Community > Posts By > germanchoclate1981
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Sun 09/20/15 02:26 PM
1 little person (midget, dwarf...)
= 1 person. Not 1/2, not 2/3, 1. 1 birth, 1 death, 1 vote. Votes...... Once upon a time, long ago in a land where you live today, the former slaves, freed men before women's suffrage, counted as 3/5ths of a white constituent's vote assuming they knew how to read and weren't lynched for expressing their wish to contribute to their and their families rights and representatives, or lynched on their way to the poles. No whites were ever convicted for 3/5ths of a murder while alive or posthumously, exclusively or as a fraction of a fraction for being part of a mob. Someone I don't care who, give us a case where .53 of a white person was imprisoned, or found 53% guilty of a crime on LEGAL PUBLIC RECORD. Please. Until such real evidence is provided percentages will not be accepted as a substitute for per capita research results. Thank you. |
per capita for each person ex: for each one person there are 3 guns,, 3 per capita said as, there are 3 guns per capita,, or ratio of 3:1 percent for each 100 for each 100 people there are 300 guns, said as there are 300 percent as many guns as people or ratio of 3:1 for sake of comparison,, each will work though of course the human element introduces several variables that ratios alone do not always account for,,,, but, in this comparison, when the single mom discrepancy between whites and blacks is being scapegoated as the 'reason' for all other negatively impacted discrepancies ,,,I pulled this ratio out to show that the numbers dont add up,,,,,,that the particular 'discrepancy' has actually been decreasing with seemingly no change to the others,,,,, per capita numbers no doubt reflect the same realities, but are much more difficult to find,,,, If 4/10 40% of the children from 1 city block, or one extended family of the SAME generation are killed by gun violence or overdose on heroin, to THAT BLOCK or THAT FAMILY, it's DEVASTATING. Right? Everyone else 'phew' glad I'm not you. 4 dead kids Oh Welllllll..... It could be an isolated incident it could be disparately dispersed among people who otherwise wouldn't hear about the other cases unless they cared enough to research the cause and associated similarity between those affected. Sounds like the 2 independent studies above and other causes that people have been outraged about..... Hmmmm Per Capita doesn't tell you names, it gives you head/body counts. Read any report from any war or conflict, any crime you will NEVER FIND .53 people killed or wounded. These numbers are per capita. They tell you not only did Jenny die but 4,000,000 like her in X amount of time. That's when it comes home, it's real, it's not a pinpoint tragedy, it's an epidemic. You can divide anything and get a percentage. Even parts of wholes. .53's/ .whatevers, you still come out with a percentage. Per capita is the only way demographics can be REALISTICLY APPLIED. Large numbers of bad things make more people ask intelligent questions and try to plan REALISTIC solutions. Or no one listens and millions more die are incarcerated killed by illegal weapons killed by police die in senseless wars die of lung cancer can't get jobs because there are so many illegal immigrants committing crimes and being released........ |
There are many connections here that are not being mentioned. Perhaps the largest is the correlation between the black children who grow up without a father and end up in jail and/or dropping out of school. Humans learn by example and without the proper role models they tend to emulate what they see their older peers do instead of what society would like them to do. Teen street gangs do not a school make. Political correctness always finds a victim. Teen mothers who haven't a clue are never to blame for becoming baby factories churning out an undisciplined, uneducated, criminal element. The baby daddies can't take responsibility for fathering if they are the criminal element. Maybe the answer is forced birth control for all inner city teens, no matter what the race. If you couldn't have a kid without a high school diploma, it might make a big dent into the problem. Trump caught a lot of flack about the border wall... or lack of one. If the wall was built, manned, and the flow of illegals stopped, and the illegals here deported, the millions of jobs formally available to youth would suddenly become available. Try to find a construction site that isn't populated by illegals. With the halt in traffic across the border comes the halt in the 25 to 50 billion dollars in drug trafficking that feeds much of the crime in inner cities. Screw the political correctness, maybe a couple of hard core military strikes by the US on the known drug cartel strongholds in Mexico would send the proper message. Maybe an elimination of the national teachers union that allows unqualified teachers to retard the education of the kids in public schools would help, as well as giving school vouchers to the poor so they can send their kids to better schools anyway. Maybe a major change in the school system that allows punishment of badly behaving students instead of the current stupid politically correct nonsense. I heard there was an inoculation against pregnancy that lasts about a year. Perhaps they need to add it to the measles shot. Is "proper parenting" a required course in high school? if political correctness seeks victim intellectual dishonesty seeks a scapegoat if only it were as simple as scapegoating single parenthood but numbers don't really mete that out when staying on the topic of racial DISCREPANCY 1. