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Topic: If this does not scare you nothing will
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Tue 10/06/09 08:12 AM
I guess seperation of church and state, though ignored by the RIGHT, just isn't good enough. We need to fully indoctrinate the future generations.

Conservatives have a project to translate the Bible more inline with conservative views. WOW, and they want this as a public school text book. Man, these folks have some nerve. I heard this on cable news this morning, but thought I would do a quick google on it.

If the zillions of translations don't work for you and don't bring enough converts to control and manipulate, just change it again.


Conservative Bible Project
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Liberal bias has become the single biggest distortion in modern Bible translations. There are three sources of errors in conveying biblical meaning:

lack of precision in the original language, such as terms underdeveloped to convey new concepts introduced by Christ
lack of precision in modern language
translation bias in converting the original language to the modern one.

Of these three sources of errors, the last introduces the largest error, and the biggest component of that error is liberal bias. Large reductions in this error can be attained simply by retranslating the KJV into modern English.[1]

As of 2009, there is no fully conservative translation of the Bible which satisfies the following ten guidelines:[2]

Framework against Liberal Bias: providing a strong framework that enables a thought-for-thought translation without corruption by liberal bias

Not Emasculated: avoiding unisex, "gender inclusive" language, and other modern emasculation of Christianity

Not Dumbed Down: not dumbing down the reading level, or diluting the intellectual force and logic of Christianity; the NIV is written at only the 7th grade level[3]

Utilize Powerful Conservative Terms: using powerful new conservative terms as they develop;[4] defective translations use the word "comrade" three times as often as "volunteer"; similarly, updating words which have a change in meaning, such as "word", "peace", and "miracle".

Combat Harmful Addiction: combating addiction by using modern terms for it, such as "gamble" rather than "cast lots";[5] using modern political terms, such as "register" rather than "enroll" for the census

Accept the Logic of Hell: applying logic with its full force and effect, as in not denying or downplaying the very real existence of Hell or the Devil.

Express Free Market Parables; explaining the numerous economic parables with their full free-market meaning

Exclude Later-Inserted Liberal Passages: excluding the later-inserted liberal passages that are not authentic, such as the adulteress story

Credit Open-Mindedness of Disciples: crediting open-mindedness, often found in youngsters like the eyewitnesses Mark and John, the authors of two of the Gospels

Prefer Conciseness over Liberal Wordiness: preferring conciseness to the liberal style of high word-to-substance ratio; avoid compound negatives and unnecessary ambiguities; prefer concise, consistent use of the word "Lord" rather than "Jehovah" or "Yahweh" or "Lord God."

Thus, a project has begun among members of Conservapedia to translate the Bible in accordance with these principles. The translated Bible can be found here.

Benefits include:

mastery of the Bible, which is priceless
mastery of the English language, which is valuable
thorough understanding of the differences in Bible translations, particularly the historically important King James Version
benefiting from activity that no public school would ever allow; a Conservative Bible could become a text for public school courses
liberals will oppose this effort, but they will have to read the Bible to criticize this, and that will open their minds
How long would this project take? There are about 8000 verses in the New Testament. At a careful rate of translating about four verses an hour, it would take one person 2000 hours, or about one year working full time on the project.

The rest here:

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 10/06/09 09:02 AM
politicizing the Bible?

you don't change the Bible to suit your politics

you change your politics to suit the Bible

adj4u's photo
Tue 10/06/09 09:29 AM

politicizing the Bible?

you don't change the Bible to suit your politics

you change your politics to suit the Bible

the bible was created to suit political needs

but if only you were correct

lets get real here

christmas was a political assignment of the birth of christ

if they change his birthday for political gain then how can you trust any of it

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

no photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:36 AM
You change your politics to suite the bible? That was a joke right, Quite? Or no? I have to admit to having a good deal of paranoia when it comes to what the religious right is up to. Thankfully I probably will not be alive when the next few generations have been under the influence of this new translation. Though it might be slightly amusing to watch people, each with their version of the bible argue with eachother over who's version is correct.

How many dang times can people translate something that was hearsay to begin with, just amazes me that people think the bible is the word of a God we have never seen or heard from.

I never really cared what people believed, back when religion wasn't something you beat people over the head with or hell maybe I just was lucky to have never come in direct contact with fundementalists. Now it just gets crazier and crazier and more in your face every day. I can't even believe how far the religious right has come in their insanity of the past 30 years, and how much politics is involved, while I was busy just living my life. But this to me is very dangerous.

With people behind the Koran also passing out manipulated versions of the Koran, and now the christian conservatives wanting to manipulate the Bible to suite their own agenda, I fear for those that will deal with the results of this manipulation long after I am gone.

In a way it's good that people are shining a light on this, but people already easily manipulated by religion are far more numerous than people willing to question authority. Or at least that is they way it seems in the media...

Why aren't more people worried about this sort of thing? I mean this isn't a conspiracy, it's actually happening and isn't being hidden.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:52 AM
This is why i avoid religion. Most were born as a political tool used to manipulate the masses.ohwell

You are right Boo, Religion in politics is rather scary.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:53 AM

politicizing the Bible?

you don't change the Bible to suit your politics

you change your politics to suit the Bible

the bible was created to suit political needs

but if only you were correct

lets get real here

christmas was a political assignment of the birth of christ

if they change his birthday for political gain then how can you trust any of it

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

drinker Indeed

cashu's photo
Tue 10/06/09 04:21 PM

This is why i avoid religion. Most were born as a political tool used to manipulate the masses.ohwell

You are right Boo, Religion in politics is rather scary.

