Community > Posts By > tim20721

tim20721's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:06 PM
marriage? Been there, done that for 20 years, won't go back! But I don't have any problems with a long (forever?} relationship. Dating is a way to find that relationship.

tim20721's photo
Wed 11/05/08 08:50 PM
i have stopped looking and now am just flirting and having fun. if the real thing comes around i'll grab it. if it doesn't after 10 years i'm used to this.

tim20721's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM
Edited by tim20721 on Tue 11/04/08 10:00 PM
problems loading

tim20721's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM

and moving to alaska to live with the eskimos.

I have the equipment and the knowledge, just can't get there without leaving my dog......won't ever do that......thinking of trying to find someplace in the lower 48. any ideas where?

tim20721's photo
Tue 11/04/08 09:50 PM

and moving to alaska to live with the eskimos.

I have the equipment and the knowledge, just can't get there without leaving my dog......won't ever do that......thinking of trying to find someplace in the lower 48. any ideas where?

tim20721's photo
Fri 10/31/08 05:40 PM
maybe we should all join a singles site or somethin?

tim20721's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:44 PM
It's legal but I wouldn't do it. I have kids that age, and have found that whats important in that age group doesn't really matter to people my age. Nothing in common, nothing to talk about=nothing of a relationship. Can't spend all your time in bed.

tim20721's photo
Thu 06/12/08 02:36 AM
But for each person that can be educated that is one more to educate someone else. With time and perseverance we can once again have a working democratic republic. Chaos is simply a continuation of the current situation. Will everybody always be happy? NO, if more than one person is on an island everybody isn't always going to be happy. Will the government start to do its job, quit worrying more about its party and power then the country? Once they believe they don't have the job for life, and don't hold the Illusion of supreme power anymore yes it should improve.

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:40 PM

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 10:11 PM
No we as a people are responsible. We have allowed ourselves to be led by the nose for years. Now that we have the ability to find the information for ourselves its too difficult, or we don't have time, or the lawn needs watered. Rather then look for facts we find some blog to quote, or some author from the other party, or someone who has a grudge, or just wants to make a buck riding the current poll numbers that have been affected by the corrupt media.

While I hate to break the news, there is media corruption for both sides of the Isle. Please note that this post was originally nonpartisan! I am a true INDEPENDENT and refuse to back any candidate just because of their party. If more would follow and actually investigate what the politicians have done not what they have said, we might get a government that works.

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:31 PM
Edited by tim20721 on Wed 06/11/08 12:36 PM

That sounds exactly what I would expect a good grunt to say driven. Exactly what the military tells you. There is no way you can expect to know anything outside your AO, let alone all Iraq! You have either read it like the rest of us or going by what the military tells you. They would love to silence the and media have complete censorship of the truth.
================================================================ >>>Like this,

"What can we say to the American public to say ... there are some things you can see that will make you feel better about what our military is doing and any progress we have made?"—Question posed by an unidentified military analyst to then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace in an April 2006 conference call.

or this,

I have written an essay, if you will, on the subject, which I'm supposed to talk about and record this afternoon. I wonder if I might just send it to you for a truth check if that's OK."—Retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Scales to Defense Department officials during a June 2006 conference call on the involvement of Marines in the 2005 killings of Iraqis in Haditha.

or this,

"If you allow the Chris Matthews or the Wolf Blitzers of the world to immediately start dissecting the standup of that government and say this guy is bad, (Iraqi politician Ahmed) Chalabi's a crook ... and you don't respond immediately, we are going to lose that capability to say what we did was honorable and good and right."—Unidentified military analyst in April 2006 call, advising Rumsfeld to be more aggressive in responding to critical questions by the media.


First, Were you there before the war?
Do you consider all the bombing victims that die daily to be natural deaths, and do you think they happened before the war?
I'll answer, NO, NO, and NO!

Do you speak Arabic?
How do you know they are happier?
Every report I've read says 68% of Iraqis think its okay to kill American Soldiers, and even more want us to leave.

The Iraq military,
Last count-180,000 trained equipped and ready, according to Petraeus! Far more than we have there, but as demonstrated in Basra and Sadr City, they wont fight and are ineffective.

Control-80%, that must be a misprint because that isn't even close to being accurate. The US military doesn't even have control over 80% of the country.

If Sadr doesn't maintain his seize fire agreements, the death count of American troops goes up, and the loyalty of the Iraqi troops goes South. I'd almost say he has more control in Iraq than anyone else.