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers in 2013, 67 percent of black children in single parent, compared to 25 percent of whites so, that discrepancy decreased from 8:1 to a discrepancy of a litle over 2:1 2.the high school graduation rate has INCREASED from 1964 when blacks had 53 percent the high school grad rate of whites , to 2012 when blacks had 93 percent the graduation rate of whites 3. the college graduation rates of blacks also rose from 42 percent that of whites in 1964 to 62 percent that of whites in 2012 YET with all the single parent DISCREPANCY decreasing, and the educational attainment DISCREPANCY decreasing,, things have little changed 4.incarceration rates have been a constant 5:1 5. black household income has remained a constant 50 percent of white household income 6.blacks are still three times as likely to live in poverty so if the discrepancy between single parenthood between blacks and whites have decreased and if the discrepancy between educational achievement between blacks and whites have decreased why have the discrepancies in incarceration and poverty remained the same? Here are real numbers.. Seventy-six percent of Hispanic students and 68 percent of African-American students graduate from high school, the report says. Those rates are about 10 to 15 percent less than the graduation rate of white students. I don't know where you got the 93% number from... But out of every 100 there are 32 not graduating there are 32 that will have difficulties getting any job... 32 out of every 100... And I will add that 32 out of 100 vs 7 out of 100 is almost a 5 to 1 ratio... they are to have families with influence and/or networks that will overlook the absence of a diploma in favor of the right 'reference' about their attitude , ambition,,, etc,,,who will give them a 'chance', become their customer, mentor them,,,,,etc,,, maybe, i wouldn't know... i've always had to get my jobs on my own... Have you ever been hired as a black man? Ever turned in a resume as a black man? Ever faced hunger or financial difficulties as a black man? ---- Since I'm aware of obvious inescapable facts I'll answer this one for you. No. Statistics from the 60's don't compare to today any more than the cars do, they don't. Not even close. The drugs don't compare at all. The economy.... Food, gas, rent, bills, mortgages, property values, taxes, building supplies, medical care/insurance, diseases, birth rates, INFLATION!! Drawing DIRECT connections to years of data collection from 1 source and analyzed by two independent studies cannot be LOGICALLY countered with a comparison to 1964 demographic graduation rates cross analysis with single parent demographics. Note: Comparisons drawn between two sets of MATCHING data with MATCHING subsets of data are only REALISTICLY relevant in the case that they are presented PER CAPITA. The use of a ratio does not automatically make any conclusion one draws rational. 1/6 isn't bad if it's your chance of winning the lottery. 1/6 is CATASTROPHIC if it's a death rate for airborne diseases despite medical intervention. So if 13% of the population is incarcerated 5 times the rate of 72% of the population... 72�13= 5.53 btw There are 5.53X more whites than blacks. U.S. Census Blacks are incarcerated 5X the rate of whites. Blacks are mathematically (if EO was reality who h it isn't) are 1/5.53 likely as whites to get a job BEFORE any racial stigmas are applied. Whites MATHEMATICALLY statistically and REALISTICLY are NOT arrested charged tried sentenced and incarcerated equally for the SAME offenses PER CAPITA. Period. It's a fact. |
interactive constitution
They call the Holy Bible a living text because so many have (through translation and interpretation) changed it so many times, none more than the council of Nicea and the English. Nothing in the Torah the translated Old testament or the New testament says that at any time the books of the Bible are found to be 'unfit' to preach that the congregation may change remove or add parts as necessary. Still we know for a fact that's EXACTLY what the Council of Nicea did. Although this was a religious decision, it was undertaken in a political and more specifically a democratic fashion. Thank Constantine for the birth of political correctness. This decision I don't agree with.
The constitution however, is a legal document. As with the General statutes of the States, this is what I would consider to be a living document. Looking back just over the last 50 years of American history, look how much has changed. Internet becoming widely available, cellphones, smartphones, drones.... Now think of how many serious crimes have used these as evidence in just the last year. We have to continue to protect ourselves (law abiding Americans) from those who use these and other as of yet univented ways to do us harm. |
It's no longer innocent until PROVEN guilty.
