Community > Posts By > Mortman

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 06:25 PM
Lol, you are losing it man. ( I wonder) meaning some folks are pissed at this judge. And someone may think to hurt this judge as a payback in their mind. Where was your rage when all the Hollywood dolts were calling for Trumps assissination, or his beheading.. every one of your rants make you sound so pety and vindictive, over what , who the hell knows. TDS would be my guess. I hope you can literally survive November 5th, and that’s not a threat.. LOL…

I would never repost threats against judges or presidents. Also, I'm not angry. Just worried for your lack of judgement.

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 06:04 PM
Edited by Mortman on Tue 06/11/24 06:11 PM
. More Fake News:.. Trump said he would end the war in Ukraine and stop the horrible death and carnage. Your twisting of the actual statements sounds juvenile at best, Biden is the one that said , well maybe if it was a minor incursion from Russia into Ukraine it wouldn’t warrant a response.. a very weak and reckless statement you honestly believe Biden is competent at anything, including telling Ukraine on how to run their war or tell Israel how to fight their war. He should simply give the weapons they ask for and shut up or stop supplying either one all together, his actions are prolonging the war. Certainly not speaking or walking or finding his way off stage. We are jeopardizing our safety both here and abroad with this guy at the helm.. his approval rating is now at a all time low at 34% approve of the job he is doing overall.. how does that decider into a competent president? Trump got plenty done , but we know dems ignore the facts and make up their own truth.. Biden could be responsible for many Ukrainians lives because of his dragging his feet to give Ukraine the weapons and aircraft they needed at the beginning of that war so Ukraine could push the Russian backs. Ukraine is holding their own better than anybody thought they would ,, imagine if Biden would have allowed Ukraine to have the weapons they needed instead of supplying them with the weapons the Biden team thought they really needed. That is the bunch that butchered the Afghanistan withdrawal…meanwhile Biden is talking tax hikes when people are trying to decide what they can do without , a meal , a RX , or miss a bill payment. This is the state of our economy , now! And the 34% approval rating states that very clearly… And BTW: NATO is no longer the friend or real partner of the United States. Wokeness has found a home in NATO

LOL. I must've broken your brain, seeing as how you puked out a rant like that, lacking coherence.

If Trump accomplished so much, then maybe you can list some of his accomplishments I missed.

You said Biden held up aid to Ukraine, but ignores Congressional Republicans holding that up. It took months and months for Speaker Johnson to muster the nerve to finally allow a vote on the most recent Ukraine aid bill, and that was only possible with more aid to Israel, and separating it from the Southern border reforms negotiated with the White House. That wasn't Biden holding up anything. Blame the "Freedom Caucus" if anybody.

Lastly, Biden is not at 34% approval. His 30-day average approval is 40%. (His lowest is 36%)

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 12:41 PM

US Navy To Follow Russian Warships

Should be easier to follow the smaller fleet, considering all the losses to Ukraine missiles.

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 12:35 PM
How could anyone believe that Biden has what it takes to be president for one more day , not to mention four more years.. He has done nothing to make life better for Americans. He has us in the brink of war because every one of our adversaries sees how weak and incompetent he is.. Now he actually is saying that ‘ global warming is the ONLY eccisential danger to our country.. does he even realize our enemies are ratching up their nuclear arsenal and threatened to use them.. wake up Joe , you have 5 months left. Please go back to hiding in your basement before you drag US in to war because of your Simple minded decisions.

Counterpoint: Biden is fully competent and has been more effective than most any other recent president.

Trump got nearly nothing done beyond illegal actions at the Southern border, tariffs on China and some tax cuts--exploding the federal deficit. Biden has lowered the deficit, despite getting $trillions invested into the national infrastructure and has recently lowered prescription drug costs and eliminated several junk fees for regular consumers. The only reason Ukraine has not fallen to Russia is Biden's decisive actions immediately before and since the invasion that Putin personally promised wasn't happening--until it did. Russia has really taken a beating and lost more than they bargained for, for their apparently underestimating of Biden. Trump openly admits he'd just let Russia have its way in Ukraine, along with pulling the US out of NATO and various other treaties. Time for Republicans to wake up.

