Community > Posts By > silverwaya

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:20 PM

*The drow elf laughs*

Such commotion here. That can only mean one thing. Is that you dear Alatariel... My my it has been so long. How have you been recently? I hear you have had a stressful few days

*She says with a mocking pout*

*looks at the woman who spoke*

*confusion then recognition comes across her face*

What are you here for? It is me you want. Leave these people be.

I have come for no one child. Just a place to sit and drink

hatred flashes from her eyes as she looks at the drow. A drink my ass, she mutters.
Is that what you wanted last night was a bloody drink?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:16 PM

Why wait what's going on?

Why do you people not want me here?

Come outside with me and I will tell you.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:14 PM

*Alatariel reenters the inn*

walks up to Alatariel and grabs her arm pulling her back towards the table where she sat.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 10:04 PM

I fear I will have to meet you there then. Although when you do get to hell, do give my warmest regards to Jericho when you see him. I am sure his soul is roasting quite nicely down there right now.

Isn't that right Rathil dear?

*She says turning back to him*

Rathil: I would not be as cocky with me Esane. You know that in any circumstance I out power you. Even with all the magice you posess I would cut you down. That is why you are cowardly and hide behind shadows.

Hearing her blatant disrespect of Jericho, fury wells up inside RéAnna.
Thinking to herself, Hell would even be too good for the likes of her.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:58 PM
Edited by silverwaya on Wed 05/21/08 10:00 PM

*The yell can be heard from outside again*

Fine Fine, if you don't want to come out I will just come in and visit.

*In through the doors walks the same drow elf from yesterday. She sees all the people glaring at her and she simply smiles and revels in all the hate coming her way. She walks right up and sits at the bar across from Rathil and stares at him for a moment before looking around.*

My My, you do clean up quite nicely. It's almost like I was never here

Rathil replies, "Funny, that's the feeling I was going for"

Watches the evil drow walk in. She can feel the contempt in the room so thick that Draven could cleave it with his axe. RéAnna's eyes narrow as she feels something she hasn't in a very long time. She grips the hilt of her sword. The necklace that Rathil gave her glows brightly.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:54 PM

no rathil,, you wouldnt be an embarressed elf, you would be a split personality with a really bad headache

Laughs at draven. But looks at Rathil as he gets up to walk out the door.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:44 PM

Yup, It will even work on me and Barbus.. Oh, I can't wait to have Barbus throw a fireball at me. He will be so steamed to see it fizzle out. and better yet throw HIM back!!

laughing, now that I want to see!!!!!!

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:35 PM

*Rathil laughs a bit as the axe comes down but he doesn't make an effort to move. Right before the axe connects with Rathils head a ripple of energy moves through the air. It stops the axe midswing and repels it back with enough force to make even the minotaur take a few steps back. Once the axe is away from Rathil the energy ripple dissipates and the air returns to normal*

Thank you my good lad. *He smiles at the minotaur*

It would appear the spell worked. This inn is now a violence free zone.

"Very good but everybody here already knows that we shall not hurt anyone who enters here."

That didn't stop esanne from coming in here and killing Jericho and Earendur. now did it?
I think that she watches everyone and everything. SHe came here when she knew Rathil and Barbus weren't here.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:32 PM

*Rathil laughs a bit as the axe comes down but he doesn't make an effort to move. Right before the axe connects with Rathils head a ripple of energy moves through the air. It stops the axe midswing and repels it back with enough force to make even the minotaur take a few steps back. Once the axe is away from Rathil the energy ripple dissipates and the air returns to normal*

Thank you my good lad. *He smiles at the minotaur*

It would appear the spell worked. This inn is now a violence free zone.

I should have known. you sneaky elf you.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:29 PM

hearing the insults, with a bellow, Draven raises the ax in a flash and brings it down from overhead like he is swinging to kill esanne

Looks on in disbelief.....

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:28 PM

*Rathil sighs a bit*

Very well, have it your way...

Surely that big hulking body of yours can wipe through a lowly elf as myself. Unless of course that is the problem? Do you fear I would out manuver you? If your ego was as big as your stench you would have no problem with taking a big swing at me. I am starting to doubt the warrior you make yourself out to be.


silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:26 PM

looks at Rathil like he is crazy. but wait .... he is

He always has been.

This is true kory, very true.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:24 PM
looks at Rathil like he is crazy. but wait .... he is

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:14 PM
Edited by silverwaya on Wed 05/21/08 09:15 PM
well well, look what we have here. Hello Phara, how are you?

notices what Draven said and gives him s sidelong glance

Sees Rathil enter and sighs. here comes trouble number 2

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 09:03 PM
Glad to see that you got that fix you needed friend. she nods towards Azareak.
I have been doing well Kory, how about you?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:56 PM

*While he's behind the bar thogeon gets himself a drink and sits back down.*

"what started out as fun and games has turned into more trouble than I thought. lesson learned don't mess with the cat."

especially horny cats. and she laughs taking a drink

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:54 PM
Well isn't that a good thing. I would hate to see Calliope in a tizzy over that one.
Let's all have a drink and she winks at Draven.

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:49 PM

*eyes flash over to Thogeon's cut, the smell of blood runs by her nose, her eyes start to turn a blood red*

*After handing the Cat back to Calliope he turns to see the vampire staring at him*

"I really don't think you want to start with me. After dragging the orc and being clawed by the cat I'm in no mood for games"

Now Now, Thogeon, she can't help herself. she sis say that she only fed on animals.
she seems to be a young one, give her a break

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:47 PM

*eyes roll to the back of her head as she takes a deep breath in*

easy girl, or shall we find you a fix?

silverwaya's photo
Wed 05/21/08 08:46 PM

no feeding off the patrons vampire,and Reanna, you like the horny bastard anyway, so whats your point, and i am not a man, im half man.

I know quite well what you are Draven my dear. so what is your point? can't a girl have any fun?

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