It's GUILTY until proven financially flexible, sometimes. |
Minnesota exposes one troubling reason America locks up so many black people. (Screenshot via Georgia Department of Corrections) Prison inmates in Wilcox State Prison in Abbeville, Georgia. America has banished a disproportionate number of its black citizens to the "gray wasteland" of incarceration, Ta-Nehisi Coates writes in The Atlantic's new cover story. In "The Black Family in the Age of Mass Incarceration," Coates notes that in 2000, one in 10 black males between the ages of 20 and 40 was behind bars. That was 10 times the rate for white males in the same age group. A decade later, Coates writes, one-third of black male high-school dropouts between 20 and 39 were incarcerated. Only 13% of white dropouts in that age group were behind bars. The incarceration and poverty rates in Minnesota could help explain why so many African-American men end up in prison or jail. Though Minnesota has one of America's lowest incarceration rates due to "relatively sane justice policies," it also has one of the "worst black-white incarceration ratios in the country," Coates writes, citing a 2009 paper from the University of Minnesota Law School. Studies from the 1980s and 1990s showed that the black per-capita incarceration rates in Minnesota were about 20 times higher than the rates for whites, making the ratio the most unequal in the nation, Richard Frase wrote in the paper, called "What Explains Persistent Racial Disproportionality in Minnesota's Jail and Prison Populations?" Minnesota does a bit better now, but its ratio of black-to-white incarceration rates is still in the top quartile, according to Frase. It turns out that something else distinguishes Minnesota from other states in the US: The poverty rate for blacks in that state is higher than it is in the US as a whole. In 2000, the black-family poverty rate was six times higher than the white-family poverty rate in Minnesota, while it was 3.4 times higher in the US as a whole. Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other, Frase writes: Poverty and lack of opportunity are associated with higher crime rates; crime leads to arrest, a criminal record, and usually a jail or prison sentence; past crimes lengthen those sentences; offenders released from prison or jail confront family and neighborhood dysfunction, increased rates of unemployment, and other crime-producing disadvantages; this makes them likelier to commit new crimes, and the cycle repeats it Coates says Minnesota provides a bigger lesson. "The lesson of Minnesota is that the chasm in incarceration rates is deeply tied to the socioeconomic chasm between black and white America," he writes. One scientific study of incarceration disparity between black PEOPLE and white PEOPLE substantiated by 20 years of State figures and further substantiated by crippling poverty rates for black PEOPLE many times worse than their counterparts Nationwide. Frase's independent study and commentary validates the first. They both, particularly Frase, left out the fact that being housed with other types of criminals whether more violent in nature or more lucrative provides the opportunities for an inmate to diversify their criminal repertoire or refine their criminal skills. This is undoubtedly a factor in subsequent crimes that are worse than the first offense assuming they were guilty of the first offense. Those who were wrongly accused and sentenced according to assumed guilt are presented with an insider's guide to any criminal venture of their choosing fueled by their fellow inmates common traits and cynicism of their innocence from everyone. We all know second and following sentences don't have much chance of being shorter. 20 years of corroborating statistics the inmates must be aware of must be impossible for them to miss. How anyone reads anything that came before or after, " Poverty and incarceration perpetuate each other, Frase writes:" and extracts the foregone conclusions you come to is beyond me. Incase you missed it there was a colon (:) after that, making the following paragraph the reason (as in reason and logic, critical thinking...) behind the statement. 1. The inmates are black before during and after their incarceration(s) that's the constant. 2. Poverty isn't something you have one day a week, despite whatever noble effort for years leading up to the detainable offense, guilty or innocent. The PEOPLE in question are still unable to avoid being black. 3. It's ridiculous to assume that a PERSON who was 1 and 2 before incarcerations will be prosperous upon release given that they are incapable of contributing to their family or households while incarcerated if they still have them after release. 4. Those who did CHOSE to commit crimes leading to incarcerations out of desperation from sustained poverty will be under even more pressure due to 3, 2, and 1. 5. I'm pretty sure there are more white PEOPLE in Minnesota than black PEOPLE. If the numbers are close to Census data 13% black, 73% white, 33% black dropouts jailed, 13% white dropouts jailed, means even for white PEOPLE with substandard education are 20% LESS likely to be jailed. Education level per capita doesn't explain it. 6. 6x poverty level of white PEOPLE in Minnesota should yield 6x the incarcerations, it's 10x almost doubled for males 20-40. It's not JUST poverty. Endemic poverty rates make black Minnesotans 6x less likely to pursue higher academic education opportunities than their white counterparts. That doesn't present gainful sustainablly compensatory employment futures or job security for black PEOPLE there. 7. Kudos the the Minnesota School of Law for publishing pretty damming evidence for a complete miscarriage justice, (arrests convictions and incarcerations) denial of EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL PROTECTION under the LAW. 8. Sociology, criminology, economics, and politics are all sciences supported by statistics. It's the application of those statistics that give a clearer understanding of what is actually happening in reality, not inference to one statement or statistic taken out of context. |
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Thu 09/17/15 12:45 AM
