Community > Posts By > northrn_yanke

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Thu 03/06/08 05:48 AM

Just a quick question; I just saw on the news, The President of the United Stated doing the shuffle. I for one was completely embarrassed, how did you all react. What the hell was he thinking????

P.S. I am aware there was a timing glitch, but this is the man that represents Americans looking like a complete and utter moron (whether the shoe fits or not is not in question).

Lindyy says:

I for one think you have waaaaayyyyy tooooooo mucchhhh time on your hands.

YOU are embarrassed that our President was in a GOOD mood and 'let loose' for a minute?

May I ask how you felt when Clinton had oral sex in the oval office?


I just thank God that these Bush bashers have not gotten to our President. Being able to joke around and be in a good mood just proves even more how STRONG President Bush is and that God is, leading President Bush through this quagmire of hate.

PTL for President Bush:heart: :heart: :heart:

PTL-Praise The Lord!flowerforyou


I read over and over again your replies, if you were to remove all the personal comments you make you would find your answers taken a bit more maturely. (jmo) If all you are interested in is debating, fine, keep it clean and impersonal. If you disagree fine, I respect anyone's opinion, we can all agree to disagree without including how 'you think' people's time is spent.

"I" am embarrassed by Bush's dancing, does this reflect on you or anyone? No. It is solely opinion and I made that clear.

Should it be held in comparison to other presidents actions etc., I think not. I had a question wanted to hear views and that was it. I merely stated I saw it on TV and asked a question, and yes I am embarrassed.

I fail to see the point of you being embarrassed for something as trivial as the president doing the shuffle...Bush isn't and as far as I can tell no one of importance is embarrassed. Why do feel the need to sweat the small stuff?

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Thu 03/06/08 05:41 AM

It's all about ratings and who gets the story aired first. Who's fault is that?. The rating depend on how many people are tuned in and the media companies I'm sure would claim they were only doing what the consumer wants. And they do have a valid who is to blame?

Well, pose that question to a fireman/EMT trying to save a house and/or life and see the reaction you get.

You do not get in the face of someone who is trying to put out a fire or doing cpr on an individual just for the sake of a story. Unless, perhaps, you want the hose turned on you.:tongue:

Really, there has to be a line drawn.

:heart: :heart:

I wasn't agreeing with their tactics. I watch maybe an average of 10 minutes of tv a week. I was just expressing the publics hunger to watch other people's misfortunes. The media is feeding that hunger so which one has to be dealt with to cancel the other?

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Thu 03/06/08 05:36 AM

oh brother......... i woke up again today? dammit!!!!!!!

you woke up again today? many times do you usually wake in one day?...laugh :tongue:

today, one to many times.explode laugh

according to who?....I for one enjoy your company in this forum..drinker

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Thu 03/06/08 05:27 AM

just because he is the president he is still a human and like all of us humans we all make fools of ourselves at harm no foul...

I'm sorry but I disagree, there should be some sort of decorum to go with this title. just my opinion. :smile:

you can disagree....I would rather see people be people and not play the role their job demands 24 hours a day...

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:18 AM

hmmmmmmm glasses

Uhhh was he being silly? I for one, do not mind a man who, running the country or not, can also have a sense of humor :tongue:

Would have to see the context for this one .........

I just saw it on the news, they did clarify there was a timing glitch as he was out on the white house waiting on McCain. I just think there is a time and a place for everything, especially for someone in power. I am certain he was being silly, but came across as pretty damn stupid to me (jmo) flowerforyou

found the link (

just because he is the president he is still a human and like all of us humans we all make fools of ourselves at harm no foul...

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:13 AM

And thats bad considering how much I hate the Bushies, and distrust all Republicans because of his actions.

sad sad sad no exceptionssad sad sad

international court, what is the main purpose, can someone tell me their main reason for being, what is their charter. and heres one, are they more lenient than the US laws? or more strict? just floating this out there but i would say less strict.

here's what the court deals with and what they do..

