Community > Posts By > indignus

indignus's photo
Sun 01/12/14 04:40 AM
Its not inactive on my end. You have to remember that women get tons of flirts and e-mails from men. Since they have so many options they tend to be picky and easily turned away. Every now and then you meet someone who is pretty kool. I'd say just stick with it, your probably not gonna find someone in a few days. It could take years... GL

indignus's photo
Sun 01/12/14 04:27 AM
It takes a long time of sifting through the garbage before you find someone you can connect with. It never happens for a lot of people and they end up settling, but you could get lucky. I hope you find what your looking for.

indignus's photo
Sun 01/12/14 02:50 AM
Sure are, we have genuine pervs, genuine freeloaders, genuine liars. Whats your poison?

indignus's photo
Sun 01/12/14 02:06 AM
there are at least 4 of us

indignus's photo
Fri 01/10/14 06:33 AM
its like any other site. there are some real and decent people but you have to sift though all the crap before you find them

indignus's photo
Fri 01/10/14 06:32 AM
Put some pics up, besides that it looks fine

indignus's photo
Fri 01/10/14 06:29 AM
We're around, just gotta look for the 420 in profiles

indignus's photo
Mon 01/06/14 02:25 AM

Cause the women they are with are dumb enough to believe it. That's probably part of the appeal. An intelligent women would realize that if he is cheating on his wife with her he's going to do the same thing too her if she ends up with him?

True, but that is only one reason...Not all women are dumb and not all men stay with their wives...Many leave the marriage to be with the mistress...Don't forget, it takes two to make a marriage and two to break it...Some men (and women) cheat because they are driven to it by abusive or neglectful partners...Before anyone "jumps", I'm not saying thats right, I'm just saying people are not perfect and they're not always strong....

@ the OP...Sandy, if you are asking because you are a mistress, cut him off...If he loves you, he will end his marriage and begin a proper life with you...If he is a user, you will only hear his lame excuses about why he can't leave his wife and how hard his life is and how much he needs you tears ...All BS hon....If there is a next time, think before you decide to f u c k a married man...Think about his wife, think about his children if he has them, and think about your dignity...Doing so might make you back off and look for a man who is both emotionally and physically available to you....Good luck!

There is no excuse for cheating for any who are involved, there are always honest ways to go about these things. Committed relationships aren't the time to be keeping your options open.

Cut him off eh? Yea that's great advice, use sex like a carrot to manipulate him into making a decision in your favor. I guess some things will never change...

indignus's photo
Mon 01/06/14 02:04 AM

Cause the women they are with are dumb enough to believe it. That's probably part of the appeal. An intelligent women would realize that if he is cheating on his wife with her he's going to do the same thing too her if she ends up with him?

Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result...

I believe this is totally true.

I don't really agree. There are a lot of intelligent women who have been taken in by this "promise." The man wants to have his cake and eat it too. Some go to great lengths to maintain this illusion instead of working on things at home or getting out.

The woman wants to believe's a delusion that she allows herself because she wants to believe it is true. it seldom turns out to be, however. People often believe what they want to believe, hear what they want to hear....

I guess we have different ideas about what constitutes an intelligent women...

indignus's photo
Sun 01/05/14 05:02 AM
No, we all suck. Just find a pretty one with money who is easy to manipulate. Isn't that how the world works?

indignus's photo
Sun 01/05/14 04:41 AM

You'll Hate This Professional Date 'N' Dasher

Yeah I'm calling this a scam. Because that is what it is. This girl goes out with guys to get them to buy her dinner at some expensive place and then she never contacts them again and then writes garbage about them on her tumblr blog.

The guys are the suckers for spending money on her, so eager to impress they will let a girl walk all over them. Her and those guys deserve each other.

indignus's photo
Sun 01/05/14 04:36 AM
You can't, sry man. Not unless she reactivates it.

indignus's photo
Sun 01/05/14 04:30 AM
Yes, self sacrifice is easy...

indignus's photo
Sun 01/05/14 03:54 AM
Personally I would not want to get married, but I would spend the rest of my life with someone.

To a man, I think the marriage contract is a bit ridiculous. My father was divorced twice and both times he lost his house, car and kids. My mother was also divorced twice and both times she got his house, cars and kids. Why would anyone sign a contract that says if you ever decide not to be together the other person can take your stuff? Makes perfect sense to a women though, if she doesn't want him anymore she gets to take his stuff and find a new guy to scam.

indignus's photo
Sat 01/04/14 11:26 PM
Edited by indignus on Sat 01/04/14 11:27 PM
Cause the women they are with are dumb enough to believe it. That's probably part of the appeal. An intelligent women would realize that if he is cheating on his wife with her he's going to do the same thing too her if she ends up with him?

Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result...

indignus's photo
Fri 01/03/14 10:31 PM
Try a different web browser. Maybe Google Crome

indignus's photo
Fri 01/03/14 10:04 AM
Edited by indignus on Fri 01/03/14 10:05 AM
Why would you want to forget your best memories? Just because its over or even if it ended badly you can still remember the good times.

If you were to forget, you'd also lose all those lessons you learned through the course of the relationship. If that happened you could end up making the same mistakes all over again with the next guy you meet.

Life is nothing but a series of moments. People rarely remember the mundane things over time, but they remember the good and bad moments that stick with you. Which memories you choose to dwell on is your choice.

If its fun or feels good then keep it up, if hurts or sucks then learn from it.

indignus's photo
Fri 01/03/14 09:54 AM
I think expecting too much from your partner only causing problems. Unless your looking for a conditional love

indignus's photo
Fri 01/03/14 09:49 AM
Hey Suzy,

I don't think you need to change a thing, your profile looks very well put together. GL

indignus's photo
Fri 01/03/14 09:46 AM
I think your profile is fine the way it is. I don't think mentioning that you don't think you are very pretty will attract many predators because they don't usually read profiles anyway. Plus you said looks aren't important too you (my fav part of your profile) which kind of goes alone with you not thinking your very attractive. I hope you find what your looking for.