs to someone who never at any point had posession, partly or in whole, OR control of the weapon he was running away from. Believe me I understand the principle of collateral damage. I have seen it first hand to a much much higher degree. Walked through it. When there are two or more guns involved in a firefight I do believe in shared responsibility. I argued that point heavily in the Ferguson shooting on the night of the protest. Where is(are) the first shooter(s)? But here there is one smoking gun. One. In control of one officer. Fired repeatedly by one officer. Possibly reloaded and fired more by one officer who never HAD to fire one shot , as LP said he should have had support nearby listening and watching with recordings, pictures, possibly even high def video. They could have caught the guy. |
Mental Illness
Is there even such a thing as mental illness or are we just becoming soft and making excuses for people. Go to a battered women's shelter/safe have habitat or the mental ward at any hospital. Make a day out of it, like voluntary Community service, then tell us what you think. Seriously. |
I think it's sad for anyone to be shot in their home, abroad, on the job or at leisure. I think whoever did this will be caught and brought to justice much faster than Lt. Gliniewicz' killers. People many times lead double lives, their profession far different from their personal lives. Being shot at home sounds personal but still they had no right to take his life. Rest in peace officer Allen.
Mental Illness
I am beginning to think school will need to teach anger management, or at least the law to children. My town is small. 50,000 population. Today a friends 16 year old daughter left to go to school. Her 16 year old classmate was waiting for her down her street and assaulted her. The violent assailant is not mentally ill. But the victim is, she is battling depression and suicidal thoughts. If parents are not teaching the upcoming generation these things, who will? Hopefully Ben Carson, as Surgeon General |
I'm fine with Trump running for the office of president. I don't think he'll win. But, I do believe he'll siphon enough votes from the republicant party, to put another dim-o-crat in the whitehouse. That's exactly what will happen. Democrats love this. Trump's a migrant farm worker, he's just gonna change the landscape. I'm not sure if he's connected or made, on Jersey Shore do they address him as a friend of ours? As far as his design, he is a liberal democrat registered as an independent running as a republican. More military spending, bigger government, bigger big brother, bigger list of enemies than Nixon... Would mandatory Trumpcare be better than Obamacare? I doubt it. Now I've seen it all. A Liberal accusing a Republican of being a mobsters. BTW, you have been watching way to many Al Pachino movies Hey, Al Pacino is one of the greatest actors in the last 40 years. As a matter of fact I think Pacino and DeNiro would make great candidates. If they ran together you'd have checks and balances between the POTUS and the VEEP. I'm not a liberal either, I think the whole liberal conservative leftwing rightwing crap was thrown in to cause in fighting to divert attention from what is actually going on politically and legislatively. I think people shouldn't be able to vote unless they have a basic understanding of how the government works and current events that hold political weight. Educated votes, not pretty faces or fast talkers. |
bleh can't get the #$@&^ image up. Dear America, You elected George H.W. Bush ..... We gave you Celine Dion You elected George W. Bush ...... We gave you Nickelback You elected George W. Bush ...... We gave you Justin Bieber DO NOT ELECT DONALD TRUMP .... YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S COMING NEXT!! Sincerely Yours Canada |
I'm fine with Trump running for the office of president. I don't think he'll win. But, I do believe he'll siphon enough votes from the republicant party, to put another dim-o-crat in the whitehouse. That's exactly what will happen. Democrats love this. Trump's a migrant farm worker, he's just gonna change the landscape. I'm not sure if he's connected or made, on Jersey Shore do they address him as a friend of ours? As far as his design, he is a liberal democrat registered as an independent running as a republican. More military spending, bigger government, bigger big brother, bigger list of enemies than Nixon... Would mandatory Trumpcare be better than Obamacare? I doubt it. |
I think whatever 'mess' we are in is traceable to big money and big corporations and big egos and Trump is a leading rep for all three,, from my p o v true, but the politicians let that happen... corporations can't change laws/regulations without political help... That's backwards. Corporations fund politicians and get the political issues and legislation they want. It's started before any of us were alive and continues. You scratch my campaign I pass your laws. You don't pass my laws you don't get reelected or we fund enough of the opposition to make you look bad and stop everything you try to do, and the kicker is that we remain anonymous by law. Superpacs, that's how they work, and stop government from operating as it should. |
Mental Illness