See, the law screws the poor six ways from Thursday. It happens that many of the poor are also black. If this were a Venn Diagram, there'd be a lot of overlap. In many suburbs like Ferguson, the population is overwhelmingly black AND poor, while the cops are not. It can be difficult to disentangle how much of the harassment is "because black" and how much is "because poor". There is certainly some of both. I'd say there's a lot more "because black", but it is definitely mixed in with "because poor". No Capitol cop has thrown down Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas yet, as far as I know. The studies I have seen tend to support this. Personally, I have been poor but have never been black, and anecdotal evidence isn't statistical evidence at all anyhow. S. Edit: also throw in a big box of "because young". Older farts (I was young once, too) seem to get a lot more hassle than their elders. S. U.S. Census, African-American make up approximately 13% of the population. Ferguson MO has an African-American population of approximately 13%. Recently how much of the shootings there by police have involved the other 87% of the populace? What are incarceration statistics for African-American males Nationwide? Very high. It's not JUST policing for profit. It's not JUST poverty. It's not JUST a lack of decent jobs. It's not JUST the poor quality education. It's not JUST externally sourced drugs no one in Ferguson has control of protecting shipments across 1/4 to 1/2 of the country depending on the port of entry. It's not JUST the influx of 'stolen' (illegaly trafficked) guns and ammunition. It's NOT just Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago, RDU, L.A., Miami, D.C., Cincinnati, Nashville, NYC, or any other hotspots. It's not JUST major metropolitan and suburban 'sleepy towns'. Cleveland, L.A. NYC, Chicago are going to be studied regularly. Maybe not with the correct focus so as not to openly admit to the public what many already suspect IS going on because WE DO NEED LAW AND ORDER. When things that are so abhorrently flawed that the DECENT LAW ABIDING CITIZENS (also referred to as non-combatants) become literally shooting targets for people who are SUPPOSED to be protecting us ALL, things need to change PEACEFULLY. When 84% of SWAT deployments have African-American targets, in Ferguson, and they make up 13% of the population.... 16% of the SWAT activity focused on ALL OTHER ethnicities, this is where the focus needs to be. You can't deny that these things are happening. They do happen everywhere but not with the same frequency with all of the above happen to African-American 'suspects' or targets and definitely not the upswing of the trend of bypassing due process unnecessarily executing on the spot. You all acknowledge that all the above complaints many your own personal complaints voluntarily submitted is not the way for Police or legislation or ordinance or signage changes, rigged ticket and speed traps doesn't make us safer. What makes us safer is when we realize that 'business as usual' is illegal, PEACEFULLY come TOGETHER as AMERICANS and decide that we are tired of the way things are and it's OUR DUTY as citizens to take the hard road towards PEACEFUL resolution by exposing the corruption and holding EVERYONE ACCOUNTABLE. All these problems raise taxes and destabilize our country from within and it's been going too far for far too long. |
Manhunt in Fox Lake Illinois
Anybody catch what (didn't) come out ttoday about the Fed's pulling out of the investigation? ABC was on the fence confirmed not confirmed confusion then said a retired cop there threatened active police if they didn't rule it a suicide....? I know they didn't have much to go on but this is odd.
The other side to the issue of the controversial textbook.... Unpublished 'Black Lives Matter' Book Stirs Controversy By Jackie Zubrzycki on August 28, 2015 2:31 PM ABDO Publishing is releasing the book in 2016 as part of a "Special Reports" series that also includes books about ISIS, transgender issues, and the Ebola outbreak. Here's how the publishing company describes the series: Special Reports explores the challenging events and contentious issues that fill the headlines, with compelling text and well-chosen images. Providing balanced coverage, as well as background information and context, the books in this series help readers develop an essential understanding of current events and encourage them to form their own opinions. Though "Black Lives Matter" is hardly the only contentious topic on that list, the book was singled out in an episode of "Fox and Friends," the TV show, last weekend. Radio personality and author Larry Elder denounced the book in a segment called "New Black Lives Matter Textbook Is Aimed at 6th Grade Students." Elder said the book teaches that black people are victims and that white people should feel guilty, and that it would indoctrinate children in this belief. An icon in the bottom corner of the screen during the segment reads "Trouble With Schools." A post on The Feminist Wire earlier this month had said that teachers and parents would find the book to be an "invaluable resource." Macalester College Professor Duchess Harris said she and co-author Sue Bradford Edwards, a Missouri-based journalist, hoped to provide information for young people looking to understand current events and African-American history. Co-author Harris said that Elder criticized the book without having read it. She sent Education Week a draft copy. "If you read it and still don't like it, that's fair." Harris, an American studies professor, said the content is not meant as "indoctrination or propaganda." "It's, these are current events and this is what that means," she said. ABDO is an educational publisher that sells books to schools and school libraries, and the book is advertised as being aligned to the Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. But ABDO Publishing editor-in-chief Paul Abdo told online news site Fusion that the book is not intended to be a textbook. The book, which consists of about 100 pages long of larger-print text, starts with a description of the death of Michael Brown, the legal aftermath, and the reaction in Missouri and across the country. It then gives a brief history, "Black Lives in America," that includes the Three-fifths compromise (which declared that slaves counted as