===================================================================== not as scary as having a religious person there getting messages or reading between the lines with the real meaning of the words .

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 10/06/09 04:28 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Tue 10/06/09 04:34 PM
Actually, in the context of a philosophy or world religion or history or some other liberal arts class, the bible would be a useful learning tool. Plenty of beginning writers use the stories in the scriptures as tropes for their work, as well.

(The Christian religion tends to be much less scary than the State secularist religion, anyways.) This project is rather nutty tho-as it rejects the tradition of the original Church. They debated the meanings of the text extensively rather than just accepting it, as this group does.

no photo
Tue 10/06/09 04:45 PM
I can't see them making the bible any more crazy than it already is, but what worries me is their idea to use it as a text book in public schools. If I were a parent I'd be livid.

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 10/06/09 04:57 PM

politicizing the Bible?

you don't change the Bible to suit your politics

you change your politics to suit the Bible

the bible was created to suit political needs

but if only you were correct

lets get real here

christmas was a political assignment of the birth of christ

if they change his birthday for political gain then how can you trust any of it

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

Jesus' b-day wasn't changed for political reasons, but to assimilate the traditional holidays before Christianity, the Winter Soltice, which even wikipedia states wrong, because it wasn't just a Roman holiday but many other pagan nations (inside and outside the Roman empire) celebrated the winter solstice in one way or another.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 10/06/09 05:06 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Tue 10/06/09 05:09 PM
:smile: This proves that they hate America and want to change it and now they hate the bible and want to change it:smile:

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 10/06/09 05:14 PM

I can't see them making the bible any more crazy than it already is, but what worries me is their idea to use it as a text book in public schools. If I were a parent I'd be livid.

As previously mentioned, we should not censor religion any more than we should censor greek mythology.

It canbe a useful philosophical tool. However, when one believes the bible's literal translations before he believes anythng else, there is trouble.

If they teach religion in schools that's fine by me. But the teachings should be explorative, like "this religion believes this, or that". It should never be taught as the rule of life.

Foliel's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:15 PM
I think if they start teaching a religion in school it should be:
a) optional
b) at parents discretion
c) also taught about other religions and what they believe.

It should include all religions, even mythology ones as they werent always mythology. Even mythology was once a religion.

cashu's photo
Thu 10/08/09 03:16 PM

:smile: This proves that they hate America and want to change it and now they hate the bible and want to change it:smile:

no different than the preacher every week .

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:11 PM
I didn't read anywhere where this was going to be translated to a mandatory public school textbook.As if there would be a snowballs chance in Hell that kids would be required to read the bible in school.I got a good chuckle out of that one. laugh

As far as translating the bible to simpler and modern english.So what?It's be translated into easier to understand lingo probably at least half a dozen times and most Christians prefer and straight forward easy to understand text as apposed to the orginal.It is not taking anything away or adding to the bible it is just making it easier to read.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:14 PM

I can't see them making the bible any more crazy than it already is, but what worries me is their idea to use it as a text book in public schools. If I were a parent I'd be livid.

Why? It's taught in Western Civilization and Sociology classes already (last I checked).

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:31 PM

I can't see them making the bible any more crazy than it already is, but what worries me is their idea to use it as a text book in public schools. If I were a parent I'd be livid.

Why? It's taught in Western Civilization and Sociology classes already (last I checked).

Christianity is not taught in public schools.Haven't you ever read the many lawsuits from parents because a child was taught something about Christianity in schools?You can even say God in public schools anymore with out being slapped with a lawsuit.

adj4u's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:34 PM

politicizing the Bible?

you don't change the Bible to suit your politics

you change your politics to suit the Bible

the bible was created to suit political needs

but if only you were correct

lets get real here

christmas was a political assignment of the birth of christ

if they change his birthday for political gain then how can you trust any of it

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

Jesus' b-day wasn't changed for political reasons, but to assimilate the traditional holidays before Christianity, the Winter Soltice, which even wikipedia states wrong, because it wasn't just a Roman holiday but many other pagan nations (inside and outside the Roman empire) celebrated the winter solstice in one way or another.

that is a political agenda to convert those of other thought process to the christianity thought process

politics at it rawest form

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 10/08/09 08:52 PM

politicizing the Bible?

you don't change the Bible to suit your politics

you change your politics to suit the Bible

the bible was created to suit political needs

but if only you were correct

lets get real here

christmas was a political assignment of the birth of christ

if they change his birthday for political gain then how can you trust any of it

just a thought

but hey

what do i know

Jesus' b-day wasn't changed for political reasons, but to assimilate the traditional holidays before Christianity, the Winter Soltice, which even wikipedia states wrong, because it wasn't just a Roman holiday but many other pagan nations (inside and outside the Roman empire) celebrated the winter solstice in one way or another.

that is a political agenda to convert those of other thought process to the christianity thought process

politics at it rawest form

Come on you can't except me to believe this crock???Where in public schools is Christianity being teached?They don't even put Christmas on public school calanders anymore because it is associtated with Christianity.I know in your fantasy world you would love to pretend our children in public schools are getting brainwashed with Christian propaganda so you can just find one more excuse to insult the Christians.But the reality is that the liberals have taken every single idea,word,and thought of Christianity(including silent prayer)out of public schools.

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:38 PM

I can't see them making the bible any more crazy than it already is, but what worries me is their idea to use it as a text book in public schools. If I were a parent I'd be livid.

Why? It's taught in Western Civilization and Sociology classes already (last I checked).

I'm talking about if it were changed to fit the conservatives view.

And Thomas, you obviously didn't read the whole article, I didn't make it up that they were considering it as a text book in schools.

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