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 12:26 PM

Mental decline J Biden

Cognitive Decline? Trump Brags About Putting His Pants On by Himself

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 12:23 PM

Mental decline J Biden

Donald Trump's Mind 'Faltering,' Top Psychologist Warns

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 12:20 PM
Edited by Mortman on Tue 06/11/24 12:20 PM

Mental decline J Biden

Cognitive Decline? Trump Short-Circuits During Bonkers Rant

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/11/24 12:15 PM
Edited by Mortman on Tue 06/11/24 12:16 PM
Man , it wouldn’t surprise me if he did sentence him to jail time just to keep him off the campaign trail. I really think it is a cooked up plot to keep him pinned down. From George Soros to Alvin Bragg to judge merchin, starting with orders from Biden team…. This judge has no credibility or integrity. ‘ Let’s stop Trump , no matter what we got to do.’ I think like all the rest of the democrat false allegations against Trump this to will pass. Once a court of real justice gets this appeals case not another bitter Trump hater judging others…I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise.

Before you start posting threats against a federal judge, I'll remind you that even if the judge gives Trump the full four years in prison, Trump won't report prison before his appeals have been exhausted, which won't happen this year, and that's even considering that Trump has almost nothing to appeal on. Judge Merchan knew he'd be carefully scrutinized so handled the case about as well as anybody could. Trump's the dope who misdirected his attorneys and made his situation worse by threatening the judge.

Nobody to blame but himself.

You accused me of threatening a judge and Trump for the same. Are your feelings that fragile that you view anything that doesn’t counter with your way of thinking as a ‘ threat’ .. you are as unrealistic as the fools that say Trump will be a dictator. .. People with sound minds know better than to believe anything coming from the democrats talking points. After four years of made up charges and constant lies about a former President that makes the current President look like a doddering deranged idiot. 80% of Americans have no trust in the Biden justice system. The only thing this judge handled well was his thumb on the scales for the prosecution,…

Dude, you're the one who typed "I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise."
What was that supposed to mean? Do you even read what you post here? (If not, it helps explain all the misspellings) Saying that a judge should be "looking over his shoulder" is threatening. Of course, in light of all your other nonsense, it's just more of the same.

Mortman's photo
Sun 06/09/24 11:04 PM
Man , it wouldn’t surprise me if he did sentence him to jail time just to keep him off the campaign trail. I really think it is a cooked up plot to keep him pinned down. From George Soros to Alvin Bragg to judge merchin, starting with orders from Biden team…. This judge has no credibility or integrity. ‘ Let’s stop Trump , no matter what we got to do.’ I think like all the rest of the democrat false allegations against Trump this to will pass. Once a court of real justice gets this appeals case not another bitter Trump hater judging others…I wonder if he’s starting looking over his shoulder yet.. might be wise.

Before you start posting threats against a federal judge, I'll remind you that even if the judge gives Trump the full four years in prison, Trump won't report prison before his appeals have been exhausted, which won't happen this year, and that's even considering that Trump has almost nothing to appeal on. Judge Merchan knew he'd be carefully scrutinized so handled the case about as well as anybody could. Trump's the dope who misdirected his attorneys and made his situation worse by threatening the judge.

Nobody to blame but himself.

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/04/24 08:15 PM

Bart if you can point me towards any respectable peer-reviewed medical journals which support any of the claims you made about Covid then I’ll change my opinion

And I’m not talking about the national inquirer or fox network news or any other right wing news sources

I’m talking about real science journals
Fauchis own words ,, he admitted he didn’t hear or know of any facts that 6 ft. was a safe distance , he just guessed. Same with masks he said they wouldn’t keep 100% from breathing in covid. Same with shutting down schools, all the rules and mandates put in place were just a flip of the coin basically. But maybe you just answered why you never heard the other side of that argument. You only watch the democrat leaning news networks. They have marching orders to never say anything that contradicts sleepy Joe. Or his hinchmen .I’m not doing your work for you to post a link.. it’s there you just have to believe in something other than the daily democrat talking points..

