What about the predatory women that take advantage of "honest guys"? That's the problem that I see with your argument. There's no guarantee that anything will "flow naturally" and you just seem to be assuming that all women are good women. That is part of the reason I'm so untrusting and jaded, its happened to me many times |
I believe most people lie as a means to get what they want or to avoid an argument and its ridiculous to think they won't. I have never met someone who didn't lie at least a little.
how do u know he is the one
Take your time, spend a LOT of time getting to know the person before you decide if you want to be with them. If you 2 are really in love then he's not gonna go anywhere, you can take your time getting to know him. Then you just have to hope that you grow in the same direction
I think there is such a thing as love, but most people just settle for the person who is closest to what they think they want and so it is rare to find
What about age difference?
What about when your 18? You can like 30 years older but no one younger. Maybe its just because everything is relative too your current situation. Situations change, standards change.
Rate me
A lot of women do the same things too me. Many people are very shallow, gotta weed though them to find the people of substance and depth.
My advice would be to add some pics, maybe clearer ones without those big sunglasses so people can see what you look like. I would also suggest adding your interests, people like to see what they have in common, and adding too your description. Give them an idea of who you are, not just what your looking for.
what can you say
Maybe add some of your interests. Some people like to see what they have in common before they message you. Gl
Believing in girls..
Yep, based solely on the experiences I've had in my little corner of the world.
Edited by
Wed 01/01/14 02:06 AM
This planet wasn't always hospitable for carbon based life forms. Most of its existence it has been void of life. Conditions are right now, and so life flourishes. Eventually life won't be able to exist here again.
Life began, in theory, by free floating amino acids randomly colliding into each other until they started to form their first single celled life form. Over a lot of time and lots of mutations complex life forms evolved into everything we see today. They evolved to live perfectly in this world because as they evolved to work well in this type of environment. Survival of the more fit and capable to live in its environment It is believe that there are many planets that fall within the goldilock zone in their own solar system and are very likely to support life. There is such a thing as chance |
rate my profile
You have to fill out your profile more. Add some more pics, maybe some in daylight so they can see what you look like.
"hi" isn't a good description. Talk about yourself, what you like to do, what kinds of things interest you. Fill out your interest section, lots of people on here are looking for people they have things in common with. |
Believing in girls..
I believe they shouldn't be trusted
Older women play less games, are less emotional/dramatic and are really good in bed (there's just no substitute for experience). I'm only going off of my own experiences and what my friends and I have talked about.
Old flames, exs as friends?
I don't see a problem with it. I think its a little crazy for a person to think they can tell their partner who they can be friends with.
I don't think age is very important. Odds are always against you that you'll meet someone compatible, but you may at least make a friend who is into the same things that your into. If you don't try you'll never find out for sure
Edited by
Sun 12/29/13 09:25 AM
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned,"
~William Congreve Most women seem to be ruled by overwhelming emotions and hormones, so when they get pissed they lash out in spiteful and vindictive ways. Just one of those things you have to accept about most of them |
I don't think you have to change a thing, gl!
I'd still rather hide it instead of running the risk of scaring them off. Or even worse, not scaring them off, but not having them say it back. I told a guy I loved him once and he told me that I shouldn't. Such an epic fail. Don't fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.�� - Bruce Lee Good words. Thank you. ![]() Anytime |
Edited by
Sat 12/28/13 05:11 PM
I'd still rather hide it instead of running the risk of scaring them off. Or even worse, not scaring them off, but not having them say it back. I told a guy I loved him once and he told me that I shouldn't. Such an epic fail. Don't fear failure. Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.�� - Bruce Lee |
Looks like there are at least 4 of us thus far