I think counselors are not qualified as psychotherapists/psychologists are. It would depend on the psychiatrist and whether he/she would opt to go into that area of cognitive therapy. In New Zealand psychologists can diagnose, but when it comes to criminal acts and needing a psychiatric examination...I would guess both would work as a team. Also most therapists etc are a team, they collectively diagnose with each other as mentors/supervisors. I know nothing about insurance, crime etc and that area... You could try a thread on it i was trying to relate the problem of over-diagnosis and over-treatment with msharmony's original posting point being,, is mental illness becoming more common? if so whats to be done about it? whats changed to trigger such an increase? Do we need to be including anger management/problem coping type instruction in our schools along with 'home economics' and 'physical education'? it SEEMS like people are much quicker to fly off the handle and harm or threaten others,,,,,,and kids are choosing suicide when facing the obstacles of childhood,,, do you consider it an issue at all and if so what types of solutions might we try?(we, meaning as a community) considering the issues that DSM criteria has to begin with, and that now, a 5th version of it is out with more issues raised on its manner of diagnosis...i do think it is a cause of higher incidence of mental illness in the US, aside from "advantages" that can be had by people desiring a "quick fix", insurance, pharmaceuticals, diagnosing bodies and institutions, and those seeking to lower criminal liability. how this will affect on a global scale remains to be seen, but it is an issue that can be manipulated with the right incentive. ---------- regarding children and suicide...i stumbled upon these articles recently... Very sad for the friends families and classmates. |
Once upon a time, it was thought, that cops were trained to be deadly accurate With their service weapons. "Spray and pray", shows a reckless and deliberate wanton disregard for public safety. That an innocent bystander was killed due to the officer's very deliberate actions... The officer should be criminally charged, and serve a lengthy prison sentence (in general population). i almost agree, but i think the blame should fall on the criminal he was trying to arrest... he's the one that should be charged in that mans death, and the cop should get some sort of punishment, at least for reckless endangerment... Gnome makes sense. This response is.... off. The officer draws points(different from aiming) and pulls the trigger between 11-21 times with his own hands and you think the person who the officer was shooting at should be charged with his death? The same guy whose gun wasn't real that was incapable of firing any rounds? The officer had no way of knowing this until the suspect was caught (by A bullet fired by the officer). This shows 1 a lack of judgement by this officer 2 an extremely poor exhibition of marksmanship by the officer and 3 just how unaccountable people can be of the existence of a problem. Illegal guns, where are they coming from? I recall posing that question several times to which I got a response from you and a few others that it doesn't matter, what matters is who they end up with. They don't float. Someone has to be providing them to the hotspots around the country. Yet when you post about a known illegal weapons dealer that the NYPD is 'working' to find his source, you push the blame to charge a man with a fake gun for a fatal shooting ... He is responsible for committing a robbery, not a shooting, definitely not a homicide. the cop was doing his job, which is to STOP CRIME, in case you forget... i agree he was reckless, but it seems a lack of caring/good judgement on the cops part more than a deliberate murder... the criminal choose to break the law, and someone died in the poor judgement, on both parts... in other words, the cop never would have had to shoot if the criminal wasn't trying break the law... The fact that the robber committed a crime is not lost on me. Had this been a shoot out or high speed chase that resulted in an accidental death then I could understand force being met with force or equal involvement in regards to two active moving cars causing the death. Only one person fired shots, and far too many. Only one person had a real operable gun. Control of that gun was not in question, the officer had it in his posession and made a conscious decision to use deadly force which resulted in the death of an innocent man. It will most likely be charged as negligent homicide, along with property damage, and public endangerment. If the table was turned it would automatically be charged as murder one as most states have that written in their laws to protect the officers. There was no good reason that the officer could not have given chase until he was far enough away to call for backup without blowing his cover. The criminal did not fire any shots, nor was he able to. I know if I was going somewhere to buy something with cash and I got robbed I'd chase the guy long enough to see the getaway car or which direction he was going, armed or not. A few warning shots in the air or some at the ground around the suspect is what I'm sure his training�was, he made a snap decision and a bystander died. You can't commit a murder when you are running away from the murder weapon. Posession is 9/10ths of the law, the person in posession of the real gun was the same one who pulled that trigger possibly reloaded if the number of shots was closer to the higher estimate reported and did lots of damage including killing a completely innocent man. That responsible party is that officer. |
Idris Elba as James Bond
This is nowhere near Samuel L Jackson in a Star Wars film. It's future it's space it's fantasy it's sci-fi, it could happen did happen and was well played.
