Uniquely_blessed's photo
Wed 09/05/12 10:41 AM

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Wed 09/05/12 10:27 AM
Near into the dark abyss

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Wed 09/05/12 08:27 AM
What's the point in Recycling?

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Mon 09/03/12 12:35 PM

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Sat 08/25/12 05:46 PM
Like ur pro cause ur one of the few that took time to tell something about u makein a person wanna know more

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Sat 08/25/12 10:04 AM
hey, i like ur profile, if i was u id go n2 more detail on wut ur looking for or wut kinda things ur into, maybe jus a lil ta make ppl wanna know more :)
Th pic is adorable! some choose not ta put kids up because of pediphiles and such but its just that, an opinion, its ur page so do wut u want and are comfy with! im also kinda new ta the site, i like it so far! hope u find wut ur lookin for - faith

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Sat 08/25/12 03:58 AM
r u sure ur page is completely loaded?

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/23/12 06:04 AM
lol he shoulda finished quicker

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/23/12 06:02 AM
heard that!

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/23/12 05:59 AM
lol id do it but prolly not wit a straite face lol

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/23/12 05:53 AM

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Sun 08/19/12 08:15 AM

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Sun 08/19/12 05:50 AM

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/16/12 12:53 PM
its so hard sometimes ta get thru th past and not let it affect the future esp with trust issues and lies, beautifully written

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/16/12 11:37 AM
im a little nervous now at just the thought of u
i took the test and found out its true
u will be with me before i know it!

i cry alot i know u feel my emotion so i try to stay calm
its not because i dont love u, u already have me n ur palm
i feel ur to good to be true

how long ivee awaited no one can know but me
ur already changing my life, ur setting me free
it will be years before you can understand

things are better im always all smiles
ur makeing all the pain forever worthwhile
o how i love you

i feel you now, u make ur presence apparent each day
kicking and punching, hiccuping, moveing as u may
im getting more anxious

i hurt now the pains wont go away, im uncomfortable, im swollen, how much longer can u stay?
im ready to evict u outta my womb, i want my body back u barely have room to lay
but i will handle it to have u.

surgery went good how long will they keep you away fom me?
i know they r checkin ur breathing but after loosing ur sister this scares me u see
i just want u to live and be healthy

ur home with me now i am so proud ur alright
u remind me of ur sister, how she looked before her flight
i wish she was here to meet u

my pain is gone and my heart is healing finally i feel like my world is brighter now reguardless of the past
i have a baby, a child, a blessing at last!
u melt my heart

u look in my eyes and peer into my soul, i never felt so close to another being, never wanted to give my all my life my everything
i wont ever leave u i will always be ur mom, i will hold u all day and pour my heart into u and appreciate all u bring
just be urself, u can always come to me with anything, i would even defend u if u were wrong
i love u my son!

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Thu 08/16/12 10:52 AM
that was absolutely a beautiful write! i can feel ur words as i read them, i have also experinced this! loved it!

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Wed 08/15/12 06:43 AM

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Wed 08/15/12 05:24 AM
i like ta think so but it depends on how u approach me, dnt let th first convo consist of somethin sexual, i can take a joke but alot of times it aint funny. i can talk to any1 about anything thou, i am a good listener but i also like doin th talking

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Wed 08/15/12 05:01 AM
glad u asked cause i wondered the same thing

Uniquely_blessed's photo
Tue 08/14/12 10:04 AM
lmao i jus read this allowed and we all cracked up, thanks for th laugh

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