" The International Court of Justice acts as a world court. The Court has a dual jurisdiction : it decides, in accordance with international law, disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States (jurisdiction in contentious cases); and it gives advisory opinions on legal questions at the request of the organs of the United Nations or specialized agencies authorized to make such a request (advisory jurisdiction)."

as an example with Columbia and Venezuela, Uribe said his government would ask the International Criminal Court to try Chavez for "genocide" for allegedly financing the FARC, the country's main rebel group. He cited a reference to a $300 million Venezuelan payment in documents found in a laptop the Colombians said belonged to Reyes.

The court takes on cases that are submitted to it by countries. In the Iraq situation Iraq would have taken their complaints the World Court to have the US tried for engaging in an illegal war if they thought it was an illegal war...or they could bring a case the World Court against the US if the US was staying in Iraq against Iraq's wishes...

So kind of based on this premis then, I ask you this.

Has someone with the counry of Iraq, who I would say we can all agree are more a vested interest than any other in the world, Has anybody from their country went to the "world court" and said, could you please prosecute them for an "Illegal"war?

I dont think ive ever heard anywhere that an iraqihas said anything like that......... isnt it peculiar that in a time when everyone is screaming so loud that they cant seem to see straight, that the most deafening noise of all, in this matter, is the silence from those who would no best- the iraqis.

peace to all the tree huggers out there.


That is exactly my point. There is no need to get all emotional about claiming the war to be illegal when all it would take is a simple request to have the world court deal with the issue....the Iraqi people have no issue with it so why do those who accuse the US of interfering in Iraq and have no right to interfere are the same people who would like to interfere and would force their ideas on the Iraqi people.

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 05:04 AM

oh brother......... i woke up again today? dammit!!!!!!!

you woke up again today? many times do you usually wake in one day?...laugh :tongue:

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 05:04 PM
Maybe you can convince the Pennsylvanians that they really
need to move to Texas to counter the maniacal McCain
insurgency while at the same time lowering their taxes
thus leaving the state safely republican!!

is anyone else confused?...drinker

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:39 PM
It's all about ratings and who gets the story aired first. Who's fault is that?. The rating depend on how many people are tuned in and the media companies I'm sure would claim they were only doing what the consumer wants. And they do have a valid who is to blame?

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:34 PM
Contrary to others opinions, I am neither heartless (more like a bleeding hart), despicable or contemptuous of others who dont think like me.

don't think like you?'s goes deeper than that..noway

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 04:29 PM

I have a valid concern over his ability to run this country in war time

what was I's your valid concern...which is as usual worthless...laugh laugh

Because you and I are equal mine is as worthless as yours.flowerforyou

your not even close to being my equal...I have a conscience that encourages me to tell the truth, not lies....and as far as your concerns for McCain why is it that professional people out there with far more educations and intelligence than you who were working with candidates opposing McCain never dug up any evidence that McCain had any problem with being a POW....and none has surfaced from Obama or Clinton...yes, your concerns are anything but genuine...laugh

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 01:50 PM
I have a valid concern over his ability to run this country in war time

what was I's your valid concern...which is as usual worthless...laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 01:39 PM


I just looked at your profile to ascertain what your profession is and discovered you are not in the field of mental health in any capacity. So, how can you assess McCain and claim he has a POW complex that will never go away or will partially remain? Do you know him personally? Do you know someone who has intimate knowledge about him?

Kriest!!! who doesnt know about PTSD?? Theres only like a billion "psuedo-therapist" on TV all talking about trauma....pleeeeeze. noway


Psuedo is the key word .... means fake/fiction.

I did not write that so wrong person addressed here.

My step dad was a medic in vietnam, he talked to me of these things. He had some of it himself, not severe, but he had it and it never went away. He died in his mid forties so I cannot vouch that it would never have went away but he had it until he died. Other vets speak out on it all the time. All you have to do is check out the veteran websites and PTSS sites they have all kinds of information.


Will you ever stop the hatemonger remarks?

