Community > Posts By > northrn_yanke

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Tue 03/04/08 08:17 AM
Then you have Obama who will pull the troops out of Iraq and wreck havoc with our foreign policy.

if you read what Obama has said he doesn't really tell you when he is going to pull the troops out and if he does where those troops may end up....noway

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Tue 03/04/08 08:13 AM


Yeah mansmokin

seriously though yeah totally understand, be more diplomatic about the way you call someone an idiot (the host excluded). freedom of speech isnt the issue markymarc its behavior.

your right, this is your guys website that we get to use to meet people, for that much love and appreciation. and under your roof you dont want name calling or belittlement, check, got it.



mods are to be neither seen or heard from just like big brother always watchinglaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh just kidding.

lol, not very likely, i have a couple friends who like me being here....I do have a sense of humor, and i love people...I suspect that most of you all do as well? The world would be a lonely place without all the different faces, and along with those faces different opinions. You know...if you wouldn't say it in person, then don't say it here. It is not only childish and stupid, it is an indication of character. This is a dating site....want dates? lol, well then show your credentials in a positive manner, this is not directed at Doc or anyone in particular, just an observation from years of experience, and no old jokes....I know i was made before cobwebs........

that is a good post mark

and also who wants to date a

hate mongering idiot (not naming any this is a general term)

so let them show that is what they are (too a point)


laugh laugh laugh laugh

Question? In reference to your first sentence above,

What is a more diplomatic way to call someone an idiot?

laugh laugh laugh

being labeled an idiot isn't always a bad thing...

The California Penal Code Section 26 states that "Idiots" are one of six types of people who are not capable of committing crimes

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Tue 03/04/08 07:46 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/04/08 07:50 AM
There are many insults that are commonly thrown at anyone who sides with Bush and the war in Iraq but since those insults don't name anyone in particular they go unheeded but we all know who they are intended for. Those insults degrades the thread and I think they should be stopped just like any other personal attack..

and I just found an appropriate example..

Comming from a forum swarming with conservative republican nut jobs that not suprising.

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Tue 03/04/08 05:59 AM
Perhaps if Hillary looses tomorrow Ann Colter can convince her to switch parties and she can run as a Republican because she is more conservative than Obama or McCain. I am sure that with the right makeover we could learn to love her. laugh laugh laugh laugh

"because she is more conservative than Obama or McCain"

I wouldn't say she is....she is anything that she needs to be to get herself elected.... if she needed to be conservative on Monday morning and liberal Monday afternoon she'd do it....laugh

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Tue 03/04/08 05:38 AM
how many teachers when asked

what do you teach


children kids or students

i have yet to ever get one of those answers

if you're asking what they are teaching they are giving you the right answer with the subject of the class he/she is teaching....perhaps if you asked "who" they were teaching you'd get the answer you were looking for..drinker

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Tue 03/04/08 05:30 AM
good morning.drinker

and the same to you and you reminded me of something with your drinker ....difference from us and China is we put lead in our coffee...they put it in their paint...laugh

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Mon 03/03/08 01:51 PM

Oh I hate America's name being drug through the dirt by a liar set on his own agenda, whatever party they are from.

Thats why Im an Independent!!drinker drinker

Cheers, dont take it personally man!!
Thats childish!!laugh

me take it personal?..I'm always amazed and amused with people who think this forum is such a big deal...what did you people do before the internet was here....noway

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Mon 03/03/08 01:41 PM

laugh laugh laugh laugh
Are you insulted by being called a Bushie??laugh laugh laugh

Or Ashamed because you are?laugh laugh laugh laugh

what reaction are you looking for....your acting like a little kid..yawn

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Mon 03/03/08 01:39 PM

sorry...I didn't make that clear...I wasn't talking about the Allied and German command coming to an agreement...I meant there was cease fires that were agreed on at some battles that were going on by the both sides...nothing formal..

The Germans never surrendered until the Russians were at the door to the Ge3rman Chancellery, and Hitler was dead. They chose to surrender to us because they knew the Russians would never forgive them for the atrocities committed against them!

Seize fire???

When, where?
Im not from Missouri but Show me!

The incident at Christmas you referred to was WWI, Hitler was a Private, and neither side called a seize fire. It was a mutual, spontaneous agreement by some soldiers in one spot along the front. Not even widespread!

I was sure I read it happening in both wars but looks like I was mistaken...

so tell my why do you seem so agitated?...oh have you found the ruling yet?....

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Mon 03/03/08 01:28 PM

I will vote for McCain.
Not because hes Republican, but because he is better than the other two clowns.
At least hes a man and wont let the Bushies tell him what to do.
At least the country wont fall completely apart.

We wont see the change we need, but at least we wont get any worse.

next time you say something you should make sure you can back it up....then you won't have to show your embarrassment by calling people school yard names...