Three-fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and representation), the Civil War, the development of Jim Crow laws, the role of African-American units in World War II, the Civil Rights movement, and residential segregation. It walks readers through other recent events, such as the 2009 shooting death of Oscar Grant at the hands of a police officer in Oakland, Calif., including their legal and social aftermaths. The book does explicitly say that African-American citizens have often received harsher treatment by law enforcement than white citizens. It cites statistics that bolster that claim, including, for instance, that in Ferguson African Americans are far more likely to be pulled over for minor traffic violations than white citizens, and that 42 percent of police SWAT team missions have involved African Americans, who make up 13 percent of the population. Harris said that many of her students have never studied African-American history before college and are wary about talking about race or charged current events in class. She said she hoped the book would fill a gap. "My colleagues in the math department, for instance, don't get students who have never encountered algebra or calculus," Harris said. "But what I get are students whose high school teachers have not dealt with contemporary race relations." I think it's fair to ask someone to read a book before judging its content, especially a proposed textbook for public schools. Sounds similar to something I've heard somewhere before... I think it's better to have this put forth in a professional manner while kids are still living with their parents rather than some FB/text group where anything goes and little Jimmy/Suzy gets shanked in the lunchroom. Have them read/discuss if they get out of hand call the parents in. One thing is certain. They are going to talk about it whether it's a book or not and a formal discussion group beats Twitter wars with real dead kids as far as (trying to) solving the REAL LIFE problem. Basket weaving (as an alternative elective) has about a 0.035% chance of solving the REAL LIFE problem we know exists because we are all talking about it. Look at it this way, it's Scared Straight with a spotlight, a textbook, crime scenes with chalk outlines and headstones of kids they probably knew. It's going to be controversial but it WLL demand the focus and participation from Law enforcement, clergy, politicians, parents... The whole community. Remember the saying it takes a community to raise a child? This will force that involvement. What is wrong with focused fact based community involvement? Costs much less than riots murders and grand jury trials , I guarantee it. Thanks lady. |
Case by case scenario...Wariness should not turn into paranoia... Case by case is the root of this problem. Name one case where failure to signal a lane change properly for someone who has not committed any other crime and has no outstanding warrants ends with them being jailed. Other than the Sandra Bland case. Any? We saw the officer use excessive force, threaten to "light her up" with his tazer then openly lie to his supervisor about " trying to deescalate her but she just wasn't going for it". The actions of that bad cop wasn't paranoia, it was criminal. The "missed" cell check and her subsequent hanging... She failed to signal properly, she didn't have a trunk full of illegal guns, kilos of cocaine, dead bodies, or anything. She failed to signal properly. Minor moving violation, they don't try that in criminal court. The problem with the Bland case was she was uncooperative. If you get pulled over and don't agree with it just give the officer your license, insurance and registration and tell him\her respectfully conversation over, give me a ticket or let me go and sort it out in court. No need in getting confrontational with the officer that just makes things worse and makes you look guilty when it does go to court and if you by chance do pull that with a dirty cop, well your screwed. Uncooperative... That's, off. This is the problem with this case. She pulled over. She stopped. She rolled her window down. Those are 3 conscious choices she made to comply with the officer. I now know about a judicial review in some States at least that allow the officer to remove the driver from the car if either's life is in danger, at the officers discretion. His life wasn't in danger. She wasn't exactly Mary poppins, but all my life I've been told to stay inside the car and keep my hands where they can be seen. Many officers have told me "for my safety and yours, stay inside the car unless I tell you otherwise." He was clearly annoyed by her, but that's not a reason to yank a WOMAN out of a car or threaten a WOMAN with a tazer when she fears for her safety and possibly her life. You stay in the car so the officer knows you're not trying to push him into oncoming traffic, or if the person has been drinking they don't step out into traffic themselves. He also called his supervisor and gave them a fabricated story of him trying to deescalate the situation where he is actually the aggressor. She (depending on the State) affirmed a defense. She didn't jump out of the car and attack him. She didn't wrestle him to the ground, she didn't threaten him. That's the problem. Had she reached under the seat or pulled out a weapon of some kind that's a different situation. Had she pulled him in or hit him with the door, or otherwise initiated physicality, ok. If she was a felon or the car was stolen, different thing. I understand what you're saying but I can tell you if anybody says that here who isn't white they'll be behind bars. And how many tickets should one have to pay when they have done nothing wrong? Even if the ticket is thrown out you have to pay court cost. Usually it isn't. If you hire a lawyer you have to pay them, the ticket and court cost if the judge doesn't care. Rarely are the actions of the officer or the da questioned. We pay taxes to take care of the roads, pay the police, the public servants, judges... We pay for a DL. We Pay insurance for ourselves and others, we pay IF we break traffic laws, we pay MORE to say we DIDN'T break traffic laws, we pay MORE to hire a lawyer, and we still pay MORE if we are found NOT GUILTY which only happens if you hire a very expensive lawyer. Speeders still speed. Drunks still hit and kill people. If the ticket is thrown out you don't have to pay the court costs, that means the case is dismissed and your found not guilty. I've seen people get found not guilty being represented by a Public Pretender err Public Defender..... No, you were right the first time. |