Probably the Iraqis you see kicking in doors is more ethnic violence and bravado when American troops are standing across the street watching. Quite a bit of the Iraqi Army consists of Sunni militia's taken in whole when the Iraqis couldn't get anyone else to fight. (See Basra)

And in 1968 the American anti war media proclaimed the Thet offensive a huge US loss, forcing the Government into peace talks that did nothing more than tie US hands while the enemy had no restrictions to follow. Months later the truth of the failure of Thet was released and ignored by the population. Sounds a bit like the current reaction to the surge doesn't it.

Keep believing the media, they don't have an agenda of their own, of course they are true professionals and deliver the facts without bias. Of course the people who have been there are just drinking the koolade. (For those that didn't catch it I am being sarcastic)

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:17 PM

We are phuqued. That's all there is to it. devil

Only because we as a population continue to vote in the same people election after election. We live in the age of the internet, checking if our reps. are doing their jobs is so easy now, yet everyone still lets the media tell them what they should hear. Do a little research.

Yeah, but how do you know what to believe and what not to believe? We all know that people use the internet to make up stories about politicians. Look at Obama and the scandal produced about him not saluting the flag. That turned out to be false, but the minute it was put out there, everyone believed it.

So even if you research someone who wants to represent your state, how do you prove if they are really authentic when you don't know what you are reading about them is actually true or not?

Blogs are usually opinion or just copies of media reports. We all have those issues that are important to us. Each of those issues have associations that are promoting those issues. A simple google search get you started. Which candidate supports your issues? The congressional votes are public record, available through the internet, you can check how they voted. There are two quick ways to start you own research. Don't forget to check the candidates web site to see what they say. Then you can see if their statements are fact!

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 12:06 PM
A husband and wife were doing their grocery shopping. The
man picked up a case of beer and stuck in into the shopping

"What do you think you're doing?" asked the wife.

"They're on sale, only $10.00 for 24 cans", he said.

"Put them back. We can't afford it," said the wife and,
they continued shopping.

A few aisles later the woman picked up a $20.00 jar of face
cream and put it it into the cart.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing?" asked the man.

"It's my face cream. It makes me look beautiful," she said.

The man replied "So does 24 cans of beer, and it's only half
the price."

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:55 AM

What Company?
Can you imagine working for the following company?
It has little over 500 employees with the following statistics:

o 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
o 7 have been arrested for fraud
o 19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
o 117 have bankrupted at least 2 businesses
o 3 have been arrested for assault
o 71 can’t get a credit card because of bad credit
o 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
o 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
o 21 are current defendants in lawsuits

In 1998, 84 were stopped for drunk driving

Can you guess what organization it is?

Give up?

It is the 535 members of the Congress of the United States of America!

I can't personally vouch for the numbers, but it does bring the thought why do we all focus on the President when the congress is the real power in this country? The president ASKS the congress for bills, submits his budget for approval, and requests their authorization for presidential acts. Yet the white house gets all the blame.

Maybe this year we should all subject our representatives to presidential scrutiny and ignore party lines to reform our government for change.

I wonder how many of these offenders were Republican? ohwell

Why do we as a nation always try to categorize into a party? The two party system has become a large part of the problem. The parties decide who they will promote, and who they will finance. Thus giving us no other viable choice unless WE think outside the box, check all the options, and vote only for the people who will do their job. Let us all forget party lines and do whats right for the country.

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:27 AM

We are phuqued. That's all there is to it. devil

Only because we as a population continue to vote in the same people election after election. We live in the age of the internet, checking if our reps. are doing their jobs is so easy now, yet everyone still lets the media tell them what they should hear. Do a little research.

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 11:17 AM

What Company?
Can you imagine working for the following company?
It has little over 500 employees with the following statistics:

o 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
o 7 have been arrested for fraud
o 19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
o 117 have bankrupted at least 2 businesses
o 3 have been arrested for assault
o 71 can’t get a credit card because of bad credit
o 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
o 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
o 21 are current defendants in lawsuits

In 1998, 84 were stopped for drunk driving

Can you guess what organization it is?

Give up?

It is the 535 members of the Congress of the United States of America!

I can't personally vouch for the numbers, but it does bring the thought why do we all focus on the President when the congress is the real power in this country? The president ASKS the congress for bills, submits his budget for approval, and requests their authorization for presidential acts. Yet the white house gets all the blame.

Maybe this year we should all subject our representatives to presidential scrutiny and ignore party lines to reform our government for change.