Idris as Bond 007... A ridiculously far stretch that would disenfranchise the 50 some odd year old franchise's core audience. It'd have been like Chipper Jones of the Atlanta Braves (I love Chipper Jones and the Braves are my favorite team for over 20 years) playing Jackie Robinson in 42. It would be believable and both would have the skills to pull it off but it would'nt feel right. It would detract from the film like a cloud of gnats or someone farting up a storm two seats away. Idris Elba is an extremely talented actor and he will get better roles. Craig is a good Bond imo and has done better films himself. |
Once upon a time, it was thought, that cops were trained to be deadly accurate With their service weapons. "Spray and pray", shows a reckless and deliberate wanton disregard for public safety. That an innocent bystander was killed due to the officer's very deliberate actions... The officer should be criminally charged, and serve a lengthy prison sentence (in general population). i almost agree, but i think the blame should fall on the criminal he was trying to arrest... he's the one that should be charged in that mans death, and the cop should get some sort of punishment, at least for reckless endangerment... Gnome makes sense. This response is.... off. The officer draws points(different from aiming) and pulls the trigger between 11-21 times with his own hands and you think the person who the officer was shooting at should be charged with his death? The same guy whose gun wasn't real that was incapable of firing any rounds? The officer had no way of knowing this until the suspect was caught (by A bullet fired by the officer). This shows 1 a lack of judgement by this officer 2 an extremely poor exhibition of marksmanship by the officer and 3 just how unaccountable people can be of the existence of a problem. Illegal guns, where are they coming from? I recall posing that question several times to which I got a response from you and a few others that it doesn't matter, what matters is who they end up with. They don't float. Someone has to be providing them to the hotspots around the country. Yet when you post about a known illegal weapons dealer that the NYPD is 'working' to find his source, you push the blame to charge a man with a fake gun for a fatal shooting ... He is responsible for committing a robbery, not a shooting, definitely not a homicide. |
Mental Illness
I'm really starting to dislike the "auto select" and auto correct functions on my phone. My earlier post, was suppose to have said electro *convulsive* therapy. It happens. More often than not it's annoying but it's purpose is noble. |
Manhunt in Fox Lake Illinois
Heart breaking and scary. He was questioning the suspects at the time but was overpowered. He was able to call for back-up before he died but they didn't arrive in time. Very vague description and the cover of night have helped them evade capture so far. It's great that the FBI and ATF are assisting along with the U.S. Marshalls.
Manhunt in Fox Lake Illinois
Lt. Joe Gliniewicz, a father of four and 30 year veteran of the force was shot and killed today by 1 black and two white suspects who took his gun and pepper spray. The FBI and ATF are aiding in the search for his killer(s) but do not yet know who the suspects are. It is believed that the suspects sought cover in nearby wood. Hopefully those responsible for his death are caught soon. Prayers and condolences to the family and friends. Rest in peace Lt. 'G..I.' Joe Gliniewicz.