James Blake wrongful arrest
Well I saw the 'suspect' pic and Mr. Blake does actually have quite a strong resemblance.It later turned out that the actual 'suspect' was the wrong guy too, so the NYPD really look like the Keystone Kops here. In the case of Mr. Blake, there is no ID or badge displayed, seemingly no "Police! Freeze!" command issued, just the cop rolling up on him and taking him down. The NYPD has publicly apologized, and the cop is riding a desk. He has other charges of brutality pending from incidents where a group of officers are alleged to have taken suspects down and beaten them. He's been named as a defendant in at least two of these group cases, and some individual complaints. As a general rule it is not unusual for a street cop to have a couple unsubstantiated complaints in his jacket. They are usually from career criminals claiming abuse of some kind. They are rarely from model citizens alleging a beat down. They may complain the cop was mean, or unprofessional, or rude writing a ticket, but generally violence is not an issue. In this case, since it was a non-violent offense being investigated, the cop should have 'badged' Mr. Blake and explained he's being taken into custody for a field interview. They could question and ID him on the spot. You hold up the pic of the suspect and conclude ok, you guys could be brothers, but you're not our guy. Sorry for the misunderstanding, we appreciate you co-operating, and have a great day. I think if you show him the pic, he gets why you detained him and it's a non story. IF however the takedown to the pavement goes bad, and there is a broken wrist or leg, or a concussion to Mr. Blake, then your liability goes through the roof. If he wants to generate revenue as a tennis instructor or do endorsements for tennis racquets and can't swing one any more, you are looking at millions for a settlement. As it stands right now, if I'm the NYPD, this cop is toast and has to be kicked off the force. Too many complaints, and now undisputed video. That video is going to be front and center at his other complaint hearings to try and establish a pattern of behavior. He's a wrongful death lawsuit just waiting to happen. After finding out he didn't identify himself at all putting him behind a desk and having the mayor apologize don't go together. It says 'we know this (bad) cop is a bad cop and doesn't know how to catch a guy who's standing still, but the next person he tackles won't be as well spoken as you or have a squeaky clean record so that guy will have it coming.' |
Case by case scenario...Wariness should not turn into paranoia... Case by case is the root of this problem. Name one case where failure to signal a lane change properly for someone who has not committed any other crime and has no outstanding warrants ends with them being jailed. Other than the Sandra Bland case. Any? We saw the officer use excessive force, threaten to "light her up" with his tazer then openly lie to his supervisor about " trying to deescalate her but she just wasn't going for it". The actions of that bad cop wasn't paranoia, it was criminal. The "missed" cell check and her subsequent hanging... She failed to signal properly, she didn't have a trunk full of illegal guns, kilos of cocaine, dead bodies, or anything. She failed to signal properly. Minor moving violation, they don't try that in criminal court. The problem with the Bland case was she was uncooperative. If you get pulled over and don't agree with it just give the officer your license, insurance and registration and tell him\her respectfully conversation over, give me a ticket or let me go and sort it out in court. No need in getting confrontational with the officer that just makes things worse and makes you look guilty when it does go to court and if you by chance do pull that with a dirty cop, well your screwed. Uncooperative... That's, off. This is the problem with this case. She pulled over. She stopped. She rolled her window down. Those are 3 conscious choices she made to comply with the officer. I now know about a judicial review in some States at least that allow the officer to remove the driver from the car if either's life is in danger, at the officers discretion. His life wasn't in danger. She wasn't exactly Mary poppins, but all my life I've been told to stay inside the car and keep my hands where they can be seen. Many officers have told me "for my safety and yours, stay inside the car unless I tell you otherwise." He was clearly annoyed by her, but that's not a reason to yank a WOMAN out of a car or threaten a WOMAN with a tazer when she fears for her safety and possibly her life. You stay in the car so the officer knows you're not trying to push him into oncoming traffic, or if the person has been drinking they don't step out into traffic themselves. He also called his supervisor and gave them a fabricated story of him trying to deescalate the situation where he is actually the aggressor. She (depending on the State) affirmed a defense. She didn't jump out of the car and attack him. She didn't wrestle him to the ground, she didn't threaten him. That's the problem. Had she reached under the seat or pulled out a weapon of some kind that's a different situation. Had she pulled him in or hit him with the door, or otherwise initiated physicality, ok. If she was a felon or the car was stolen, different thing. I understand what you're saying but I can tell you if anybody says that here who isn't white they'll be behind bars. And how many tickets should one have to pay when they have done nothing wrong? Even if the ticket is thrown out you have to pay court cost. Usually it isn't. If you hire a lawyer you have to pay them, the ticket and court cost if the judge doesn't care. Rarely are the actions of the officer or the da questioned. We pay taxes to take care of the roads, pay the police, the public servants, judges... We pay for a DL. We Pay insurance for ourselves and others, we pay IF we break traffic laws, we pay MORE to say we DIDN'T break traffic laws, we pay MORE to hire a lawyer, and we still pay MORE if we are found NOT GUILTY which only happens if you hire a very expensive lawyer. Speeders still speed. Drunks still hit and kill people. |
