Community > Posts By > WhoIAm

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:00 PM


dang it codyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stop doing that to me drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

Here's mine, Kerry. drool

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/12/09 06:58 PM

Hey dina how are you sweet girl.....I can see from the pic really good....We miss ya around chica

laugh Yes, Deb. We are good. Struggling with normal relationship crap, but working together to work through everything. I'm happier than I can ever remember being. love

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/12/09 06:56 PM

Cody! Long time no see!

Everyone else, hi too! Still busy. Still happy.

DINA long time no speak whats going on hun

Well, I'm happy. That's new! I'm in a cohabitational, functional, happy relationship!

How are you?

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/12/09 06:53 PM

Cody! Long time no see!

Everyone else, hi too! Still busy. Still happy.


hi Kerry! waving

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/12/09 06:51 PM
Cody! Long time no see!

Everyone else, hi too! Still busy. Still happy.

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/12/09 06:45 PM
So last night was a mess and I dumped it all on you. You responded by writing me a two page note where you actually expressed your thoughts and feelings. I was afraid to read it this morning. I was afraid that my four pages would have pushed you away and made you run. But, no. Instead, I think you understood more and responded with affirmation. Thank you.

Thank you for trying to understand me. Thank you for caring for me. Thank you for wanting to be with me. Thank you for wanting it to work. Thank you for wanting to do the work that it requires to have a real, healthy, loving relationship.

I want to be with you. I still don't know how it happened, but I want to be with you now. Always. I think we can do this. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 02/11/09 08:46 PM

I noticed in the Chicago area, interracial couples do tend to live in parts of the city where it's more acceptable. That's a dayum shame, they gotta uproot just to be accepted.

We live in the suburbs of Philly...40 miles or so outside. I don't know if the northeast is just more progressive that way or what.

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 02/11/09 08:30 PM

I wonder if interracial couples are really happy.
I'm mean they take a lot of flack.

smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten

I don't know. It doesn't seem to be a big deal around here. I see interracial couples everywhere. I'm sure some people still judge, but who cares? I'm happy. He's happy. We like each other. No one around us (who matters anyway) has ever said anything negative. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.

smitten smitten smitten smitten smitten

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:32 PM

I loved the guy who said God made us all different colors for a reason. God didn't make us all different Colors, climate made us all different colors. We are all from the same race it's been scientifically proven. I don't disagree with someone who only dates their own race but I feel sorry for them. The world is full of beautiful people and cultures, if you limit yourself to one you are cutting yourself short. My Kids are Half African Half Italian and they are beautiful but that did not happen because I went out and sought one race or the other, it happened because I met their mother and feel deeply in love. Don't limit yourself by closing your mind.

The human race, agreed. I would also agree with the person who said it was more about cultural differences than color. If two people share similar cultural backgrounds or can merge their cultural backgrounds respectfully, color is absolutely not an issue. This is my only serious "interracial" relationship. Color doesn't even come into the equation. We're just who we are and we dig it.

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 02/11/09 05:14 PM
I feel good about us. Really good. I miss you as always. I'm thrilled that you remembered to come see me after school today though. That meant so much to me. I just figured you would forget. And I would not have been mad. The fact that you showed up though...yes, very happy. And yeah, I think we'll be great. I think we already are. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 02/10/09 03:30 PM
Is everything better now? Do you understand? Stress plus me is a bad combo apparently. Will you let it go? It's going to happen again. It just will. It's the nature of my life. Everything cycles. It may be a lot to deal with, but am I not worth it? Last night was good, right? We understood each other. I still have fear. You said you wouldn't be apprehensive now. I guess that means you understand. I miss you. Six more hours.

WhoIAm's photo
Mon 02/09/09 03:31 PM
I'm glad you're starting to talk, even if it's stuff that I don't really want to hear. I need to hear it because you need to say it. I am a lot of work, but I told you that from the beginning. At least you're not giving up on me. But perhaps I should be feeling apprehensive now? Perhaps I should be nervous? I'm sure we'll talk about it more, though I know you don't want to talk about it. You just want to chill. Chilling is good too. I just want us to be happy.

WhoIAm's photo
Sun 02/08/09 06:02 PM
Yeah, you're right. I want my hands on you all night. love

Yep, Princess. Everything is just dandy!

WhoIAm's photo
Sun 02/08/09 07:59 AM
frown Yeah, ok. This will be interesting.

WhoIAm's photo
Sat 02/07/09 12:14 PM
Sexy, sexy...can't wait to get you alone tonight. love

WhoIAm's photo
Fri 02/06/09 06:57 PM
I really need you right now. I hope you can help me through this.

WhoIAm's photo
Thu 02/05/09 02:21 PM
Megastupendous. Yes. I forget the other word, but yes. Yes, yes, yes. Always, yes. And I love the CD. :heart: :heart: :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 02/04/09 06:59 PM
I slept 17 hours yesterday and just had a three hour nap. Now I'm going to do some work to be ready for tomorrow. And I look forward to seeing you in a few hours. :heart: :heart: :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Wed 02/04/09 02:06 PM
I just want to be with you. Always. Forever. Yes. :heart:

WhoIAm's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:45 AM
Thank you. Just for being there and listening. That's all you really do.

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