Community > Posts By > northrn_yanke

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Tue 03/04/08 02:34 PM

I don't know about belittling but I am concerned over his "mental health" to run this country in a time of war. Hell, he may be having flashbacks and hit the red button that blows us all upnoway

Dragoness...... Why do you question McCain's mental health? I have never read/heard of anything bizzare that he has done. Additionally, although jokes are made about the guy's age, he is not a **** Cheyney, always in the hospital for one reason or another. You need to look at the man and forget the age factor.

If you are going to talk about mental health, look at Hillary. What kind of a whack job stays with a guy who publicly humilates her by cheating on her over and over?! And to make matters worst, the whole word knows about it!

I think dragon has good qualifications to talk about mental health issues...her personal experiences probably give her more experience with it than any formal education would have given her

That is a terrible thing to say!noway

oh don't worry about it....she's accepted her condition...laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 03/04/08 02:33 PM

I'm getting the feeling from reading these threads that people have no clue of what Hillary's or Obama's plans are. It has nothing to do with which party your supporting but what some of you say about the candidate of your choice is real troubling...noway

How in the world can the posters have a clue as to what Hillary's or Obama's plans are when Hillary and Obama don't know! laugh

now how come I didn't think of that...laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 03/04/08 02:30 PM
she let Bill live didn't she?...laugh laugh laugh

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Tue 03/04/08 02:27 PM
I'm getting the feeling from reading these threads that people have no clue of what Hillary's or Obama's plans are. It has nothing to do with which party your supporting but what some of you say about the candidate of your choice is real troubling...noway

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Tue 03/04/08 02:18 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/04/08 02:19 PM

I don't know about belittling but I am concerned over his "mental health" to run this country in a time of war. Hell, he may be having flashbacks and hit the red button that blows us all upnoway

Dragoness...... Why do you question McCain's mental health? I have never read/heard of anything bizzare that he has done. Additionally, although jokes are made about the guy's age, he is not a **** Cheyney, always in the hospital for one reason or another. You need to look at the man and forget the age factor.

If you are going to talk about mental health, look at Hillary. What kind of a whack job stays with a guy who publicly humilates her by cheating on her over and over?! And to make matters worst, the whole word knows about it!

I think dragon has good qualifications to talk about mental health issues...her personal experiences probably give her more experience with it than any formal education would have given her

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Tue 03/04/08 02:09 PM
This is true. I can. I can change what it means to me, not to you.

It has no meaning for you to tell me what is was used for and the history behind it. The only reason for changing the meaning of something is to deceive others..

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Tue 03/04/08 02:00 PM

But from my studying of Obama , I think he is a Constitutionalist

I think you should do a bit more studying

Constitution is a living document; no strict constructionism

When we get in a tussle, we appeal to the Founding Fathers and the Constitution's ratifiers to give direction. Some, like Justice Scalia, conclude that the original understanding must be followed and if we obey this rule, democracy is respected.

Others, like Justice Breyers, insist that sometimes the original understanding can take you only so far--that on the truly big arguments, we have to take context, history, and the practical outcomes of a decision into account.

I have to side with Justice Breyer's view of the Constitution--that it is not a static but rather a living document and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world.

I see democracy as a conversation to be had. According to this conception, the genius of Madison's design is not that it provides a fixed blueprint for action. It provides us with a framework and rules, but all its machinery are designed to force us into a conversation.
Source: The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, p. 89-92 Oct 1, 2006


I disagee with the above. I do not believe in a Living Constitution, which means the Constitutution can be interpreted to suit each generation. In other words, our Constitution means whatever we want it to mean at a given time. Therefore, our Constitutuion will never mean the same thing at different times in our history. Therefore, a Living Constitution is no Constitution at all. It is nothing.

The above is the mindset of Hillary, Obama and most Democrats/Liberals. However, Republicans are Constitutionalists, which means they believe in the Constitution, as it is and are not looking for ways to change its meaning.

I agree with you...that post was for SMO cause he seems to think Obama is a constitutionalist...noway

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Tue 03/04/08 01:58 PM
Drugs addicts shouldn't be in prisons. They need to be in
long term quality rehab.

they chose to take drugs and knew doing so was agaisnt the law...and when they're in prison they have access to programs..they can also get's all about choice..

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Tue 03/04/08 01:54 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/04/08 01:55 PM
Only a human can assign it any kind of symbolic meaning,

I understand english very well...and what you keep on saying is that you can change the symbolic meaning to suit your purposes or needs at any given time...

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 01:50 PM
^^^^make sure you do some reading tonite..:tongue:

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Tue 03/04/08 01:45 PM

And thats bad considering how much I hate the Bushies, and distrust all Republicans because of his actions.

sad sad sad no exceptionssad sad sad

international court, what is the main purpose, can someone tell me their main reason for being, what is their charter. and heres one, are they more lenient than the US laws? or more strict? just floating this out there but i would say less strict.

here's what the court deals with and what they do..

" The International Court of Justice acts as a world court. The Court has a dual jurisdiction : it decides, in accordance with international law, disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States (jurisdiction in contentious cases); and it gives advisory opinions on legal questions at the request of the organs of the United Nations or specialized agencies authorized to make such a request (advisory jurisdiction)."

as an example with Columbia and Venezuela, Uribe said his government would ask the International Criminal Court to try Chavez for "genocide" for allegedly financing the FARC, the country's main rebel group. He cited a reference to a $300 million Venezuelan payment in documents found in a laptop the Colombians said belonged to Reyes.

The court takes on cases that are submitted to it by countries. In the Iraq situation Iraq would have taken their complaints the World Court to have the US tried for engaging in an illegal war if they thought it was an illegal war...or they could bring a case the World Court against the US if the US was staying in Iraq against Iraq's wishes...

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 01:29 PM
And of course everytime the US courts try to view such documents Bush claims Executive Priviledge.

what documents are you talking about?

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 01:19 PM
There has been various documentaries on TV showing the training of man and women in the military. I know they don't show all but they did show the exposure to gas and the marines training till and for some past the point of fatigue.

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 01:15 PM wiccans usually try try to hide their status ?

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Tue 03/04/08 01:12 PM

Dude there are far worse crimes comitted Internationaly than are listed on that list.
Besides, I'm an American, and a Veteran. What do I care what an International court has to say!!noway noway noway

I would think it would be important to you what the International Court has to say since you are so perplexed to prove that Bush is a lier and the war is illegal...

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Tue 03/04/08 01:10 PM
hey's sad that after you posted the thread this morning about the egg shells that didn't encourage some other people to raise the maturity level of their posts...noway

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Tue 03/04/08 01:06 PM that you got that off your chest.... how's the reading going on the International Court of Justice?

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Tue 03/04/08 01:04 PM
I am kind of new here. Please explain the yawns?

she posts the same BS day after day...she hates the US and isn't shy to boast about her hatred...welcome tho there's only a few like her..drinker

no photo
Tue 03/04/08 01:00 PM
Time after time as Bush is caught lying,

oh your two are making this way too go ahead and list those lies....laugh

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Tue 03/04/08 12:57 PM
Edited by northrn_yanke on Tue 03/04/08 12:58 PM

Its our military and our President.

Do you suggest we turn over all our rights to the UN? Including Justice?

I don't really know how to answer that....look why don't you read up on international law and the court and when you can offer somewhat of an intelligent conversation then get back to me..noway

Whats wrong?
Cant debate like an adult??

yes but it takes another adult....and you said the same things yesterday...don't you have any new material?...

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