I disagree that being a public servant makes one a slave with no say or no right to practice what they believe stepping aside from a job after years is not a reasonable response either once one has established a career, a retirement,,etc,, and a life that requires that income to sustain simple fact is there was a MAJOR change to what was expected in her job,, and a change well known to CONTRADICT religious belief,,there should have been some type of accomodation considered when this change went into effect for those whose values do not allow them to condone sodomy,,, let alone sign off on it,,, I think a simple compromise would be to have a simple GOVERNMENT STAMP that only indicates that the government has sanctioned it,, without any requirement for a personal endorsement from anyone,, ok msharmony I understand your point but she works for the state as far as I know and with her came the new law ... so neither here nor there ... she did not follow the law of what she was required to do with her job... or there would have been no arrest ... I see it more that she broke the law ...not what really her agenda is ... by doing that ... and a personal decision she made on her own ... yes, but the 'law' should not be made that can stop someone from their religious practice,,, since that part of the constitution is there for a reason, I feel this law falls into a very slippery slope where that needs to be accomodated so as to not be a violation fine, let the 'law' dictate what is a marriage, but dont force people whose religion doesnt allow it to have to PERSONALLY cosign for it,,, Its not a law being made to allow the marriages, it's enforcing the denial of a LEGAL marriage. It's separating the States from ALL Religions which was one of the key differences between the U.S. and England. Religious Freedom AND Separation of Church and State. Even if she was a Catholic Cardinal she couldn't make the same LEGAL argument. Well, she could she'd just be wrong. She would have no more LEGAL power if she were a Cardinal so that the views and opinions of the CHURCH do not become STATE policy and practice. What she was doing wasn't just discrimination, it wasn't just breaking the Law, it was outright refusal to fulfill her LEGAL obligation to the Citizens of Rowan Co. KY ![]() Yep. $80K. And as an elected official in a LEGAL office, her obligation is LEGAL and can only be LEGAL in nature. If someone wants to marry a car, she can LEGALLY deny them. If someone wants to marry a minor, she can LEGALLY deny them. If someone wants to marry a dead person, she can LEGALLY deny them. If a Christian person wants to marry a Hindu person and she has RELIGIOUS convictions against that, she has no LEGAL authority to deny them the LEGAL document that allows them to be LEGALLY married. It's not a RELIGIOUS document. It's just like a Bill of Sale a Title or a Mortgage, they have to be LEGALLY attained for one to own possess or occupy LEGALLY. She also recently changed her religious beliefs, so that's not an excuse either. That's one of the reasons the General assembly won't convene on her behalf and the governor has no intention on making a Legal loophole for her. What she is trying to do is LEGALLY impose >her< RELIGIOUS belief in the name of ROWAN COUNTY KY. ![]() |
September 11, still ongoing.
I understand today is 9/11 and that many lost their loved ones on that fateful day, and I'm fully aware that anytime I turn on the news I'm going to see a remembrance of those who died, Wall Street Executives, Janitors, Firefighters, and many others. Why yes it is Sad, and these people do need to be remembered, let's please not look at this as an event in the past that is 'over and done with' it's not. Sadly we are STILL dealing with the after-effects of this event, but we don't talk about. While reading the names of the 3,000 lost this day in 2001, no one will read the names of the 2,200+ lives of our military that have been lost since, 7 of those this year alone. Today you will hear about the names of the victims of that day, the names of their families, their ages, and testimonies from people of all walks of life. You will not hear testimonies from Military families who are attending funerals to say goodbye to their loved ones THIS year. Those who gave up their lives in hopes of preventing another attack like this. So I challenge everyone, while they are remembering the lost lives from this event, for you to remember that the death-toll from this event is not over, and still-climbing, remember the past lives, but also please remember the present lives being taken too soon as well. Thank you Isaac. |
The world sadly remembers this date well enough. And now there is King Noble making internet threats on youtube and Twitter for a Fukyoflag movement meeting on September 11. 'It's open season on killing white people and crackers,' King Noble says in a chilling Youtube rant. 'The Black Lives Matter movement wasn'�t enough.' Noble calls for more execution-style killings of police officers similar to the slaying of Texas sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth. 'It'�s not safe no more to be white in America. Lurking behind any corner could be an angry black man ready to take yo *** out. It's a reality,' he said. 'It's open season on killing whites and police.' The orders have just come down from the head organizer of #FYF911 movement from Palmetto Star — the ratched revolutionary, too raw for TV — the order has come down to reveal the secret locaiton of FYF mobilization. 'The event will be held in Stone Mountain. Get there. In Stone Mountain, you will witness the end of U.S. imperialist white supremecy. September 11th, Stone Mountain. Get there'. Hopefully he is all bluster and nothing will eventuate. Keep safe ALL Americans. 'It's open season on killing white people and crackers,' King Noble says in a chilling Youtube rant. 'The Black Lives Matter movement wasn'�t enough.' First of all he acknowledges that his following is not the same as #Black Lives Matter. Secondly the headline makes a false connection, #FYF has no connection to other than this headline and the hash tag which means nothing. Third the #Black Lives Matter movement is PEACEFUL. The link to the actual movement, the original source has been posted several times. The actions or calls to action of ONE stupid person who mentions it doesn't apply to the PEACEFUL movement, which this ONE idiot CLEARLY SEPARATES himself from above. Deputy Goforths OWN Sheriff said that they do not have ANY MOTIVE, let alone a race related motive or a race related motive with a connection to the PEACEFUL #Black Lives Matter movement. |