McCain is a fine and upstanding citizen, with NO mental issues. He has a PROVEN record of mental stability. PERHAPS THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SO AFRAID OF.

Otherwise, why do you keep attacking him?

Can you honestly make the same claim about yourself?

This whole issue of yours against PRESIDENT TO BE JOHN McCAIN is totally disgusting.

Get a life.


No hatemongering, it is a valid concern. POWs suffer long term effects from their trauma. A war time president needs to not have existing war issues. He obviously will. Not hating on him, my concern is real and valid.

right your concern is real and valid...laugh

first you claim all POW's suffer PTSD....not true..

second McCain does not exhibit any of the traits affecting POW's suffering PSTD...

POWs in the past have suffered posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a group of disabling symptoms such as inability to concentrate, extreme vigilance, and exaggerated fearfulness.

Actually he does show all of those from what I have seen of him. So that is why he looks so frail to me, thanks, I was wondering if his health was bad or something.

You have inadvertently shown me to be right, thanksflowerforyou

oh yes he doesn't have the ability to concentrate and since he looks tired he must be ready to blow up the world ...tell me something....what's it like living in your little world..laugh laugh

My world is just fine thanks to youflowerforyou

I just found something for you to carry on your little mission..

you'll notice that no one has made any comments or added any can be the first...and probably last..laugh laugh

"Please help provide the information we need to determine if John McCain suffers from a psychiatric condition as a result of his service in the military."

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 01:31 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Wed 03/05/08 01:32 PM


I just looked at your profile to ascertain what your profession is and discovered you are not in the field of mental health in any capacity. So, how can you assess McCain and claim he has a POW complex that will never go away or will partially remain? Do you know him personally? Do you know someone who has intimate knowledge about him?

Kriest!!! who doesnt know about PTSD?? Theres only like a billion "psuedo-therapist" on TV all talking about trauma....pleeeeeze. noway


Psuedo is the key word .... means fake/fiction.

I did not write that so wrong person addressed here.

My step dad was a medic in vietnam, he talked to me of these things. He had some of it himself, not severe, but he had it and it never went away. He died in his mid forties so I cannot vouch that it would never have went away but he had it until he died. Other vets speak out on it all the time. All you have to do is check out the veteran websites and PTSS sites they have all kinds of information.


Will you ever stop the hatemonger remarks?

McCain is a fine and upstanding citizen, with NO mental issues. He has a PROVEN record of mental stability. PERHAPS THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SO AFRAID OF.

Otherwise, why do you keep attacking him?

Can you honestly make the same claim about yourself?

This whole issue of yours against PRESIDENT TO BE JOHN McCAIN is totally disgusting.

Get a life.


No hatemongering, it is a valid concern. POWs suffer long term effects from their trauma. A war time president needs to not have existing war issues. He obviously will. Not hating on him, my concern is real and valid.

right your concern is real and valid...laugh

first you claim all POW's suffer PTSD....not true..

second McCain does not exhibit any of the traits affecting POW's suffering PSTD...

POWs in the past have suffered posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a group of disabling symptoms such as inability to concentrate, extreme vigilance, and exaggerated fearfulness.

Actually he does show all of those from what I have seen of him. So that is why he looks so frail to me, thanks, I was wondering if his health was bad or something.

You have inadvertently shown me to be right, thanksflowerforyou

oh yes he doesn't have the ability to concentrate and since he looks tired he must be ready to blow up the world ...tell me something....what's it like living in your little world..laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 01:22 PM


I just looked at your profile to ascertain what your profession is and discovered you are not in the field of mental health in any capacity. So, how can you assess McCain and claim he has a POW complex that will never go away or will partially remain? Do you know him personally? Do you know someone who has intimate knowledge about him?

Kriest!!! who doesnt know about PTSD?? Theres only like a billion "psuedo-therapist" on TV all talking about trauma....pleeeeeze. noway


Psuedo is the key word .... means fake/fiction.

I did not write that so wrong person addressed here.