It seems you've confused the Center for Disease Control (CDC) with the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The call for 6' separation and masking children came from the CDC. The NIAID (Fauci's org) worked on understanding the virus itself and the treatments and didn't make public policy on what civilians had to do. Back when Fauci was making public statements on Covid-19, he was saying things like that they had no evidence that Covid-19 was airborne or that it could be cured by hydroxychloroquine. And in his testimony the other day to Congress, he even said he didn't see studies showing that the 6-foot separation was studied, and that once the pandemic got going, they didn't even have time to study such things. Especially large-scale studies on the effectiveness of masks on children.

Mortman's photo
Tue 06/04/24 07:56 PM

J Biden should be on trial with his son for all the criminal acts he has covered up.

Yes, it's just like a MAGA fanatic to demand jailing all their perceived political foes, with or without evidence. "Lock them up!" And then when there are literal piles of evidence incriminating The Donald, it's crocodile tears and claims of "lawfare."

Do you even read what you type on here?

I'll agree that Hunter Biden is a mess. A drug addict with legal troubles. But he's also not on the ballot or on the government payroll.

How can you say that Biden should be on trial, but cry so much about Trump on trial. About the indictments? I might agree with you regarding President Biden if there was evidence and indictments, but Republicans have investigated Biden so hard that we now know what was on Hunter's laptop, where we know nothing about Donald Junior and Eric beside their having to pay $millions in penalties and their criminal associations.

Never mind. I get it. You're just denying Trump's criminality because he's your guy and admitting Trump's faults is an admission of your gullibility. Sorry.

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 01:25 PM
We are only happy to “get” trump, as you say, because he “committed “ crimes

Yes! Quotes aren't necessary, though because he's guilty on all counts. And I would like to see Trump get the maximum sentence only because he's shown no remorse and has been so contemptuous of the whole trial, basically threatening the judge's family. Such an idiot!

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 01:15 PM
Yea, that’s what republicans have been asking since Hillary got to play her get out of jail free card and that fair and unbiased system won’t even look into Joes crimes that that same system have been covering up for years.. That rant of fair and unbiased is not selling . No one’s buying it !

Only if by "get out of jail free" you mean *no incriminating evidence*. Hillary didn't break any laws, despite the idiotic bleating from Conservative bloggers. Same for Joe Biden. Even after years of investigations (you know Trump had the DOJ investigate him early in his administration) and they found nothing to charge. Joe and Hillary have been under the public eye for decades with an army of hungry Republicans looking for anything to take them down. That's why both of them released decades of tax returns upon running for office--they had nothing to hide. Unlike Trump. He still hasn't released any of his tax returns or even a medical report with any detail. That guy's super suspicious.

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 11:53 AM
What I and most everyone else that isn’t blinded by Trump deraingment sees is it’s only politically motivated . No one was even going to attempt to prosecute this case until Trump announced his candidacy. That’s when the Biden administration and his justice system decided to go after him with some Frankenstein case . Misdemeanor morphed into some felony that no one can say what that law he broke was.. totally rigged court and it will be overturned because of the judicial rights every citizen has but was denied from Trumps defense. You democrats are the one that don’t realize america is seeing the destruction of our justice dept. at your pleasure just to gain more power for democrats. Be careful what you ask for because it might be you democrats on the receiving end of your own weaponization of justice. And it would be a very deserving justice in the end.