![]() Business as usual with topic distractions Diversionary tactics:. cops drug food analogies Manipulation tactics: 1 - I insulted you, but no I didn't 1 - you to agreed with me & you don't know it.. Cops are responsible for the deaths being protested, cops have authority over citizens, power to end their lives and protection when they do so needlessly. That is blatant abuse of power directly causing the PEACEFUL movement and the not peaceful rioting. In both the Brown and Grey cases the authorities didn't prepare for the possibility and high likelyhood given the nature of the deaths in question. Drugs are a large factor in the equation because someone has to get the drugs from their point of entry into the country to the destinations that in many cases are very far from those entries. When police are found to be protecting those shipments such as the few indicted in Operation Rockfish they are more of a problem than the small time dealers because they not only passed up the opportunity to do the job tax payers fund them to do they undermine the authority of the good officers who do protect and serve honorably. Herion is a major problem in Baltimore, as are the prescription opiates stolen from the pharmacies that were looted during the riot following the death of Freddie Grey. These things are more than relevant to the topic. |
Germannchocolate, how many people are needed to start a 'hategroup'? If they used a forum to spout their hate, would that count? Or are they simply conspiracy theorists? The same number it takes to start a "misinformation" campaign and at least one apologist to back their false claims. I'm human it is eentirely possible for me to make a mistake. The protest took place between the original press conference and the 1 on 1 interview with the Harris County Sheriff. This means that it was IMPOSSIBLE for Miles to have seen it or use it as a MOTIVATING FACTOR in the MURDER, consciously or subconsciously, There is a difference between an op ed and a 1 on 1 interview where someone is respectful of your situation and affords you the opportunity on National tv to answer the questions of your critics by name. That's pretty rare this day and age. I have no idea what is wrong with Miles but being found mentally incompetent to stand trial in Travis County and the court ordered 6 month State mental hospitalization means they should have a very good idea of his mental condition/illnessess. To answer the lady's question, I would start by asking the people of Minnesota that joined the rally through Facebook invitations. Then I'd check the number of invited people that are actually members of the movement. Then I'd check to see which of them actually attended/participated. Then I would check to see who 'crashed the party'. Find those answers and you'll have your misinformation campaign. |
Edited by
Thu 09/10/15 05:38 PM
![]() From the Minnesota Star Tribune Does this look like an angry black mob? |
Protest began August 29th 11a.m.
Sat Aug 29, 2015 | 3:04 PM EDT Black Lives Matter marches on Minnesota State Fair By Marisa Helms ST PAUL, Minn. (Reuters) - Several hundred protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement marched to the Minnesota State Fair on Saturday to bring attention to race issues ranging from policing to underrepresentation of minorities at one of the nation's biggest state fairs. The mixed-race crowd, including senior citizens and children, chanted slogans along the 1-1/2 mile route and briefly lay down on a bridge south of the fairgrounds. "There's a cliche that Minnesota is nice to everyone, but that's not the case for people of color," said 51-year-old marcher Tim, who did not want to give his last name because event organizers said they had received death threats. "As a white person I want to be vocal about that ... This (protest march) is a small inconvenience to state fair traffic compared to what people of color experience every day," he said. Fairgoers stopped to take photos of the marchers, organized by Black Lives St. Paul. "We're disturbed on a day-to-day basis. We don't mind disturbing the status quo for one day," said Trahern Crews, 40, an event organizer who is running for a seat on the St. Paul City Council. Black Lives Matter, a decentralized national movement against racism in policing and the justice system, gained momentum last year during protests over police killings of unarmed black men. The group also pressures 2016 presidential hopefuls to address issues such as mass incarcerations of African Americans. St. Paul police put on extra staff for the march, which grew louder as it neared the entrance of the fair, which attracts up to 1.8 million visitors over its 12-day run each summer. On Friday, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton said that while he understood the interest of the demonstrators, taking their protest to the fair is "inappropriate." The demonstration is expected to stay outside the fairgrounds due to a state restriction. Rashad Turner, organizer of Black Lives St. Paul on Friday reminded protesters to remain peaceful. "Our opponents will claim victory if they push someone over the line. I don't know about you, but let's not give them the satisfaction." (Editing by Fiona Ortiz and W Simon) |
Germannchocolate, how many people are needed to start a 'hategroup'? If they used a forum to spout their hate, would that count? Or are they simply conspiracy theorists? The same number it takes to start a "misinformation" campaign and at least one apologist to back their false claims. Daily mail. co UK as in across the pond as in United Kingdom Consider the source. If "the protest came hours after the Harris County Sheriffs Deputy was gunned down", how could it have happened on a different day? |