Community > Posts By > sexi_PHAT

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Mon 06/09/08 07:04 PM
whatever works for yalaugh

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Mon 06/09/08 07:02 PM
pop rocksdevil

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Mon 06/09/08 03:58 PM

you met a man and he didnt want sex until marriage, would having a bit of fun without sex acceptable??

i would wait for the sex after the marriage, but i dont think id cope with doing nothing.

whats your opinions??
In this day and age...that would be a very rare thing...who DOES that??laugh laugh Nah...honestly i dont think i could be with a man like likes the sex too much!happy

blushing blushing love love

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Mon 06/09/08 03:56 PM

Ok ladies...time to spill the beans..I need to know, especially after today...

An IT systems woman came to my Dealership a few weeks back, extremely gorgeous and a great personality. We clicked right away...

We have chatted by email a few times that was work related, but cute little notes added in there....

She came back today unannounced! To my pleasure of course and she is here for the week also visiting some other stores. She made me store the first visit drinker But here is my question:.....

Is it true when a woman plays with her hair a lot when talking to you means flirting? Also when you make eye contact for a long time, then shy away and look that a sign of shyness?
shyness...yes probably! the hair thing..she prob has lice!:tongue: laugh

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Mon 06/09/08 03:53 PM

you met a man and he didnt want sex until marriage, would having a bit of fun without sex acceptable??

i would wait for the sex after the marriage, but i dont think id cope with doing nothing.

whats your opinions??
In this day and age...that would be a very rare thing...who DOES that??laugh laugh Nah...honestly i dont think i could be with a man like likes the sex too much!happy

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Mon 06/09/08 03:50 PM

I agree with the majority of ppl on long as u are nice and not rude...ur doing nothing wrong...u have ur preferences and no one can change that...however...i personally think that you are narrowing your chances of being with someone special just cause she may be "overweight"? What if she had a wonderful face and beautiful personality and you gave her a chance and she lost the weight??? you would have everything you wanted but because of your limited lost out on a good woman!! oh well..JMOflowerforyou

Thats my opinon to but if they cant see past that ....remember men are visual they dont think past the box. Which isnt men bashing, just knowledge. I would rather have a man tell me he wasnt interested in my physically now rather than to marry me and then tell me "I only married you because men dont look at overweight women and you wont cheat!" Which has happened to me twice already.
Thats pretty messed up..sorry that that happened to you...sounds like an insecurity issue with them..not you..idiots!!laugh

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Mon 06/09/08 02:26 PM

that you feel needs mental help but they don't ?
of coursehappy

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Mon 06/09/08 02:24 PM
I agree with the majority of ppl on long as u are nice and not rude...ur doing nothing wrong...u have ur preferences and no one can change that...however...i personally think that you are narrowing your chances of being with someone special just cause she may be "overweight"? What if she had a wonderful face and beautiful personality and you gave her a chance and she lost the weight??? you would have everything you wanted but because of your limited lost out on a good woman!! oh well..JMOflowerforyou

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Mon 06/09/08 02:07 PM

Totally free but a pic will get you a long
Correction..SOMETIMES it will..depends on the

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Mon 06/09/08 02:05 PM

Good morning,

Looking for some input here. I just broke up with a man after knowing him for some time, but only dating him exclusively for a few weeks. He and I are compatible in so many ways, enjoy each others company, have the same warped sense of humor…well, I could go on, but you get the picture. We spend almost every waking moment together that we are not working, and some sleeping moments, as well. He was concerned that the “spark” wasn’t there…that he did not get that little “pitter-patter” in his chest when he sees me. We have continued to be, well, friends with benefits, and I am not sure I can do this anymore. We are both dating other people when we want to, but I have come to the conclusion that I want him and not another person. So I think I am hanging on to him in hopes that we will find that “spark.” He looks into my eyes a lot, and I can’t help but wonder how someone can look at you that way and there not be something. I think I am going about this the wrong way.

Now, I have friends tell me that he is just using me…and I tell them that I am using him to, so what’s the difference? My Daddy tells me to back off (though he calls me most of the time, and run right over like a little puppy) Daddy says that I need to not make myself so available, and that maybe he will miss me.

We do other things besides the “benefits” stuff. We eat out, cook together, go to the movies, shop, talk for hours…It’s not all about sex.

I guess my question is can that spark develop? He says if it does, that I will be the first to know.

Bottom line, I want this man! Is he just not into me?


If you want more..then move on! IF you only want what u are getting right now..then stay! Only you can decide!flowerforyou Good luck!

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Wed 06/04/08 07:14 PM

posting anymoresad
And what are u doin rite now then?:wink: laugh

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Tue 06/03/08 07:15 PM

Looking for any ladies who would give someone a chance without basing it on looks only.... what happened to the days of giving someone the oppurtunity to show who they truly are.
The reason i say this is because the lady i went out with last night just called me and said we would not look good together in public, that i dont meet her standardssad brokenheart
what's a guy to do?
One day the right person will come alongflowerforyou

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Tue 06/03/08 03:45 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou :cry: :cry: :cry: brokenheart brokenheart brokenheart :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou

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Tue 06/03/08 03:44 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Tue 06/03/08 02:08 PM

that drops you at the dime of a hat when they get into a relationship... is it so wrong of me to put her in her place when she drops all set plans and starts ignoring others?

I am just wondering I mean hey... a true friend is there no matter what right? A true friend doesn't just wonder back in to your life when things go sour with who they are dating or when its over... or am I just the only one who thinks that??huh
She will come around when the "cloud one" wears offflowerforyou

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Tue 06/03/08 11:31 AM

a horrible person if i gave up custody of my son and went back into the military? I think it might be better for him and his mother if i was just out of the picture. If he still wanted to be a part of my life when he was older that would be fine but right now i'm not sure

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Tue 06/03/08 11:30 AM

a horrible person if i gave up custody of my son and went back into the military? I think it might be better for him and his mother if i was just out of the picture. If he still wanted to be a part of my life when he was older that would be fine but right now i'm not sure

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Mon 06/02/08 07:38 PM

I have no romantic bone in my body, I'm going to go watch the movie P.S. I love you...

Supposidly if I have a heart I will cry...let's see.

This is supposed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy I think...

When I come back I'll hit on everyone...wait, don't I do that now?

Try some porn instead.
YOU would say something like that:tongue:

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Mon 06/02/08 07:36 PM

I have no romantic bone in my body, I'm going to go watch the movie P.S. I love you...

Supposidly if I have a heart I will cry...let's see.

This is supposed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy I think...

When I come back I'll hit on everyone...wait, don't I do that now?
I loved the was really good..havent seen the movie yet..lemme know how it isdrinker

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Mon 06/02/08 06:55 PM suspect are registered sex offenders?
glasses Ive heard of one but I dont see him on here anymoreglasses

who was this guy?
Yes..who is this?? this info should be sharedgrumble