Community > Posts By > WhoIAm

WhoIAm's photo
Fri 01/16/09 11:15 AM
I keep reading that letter now. Wow. I knew you could do it. I knew it. I miss you so much. Please come home NOW. But then again, you'll just have to turn around and leave again. This is so hard. And now I know it's hard for you too. We have to find a way to make things different so we can have more time together.

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 01/15/09 09:16 PM
Hurry up and get home. I missed you so much today and there's never enough time. Make me laugh tonight. Let's have fun. Yeah, I know. We always do. There's always so much that I need to talk to you about and so many other things that we like to do together. There is just not enough time for US! I treasure every moment we do have, but yeah, it's good so of course I want more. For your sake tonight though, I really hope you have a love letter in hand when you walk through the door. Not sure what you'll have to do to make up for it if you don't. bigsmile

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 01/15/09 07:34 PM
I love looking at this picture. Two more hours until you are home with me. I have to get this job tomorrow so we can get you off this second shift crap. I can't stand being away from you so much. We need to have more time together. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 01/15/09 07:30 PM

She'll never read this, but:

~ You're the only woman I ever knew who took my breath away, every time; I remember every word you ever wrote to me, every desire whispered in my ear, every sigh, every moment; I remember being with you in a crowded place and seeing no one but you; holding you in my arms always made me feel like the King of the World; I remember long, intimate conversations with you without ever uttering a single word; I remember leaning close to you, the scent of you filling me with desire, tracing the soft lines of your neck with my fingertips, letting my lips kiss your cheek, as I hold your beautiful face in my hands and kiss you long, slow, deep; I remember endless hours touching your perfect soft skin, feeling every part of you, with no beginning or end to the intimacy, just a perfect ebb and flow of sensation and touch; I could kiss you, touch you, hold you, make love to you, forever ... for you were my beloved, my betrothed, and now you are gone, and I fear that I will never be the same ...

Wow. That's pretty amazing. I'm sorry.

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:36 PM
You're on your way home right now. You will be walking in the door any minute. The best time of the day. I miss you so much when I am not with you.

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 01/14/09 04:54 PM
I just can't believe how happy I am. I can't believe how amazing everything is. I feel so positive about life and us and everything. I'm glad we found each other when we did. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 10:11 PM

Wow what an awesome love. I long for that and one day I hope God blesses me with it. Good for you.. :thumbsup:

Thank you. I am unbelievably happy. smitten

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:30 PM
I miss you so much already. I wish we could have just time alone together. I hate missing you. You rock. Everything is just amazing. You are just amazing. love

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:53 AM
So super blah. I had a little nap. I'm still so tired. I need to get ready to go down to HR for my new job and get my paperwork finished. I'm trying to make my brain work enough to focus on the questions I need to ask. I'm too tired! Off to the shower and then the mandatory crap and then kids. Oh, I can't wait to really sleep.

Just wanted to say hi. waving

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:10 AM
I don't want to be mad at you. I'm just so tired. I know you are too. And now your alarm went off and you have to get up and get ready to go to work AGAIN. You work too much. I miss you when you're not with me. We need more TIME!

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:08 AM

I'm feeling all sappy these days. I often have mushy thoughts that I'd love to say to the object of my affection, but can't at that moment for whatever reason. I just wanted a place to put them all down.

So here's a thread to write love notes. Secret or not so secret, it makes no difference. Express the love in your heart in here!

:heart: :heart: love love :heart: :heart: love love

If I had someone kissing me like that, I could write love notes too!!

:laughing: Yeah, it IS quite the motivator. love

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:02 AM
Well, good morning. I think I need to take a nap. yawn

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:26 AM
I love every minute that we have to spend together. It doesn't matter what we're doing. We could be stirring the sauce, chopping vegetables, ironing the sheets, or using your cordless drill. Or maybe we're out shopping (with kids or without). Maybe we're home playing the Wii or cards or dance party. Maybe we're folding laundry together or working together in some other way to get the kitchen cleaned up or whatever. Even when we sleep, we are together. It desn't matter what we do. What matters to me is that we share in everything together. I'm just so relaxed with you. I can be myself. I just love being myself with you because you actually appreciate who that self is. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:21 AM
So who is around here anymore? Anyone remember me?

WhoIAm's photo
Mon 01/12/09 01:24 AM
I may be holding back the words, but I know you feel it the same way that I do. You want to be with me for good. You said that. I can see that. I'm just still so amazed that this has even happened. We're going to have an amazing life together. I love seeing you so happy. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 01/08/09 07:51 PM
Why, oh why, must everything be complicated by other people??? You and me are great! We are amazing! Why can't everyone else just go away and leave us alone??? We have to figure this out. We have to get free of all of the negativity. We will be so happy. This I know. I wish you were home right now. I need you.

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 01/07/09 06:52 PM
I can't wait for you to get home from work tonight. It was a long day and I missed you. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:40 PM
Alright, I don't think I will be posting here anymore. I don't need matches and I don't have time anyway. Those who want to stay in touch with me know where to find me! Peace and best of luck to all!

WhoIAm's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:43 AM
I am determined not to screw this up. I don't have to continue my past patterns of behavior. I am so happy. Really. I know it's going to start to get tougher now that you have to go back to work. I will just really be looking forward to our time together.

WhoIAm's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:38 AM
Hey all! I haven't been around in ages. Just popping in to say hi.

I got an email that said I was matched with someone. Just want to be sure that Deb knows that I am NOT here for matches at all.

I have found my match. I am happy. Very happy.


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