Must be your Trump "deraingment" that makes you forget that Trump's mishandling classified documents started before Biden even won the election, and Trump taking the documents home on leaving office, it became a crime, but the investigations and prosecution started when Trump ignored requests and subpoenas, and then lied to the FBI about them. The crimes he's charged with were in the works well before he announced his candidacy for President this round. It was years before the indictment came out that NARA was asking Trump for the missing classified docs. Even the New York case--which is a state trial, and has nothing to do with the Feds or Biden, came up because a criminal complaint and was also being investigated since before Biden got into office.

Trump's crime isn't new. He submitted fraudulent campaign reports to hide the porn star hush money, and file false reports to the FEC. Former Senator John Edwards was indicted for that same federal crime, and while Alvin Bragg didn't charge Trump with the federal crime, the document fraud went from a misdemeanor to a felony because of it.

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 10:54 AM

The trial was a sham in the NYC. The appeal will take place soon. During the upcoming election the Marxists leaders will do all they can to keep their little Puppet man, Biden in office of POTUS.

That was not a sham trial. The judge ran everything "by the book" and did everything he could to give Trump's team a fair shot. It's not their fault Trump hired such incompetent lawyers and then ignored their advice. Trump did this to himself, and he's got no good way to appeal. All he can do is stall for time.

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 10:51 AM
and therein lies the problem with the Democrats. Anything goes, as long as you "got" Trump. A serious rise in crime doesn't matter because you got him. Every person in America paying 20% more for everything doesn't matter because you got him. Illegals by the MILLIONS coming across our border unvetted doesn't matter because you got him. Dependence on foreign oil doesn't matter because you got him. Two new wars doesn't matter because you got him. Being feckless and weak on the foreign stage doesn't matter because you got him.

It's all irrational emotional thinking from simpletons whose ONLY motivation, even to the detriment of their home county, is due to disliking Trump. Trump has his faults, but few can say their life and the world outlook is better under Biden.

Crime's not going up since Biden got into office; crime rates are down, despite Trump claiming crime is up. Not surprised, since the guy's a pathological liar. The Biden administration negotiated a border deal that would've cleared out millions of undocumented immigrants, but Trump shut it down.

Honestly, if Trump goes to jail, we could probably fix a lot more problems. For all your claims of "trump derangement" it seems Republicans are deranged by Trump's agenda to make himself supreme ruler.

Mortman's photo
Fri 05/31/24 07:45 PM
For what it is worth:


Sure, but so where his pre-conviction courthouse rants. The guy's a pathological liar.

Mortman's photo
Fri 05/31/24 07:37 PM
Trumps campaign funds have gotten 50.5 million dollars in 24 hours. More than Biden in the past month. That giant has awakened.. The dems have bit off more than they can chew.

Neat. Another $30 million and Trump will have enough to pay the interest on his penalty for business fraud. That seems to be where the money is going.

You don't realize that Trump's legal problems aren't the Democrats' fault. Trump committed those crimes and independent prosecutors conducted their own investigations from criminal complaints and culminating with grand juries and indictments. The NYC records case started before Biden was even in office. Now we see some more how DJT is just a whiney diaper baby.

Mortman's photo
Fri 05/31/24 12:50 PM

Maybe if Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida let that trial run, they could raise a $billion from that guilty verdict.

Mortman's photo
Fri 05/31/24 11:21 AM
Go Trump

Trump has a bad habit of projecting his criminality onto everyone else. To him, the the judge and every one of his political rivals who are corrupt or criminal, yet the only one with evidence against him is Trump. "Witch hunt" doesn't mean what he seems to think it does. When a grand jury returns an indictment, it's not about who he is, but what he's done. And the charges Trump's sweating now are only a fraction of the crimes he's committed. These are just the easy-to-prove charges. 34 charges took just a few weeks to try and the jury only 10 hours to deliberate.

The witch hunt is what Republicans did to Joe Biden. They scoured Biden's entire family history and Hunter's laptop for ANYTHING on Joe and years later they've got nothing to show for it. But I have no doubt that if Trump gets back into office, he'll order his DOJ to make up charges for Biden, Clinton, Obama and then everyone involved in the trial. It's just like that pathetic little man to do it.

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