Community > Posts By > rockstarskates

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:53 PM

I got carpet for my dorm room that wayhappy

Thats how I furnished my whole appt (Mind you I only have milk crates and bean bag chairs but still, free is good)

hats off to you, sittin on milk crates surfin the net, now thats punk rock!

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:44 PM
Edited by rockstarskates on Sun 06/01/08 12:47 PM
you have to obviously be careful of what you choose to find. im amazed at what people will throw away

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:40 PM
go dumpster diving?

whats your biggest score?

i once found a pair of 18 inch Cerwin Vegas with perfect cones back in 92. a memorable score for sure

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:24 PM

today when i went to McDonalds to get soemthing to eat, as i was in the upstairs section of the establishment, there was an older black guy, seemed to be homeless, passed out on a rine of a watermelon. like his head resting in the heart of this watermelon. funniest thing ive seen in a minute. well since i had to kick out a drunk indian bum passed out in front of my bedroom window, grunting and half naked in the last end of winter, now that was funny too. im glad i dont watch tv!

If face was lying on the the heart of the watermelon, did you help him and move him so he could breathe better?

what?....hey just cuz its called watermelon doesnt mean you can drown from it

rockstarskates's photo
Sun 06/01/08 12:12 PM
today when i went to McDonalds to get soemthing to eat, as i was in the upstairs section of the establishment, there was an older black guy, seemed to be homeless, passed out on a rine of a watermelon. like his head resting in the heart of this watermelon. funniest thing ive seen in a minute. well since i had to kick out a drunk indian bum passed out in front of my bedroom window, grunting and half naked in the last end of winter, now that was funny too. im glad i dont watch tv!

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:54 PM
you aim up

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:17 PM
you really had to ask that question? i say its a no brainer

rockstarskates's photo
Sat 05/31/08 02:16 PM
Are you f'n serious? typical

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:18 AM
Edited by rockstarskates on Fri 05/30/08 10:24 AM
what is wrong here, i didnt post tyis many times, sorry for all of this

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:18 AM
well if anyone is interested in seeing, just look at my pics, those are 1 inch holes and frankly its not crap cinderella, its a culture thing, now yes, some do it for a "fashion" and its those that make me want to vomit

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:18 AM
well if anyone is interested in seeing, just look at my pics, those are 1 inch holes and frankly its not crap cinderella, its a culture thing, now yes, some do it for a "fashion" and its those that make me want to vomit

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:13 AM
Edited by rockstarskates on Fri 05/30/08 10:23 AM

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:13 AM
well if anyone is interested in seeing, just look at my pics, those are 1 inch holes and frankly its not crap cinderella, its a culture thing, now yes, some do it for a "fashion" and its those that make me want to vomit

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 10:01 AM
what about the size of the hole itself?

<----1 inch plugs

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:41 AM
Edited by rockstarskates on Fri 05/30/08 09:43 AM

id rather see them as a normal state, rather than all dolled up, to me it seems fake, and im not into fakeness

Dressing up is not fakeness. I dress up everyday......because of work. But, I like the way I feel when I know I look good.

its whichever way you want to look at it, if you dont think it it, fine it isnt to you, but take all that suff away and who are you then? besides naked. my point is, the clothes dont make who you are, YOU DO!

call me a punk i guess, im not about fashion

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:38 AM
depends on who you are talking about tho. some base their whole gimmick around their religion, its what gives them their fuel for writing. my opinion, pick a better topic. now there are bands that are christian, but dont say anything about it in their lyrics(In the Crosshairs, Fight Like Hell...local denver hardcore)

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:34 AM
id rather see them as a normal state, rather than all dolled up, to me it seems fake, and im not into fakeness

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 09:31 AM
being agnostic i can handle some, i like the power it gives you, but if it preaches about god, kick that out. not into hearing about it

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:51 AM
someone need a face doctor?

rockstarskates's photo
Fri 05/30/08 08:23 AM
ive just crossed into At The Drive In

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