My step dad was a medic in vietnam, he talked to me of these things. He had some of it himself, not severe, but he had it and it never went away. He died in his mid forties so I cannot vouch that it would never have went away but he had it until he died. Other vets speak out on it all the time. All you have to do is check out the veteran websites and PTSS sites they have all kinds of information.


Will you ever stop the hatemonger remarks?

McCain is a fine and upstanding citizen, with NO mental issues. He has a PROVEN record of mental stability. PERHAPS THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SO AFRAID OF.

Otherwise, why do you keep attacking him?

Can you honestly make the same claim about yourself?

This whole issue of yours against PRESIDENT TO BE JOHN McCAIN is totally disgusting.

Get a life.


No hatemongering, it is a valid concern. POWs suffer long term effects from their trauma. A war time president needs to not have existing war issues. He obviously will. Not hating on him, my concern is real and valid.

right your concern is real and valid...laugh

first you claim all POW's suffer PTSD....not true..

second McCain does not exhibit any of the traits affecting POW's suffering PSTD...

POWs in the past have suffered posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a group of disabling symptoms such as inability to concentrate, extreme vigilance, and exaggerated fearfulness.

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 12:20 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Wed 03/05/08 12:21 PM

Manchurian Candidate, that was a Movie, FICTION, say it with me all you liberal socialists "Not Real" "Movie" "Fiction" "Not Real" laugh laugh

it may be not real to you and most other people but for them, they have a different reality...laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 12:14 PM

I like to watch the candidates without the sound on the tv to see their body language, stance, eye contact and such. Although I did turn the sound on for McCain for a bit.

Here is what I saw:

Hillary is confident, she believes what she says, this is a strong point for a candidate

Obama is not quite as confident but he also believes what he says. Another good point.

McCain is completely dependent on the expert written speeches given him. There is no confidence or belief in what he says. This was also the same with Bush his first go round. He is brow beaten or appears so. Also, McCain is frail, does anyone else notice this?huh

this is should be in the comedy you be telling us your a mind reader and that McCain is intending to attack Iran....laugh laugh laugh laugh

My mind reading ability does not seem as intune as yours, is that what those voices in your head told you that mccain is going to attack Iran?noway huh bigsmile

when did I ever suggest I can read minds?...I don't need to read minds since I can read factual articles and don't have to rely on propaganda and lies as you do.

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Wed 03/05/08 11:49 AM
yawn yawn yawn yawn

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Wed 03/05/08 11:47 AM


I just looked at your profile to ascertain what your profession is and discovered you are not in the field of mental health in any capacity. So, how can you assess McCain and claim he has a POW complex that will never go away or will partially remain? Do you know him personally? Do you know someone who has intimate knowledge about him?

Kriest!!! who doesnt know about PTSD?? Theres only like a billion "psuedo-therapist" on TV all talking about trauma....pleeeeeze. noway

oh so that's were you got your training.....that explains a lot..laugh

no photo
Wed 03/05/08 11:45 AM

well the truth is you can not be 100% sure that you havent or will not shoot and kill innocent civilians and thats something you are going to have to live with as will your commerads..Ive worked with vietnam vets and saw what having done that did to them..I hope you dont end up like them, and if it doesnt bother you...thats even more frightening.

this is one of the most disturbing posts I think I have read...attempting to play with minds using guilt as a tool is disgusting...I don't believe you have ever worked with vets since you only have contempt for them...not compassion..:angry:

you dont know $hit about me. I have contempt for politicians that send out young men and women to die without ever getting their hands dirty. I have contempt for people like you that spend more time attacking people like me because its easier than actually getting off your a$$ to make a change in the system. You wait for people like me to do it, take the credit when it goes right and lay the blame on others when it goes wrong....

Im glad you think this post of mine is disturbing...its supposed to be, killing is not glamorous or "rambo-like". Its ugly, leaves lasting scars and should not be swept under the bed like something messy that needed to be done but shouldnt be talked about...

you are what you write and it's clear you have contempt for soldiers or you would not take a chance of rekindling memories that no one wants to have....your a despicable person

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