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Mon 03/03/08 01:25 PM

Dont you follow the news??

Why was Libby prosecuted anyway?
Why is Gonzales no longer top judge.
The Republicans have ruled for 8 yrs and stack the legal system to ensure they wouldnt be prosecuted.

Wher, and what happened to Rummy?

Get real man. Read all the reports and not just what you want to believe!!

Geezz. Republican Bushies......laugh laugh

"Put your money where your mouth is!!" me a judgment from the court having the authority over it that the war has been ruled illegal.....

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Mon 03/03/08 01:18 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Mon 03/03/08 01:20 PM
You guys should really quit listening to the propaganda that is fed you. Try Volunteering if you are so fired up about the war in Iraq. I think they call it, Put your money where your mouth is!!

The War in Iraq is illegal.

your against propaganda?..then why did you include it in your post?. The war has never been declared illegal by a court with jurisdiction and until it is it not illegal. And some of us would relish the idea of heading to Iraq...for me that would make me a few decades younger and I would be honored to do something to safegaurd the western way of life..

oh and the "style' of fighting the enemy in Iraq is using..the Geneva Conventions are still in force

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Mon 03/03/08 01:06 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Mon 03/03/08 01:09 PM
.the Allied and German soldiers could also come to an agreement for a cease fire to celebrate Christmas.

sorry...I didn't make that clear...I wasn't talking about the Allied and German command coming to an agreement...I meant there was cease fires that were agreed on at some battles that were going on by the both sides...nothing formal..

the German soldier if captured was easier to break since the German soldier held the same value of life....the enemy today that some people are naive enough to think they can reason with them is far worse and barbaric than the Germans.

Tell that to the American soldiers shot (executed) during the Battle of the Bulge!!

that did happen but the point I was making is the common grunt in the German army was similar to the Allied grunt.....not like the terrorist that we're dealing with today...

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Mon 03/03/08 12:42 PM

Thank God the generations before us we not so callously arrogent to think there words were the only solution to the world's problems. It's a cruel and viscous world out there, there is no isolation from it and to ignore it is inviting defeat....defeat against the enemy of today is certain death...

That's not entirely true. The Prime Minister of England before WWII was Neville Chamberlain. He was so proud of the fact that he was able to get a signed treaty with Hitler saying that Hitler wouldn't invade England. Chamberlain truly believed that you could reason with Hitler. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

Yes and thank you for correcting me and pointing out my mistake, thanks to you, highlights the fact that words don't solve all the problems. Also as bad as Hitler was the German soldiers wore uniforms to distinguish themselves from private citizens...the Allied and German soldiers could also come to an agreement for a cease fire to celebrate Christmas..the German soldier if captured was easier to break since the German soldier held the same value of life....the enemy today that some people are naive enough to think they can reason with them is far worse and barbaric than the Germans...Yes there were barbaric Germans but with the enemy of today they have no value of life and they are all barbaric...there is no talking to them, they see that as a weakness

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Mon 03/03/08 12:24 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Mon 03/03/08 12:25 PM
Oh yea and the great lie of the century "either we fight them in Iraq (which they were not from Iraq) or we fight them here

and we all know what you know about lies...laugh laugh

the problem with your lie this time is that how would you know what would have occurred these years if Bush hadn't had the guts to do what was needed. Where is the evidence of what would have occurred in Iraq. Where is the evidence of what would have occurred in the US..oh maybe the evidence is in one those "articles" you claim you write....laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 03/03/08 12:16 PM

Using that logic, since it was the Japanese that bombed Pearl Harbor, we had no business being in Europe during WWII.

If this generation had been living during WWII, we would be speaking either German or Japanese today.

Thank God the generations before us we not so callously arrogent to think there words were the only solution to the world's problems. It's a cruel and viscous world out there, there is no isolation from it and to ignore it is inviting defeat....defeat against the enemy of today is certain death...

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Mon 03/03/08 12:11 PM
Feel like a first grade teacher here but okay you want you got it.

you actually act more like one of the grade one students....laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 03/03/08 09:55 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Mon 03/03/08 09:55 AM

I'm bored with ya... see ya...

That's right, tuck your yellow tail and run..,

laugh laugh laugh

and it's hard to run wearing flippers ..laugh laugh

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Mon 03/03/08 09:53 AM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Mon 03/03/08 09:54 AM
Dragoness I agree with you, I have been reading a lot of your posts & I respect you.

how can you say these two things in the same post and keep a straight face...laugh

let's try to debate civally & learn from each other please.

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Mon 03/03/08 09:49 AM

yes to the first, no to the second, and I'm bored with ya...
see ya...

yes to the first?....then please lets have do know that it can be used in the legal sense and religious sense...this should be good...bigsmile

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