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/11/08 09:51 AM
Author: Dave Fuller

Picard: Sigma Indri, that's the star,
So, Data, please, how far? How far?

Data: Our ship can get there very fast
But still the trip will last and last
We'll have two days til we arrive
But can the Indrans there survive?

Picard: LaForge, please give us factor nine.

LaForge: But, sir, the engines are offline!

Picard: Offline! But why? I want to go!
Please make it so, please make it so!

Riker: But sir, if Geordi says we can't,
We can't, we mustn't, and we shan't,
The danger here is far too great!

Picard: But surely we must not be late!

Troi: I'm sensing anger and great ire.

Computer: Alert! Alert! The ship's on fire!

Picard: The ship's on fire? How could this be?
Who lit the fire?

Riker: Not me.

Worf: Not me.

Picard: Computer, how long til we die?

Computer: Eight minutes left to say goodbye.

Data: May I suggest a course to take?
We could, I think, quite safely make
Extinguishers from tractor beams
And stop the fire, or so it seems...

Geordi: Hurray! Hurray! You've saved the day!
Again I say, Hurray! Hurray!

Picard: Mr. Data, thank you much.
You've saved our lives, our ship, and such.

Troi: We still must save the Indran planet --

Data: Which (by the way) is made of granite...

Picard: Enough, you android. Please desist.
We understand -- we get your gist.
But can we get our ship to go?
Please, make it so, PLEASE make it so.

Geordi: There's sabotage among the wires
And that's what started all the fires.

Riker: We have a saboteur? Oh, no!
We need to go! We need to go!

Troi: We must seek out the traitor spy
And lock him up and ask him why?

Worf: Ask him why? How sentimental.
I say give him problems dental.

Troi: Are any Romulan ships around?
Have scanners said that they've been found?
Or is it Borg or some new threat
We haven't even heard of yet?
I sense no malice in this crew.
Now what are we supposed to do?

Crusher: Captain, please, the Indrans need us.
They cry out, "Help us, clothe us, feed us!"
I can't just sit and let them die!
A doctor MUST attempt -- MUST try!

Picard: Doctor, please, we'll get there soon.

Crusher: They may be dead by Tuesday noon.


Worf: The saboteur is in the brig.
He's very strong and very big.
I had my phaser set on stun --
A zzzip! A zzzap! Another one!
He would not budge, he would not fall,
He would not stun, no, not at all!
He changed into a stranger form
All soft and purple, round and warm.

Picard: Did you see this, Mr. Worf?
Did you see this creature morph?

Worf: I did and then I beat him fairly.
Hit him on the jaw -- quite squarely.

Riker: My commendations, Klingon friend!
Our troubles now are at an end!

Crusher: Now let's get our ship to fly
And orbit yonder Indran sky!

Picard: LaForge, please tell me we can go...?

Geordi: Yes, sir, we can.

Picard: Then make it so!

tim20721's photo
Sun 06/08/08 08:53 PM
A little old lady is walking down the street, dragging two plastic garbage bags with her, one in each hand. There's a hole in one of the bags, and every once in a while a $20 bill is flying out of it onto the pavement.
Noticing this, a policeman stops her. "Ma'am, there are $20 bills falling out of that bag."
"Damn!" says the little old lady. "I'd better go back and see if I can still find some. Thanks for the warning!"
"Well now, not so fast," says the cop. "How did you get all that money? Did you steal it?"
"Oh, no", says the little old lady. "You see, my back yard borders on the parking lot of the football stadium. Each time there's a game, a lot of fans come and pee in the bushes, right into my flower beds! So I go and stand behind the bushes with a big hedge clipper, and each time someone sticks his pecker through the bushes, I say: $20 or off it comes!"
"Hey, not a bad idea!" laughs the cop. "Good luck! By the way, what's in the other bag?"
"Well", says the little old lady, "not all of 'em pays up!"

tim20721's photo
Sun 06/08/08 08:27 PM
John O�Reilly hoisted his beer and said, �Here�s to spending the rest of me life, between the legs of me wife!�

That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night.

He went home and told his wife, Mary, �I won the prize for the Best toast of the night�.

She said, �Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?�

John said, �Here�s to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church beside me wife.�

�Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!� Mary said.

The next day, Mary ran into one of John�s drinking buddies on the street corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, �John won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary.�

She said, �Aye, he told me, and I was a bit surprised myself. You know, he�s only been there twice in the last four years. Once he fell asleep and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come.�

tim20721's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:07 PM
i think most everyone has run off for the night

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