Community > Posts By > Cowgirlstomp

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Mon 01/05/09 10:06 PM
Dear Diary,

Isn't my horse beautiful? She is, just look at her!!!
<~~~~~~~love love love noway noway shocked shocked shocked shocked love love love

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:01 AM

rofl rofl rofl rofl

What's depressing is when you find yourself chasing the ROFL emotican back and forth trying to click on it.......:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

That is agreeable.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 01/04/09 11:16 PM

Note to self;
If you want to kill a thread just put on a pair of tights, jump on a balance beam, and then take close-ups ........

Or talk about being lonely and depressed! rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 01/04/09 10:58 PM
Dear Diary,

So I am dying for the love that I have given to be returned to me. So I am going to drown my sorrows in a bowl of Chocolate Mud Slide Ice Cream... Now that is love...

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Fri 01/02/09 12:22 AM
Hello all! How was everyone's New Year?
better forgotten at this point noway

What? noway Why? scared

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Fri 01/02/09 12:16 AM
Hello all! How was everyone's New Year?

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Thu 01/01/09 02:47 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!! Hope you all had a great one! Mine was awesome.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:03 AM
I'll be happy if I can make it that long with any fingernails left...I'm so nervous and excited I can't concentrate on anything else...
How long do you have to wait? And for whom?
Hey lost me!!!noway laugh

I apparently am lost too.. I thoght she was waiting for a guy, or is it you? I am so confused. My boyfriend has been gone since August is all...

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Mon 12/15/08 12:00 AM
BOO!!!! <cowgirl runs away>
BOO WHO!!!??
Don't cry... I am here now.
I wonder about you. Booing, running off giggling, and watching from the shadows. I wonder...if you do that while somebody is milking a cow.:wink:

I have done that many times.... <runs away laughing histerically>

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 11:48 PM
I'll be happy if I can make it that long with any fingernails left...I'm so nervous and excited I can't concentrate on anything else...

How long do you have to wait? And for whom?

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 11:47 PM
BOO!!!! <cowgirl runs away>
BOO WHO!!!??

Don't cry... I am here now.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 11:41 PM
It's called Liberalism.The moral demise of America starting with the hippie movement in the 1960's and their "if it feels good it must be good mentality".Aeithiest joined the liberals and you have what we have today...Don't believe in anything,whats wrong is right,what's good is bad.Much like Jane fonda sitting on the anti-aircraft guns in the Vietnam war you have the liberals and Aeithest holding the gasoline can and the match waiting to burn the churches down.They have wasted millions of tax payers dollars on wasted lawsuits to take "one nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance,"in God we trust off of the money",the ten commandments out of the courthouses,and many more.They haven't won a single lawsuit nor have they succeeded in any of the objections Hello? There are extremists in both sides. It's wrong to judge a whole group of people by the extremists in that group. Jane Fonda was waaaaa

Then why is In God We Trust on our money? The ten commandments in the courthouses?

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 11:21 PM
I just couldn't read the tone.. Lol there should be shame. the bible says its wrong. I have a hard time with that one though too. I do not judge I care not what they are and am good friends with some but will I be condemned by god because of that?

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 11:18 PM
BOO!!!! <cowgirl runs away>

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 11:02 PM
thank you! I am not the only one who knows about the weight thing! And I totaaly agree with you. If they are going to teach one they should teach the other as well. If one is required so shall the other if it is an elective so shall the other. Kids should have a choice on this issue. There was a time when people learned reading writing and arithmatic and were required to say the pledge of allegiance and said a prayer. Our money says In God We Trust for a reason. There was shame in being gay and shame in murder or stonings for unjust reasons... Where did that all go?

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 10:28 PM
Thanks. I am not sure how you inteded that to come across. As far as I know the "patients" they speak of volunteered themselves. Therfore the comfort of the patient is irrellevant. (Spelling?) anywho in addition the the bowels releasing and gases and so on and so forth there is still around 38g un accounted for which is believed to be the soul leaving the body.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 10:22 PM
I think they do. God doesn't place anything on the earth without a soul. That would be satan. Even though it is scientifically created it still must be part of God's plan as he is all knowing.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 09:25 PM
Another prrof that God exists... How come when you clone something it has the exact same look but different personality traits and tendancy.. Maybe because we all have our own unique soul.. I agree this post should be in the joke section. they have also scientifically shown the humans lose 1 oz at time of death they think this is the soul leaving the body.
Are you talking about that 1907 experiment in France? The doctor's results were flawed by his research method. I do know people can lose weight at the time of death from various reasons. They defecate, urinate, some cellular loss, the air in the lungs expel, they sweat before death, and gases are released.

yes... That all was part of the study. It is actually grams that are lost I apologize for my error however the bodies are weighed at time of death and then just the the things youu mentioned are weighed seperately I believe and there is still a difference of about 38g I believe which has NO explanation therfore soul.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 07:51 PM
Another prrof that God exists... How come when you clone something it has the exact same look but different personality traits and tendancy.. Maybe because we all have our own unique soul.. I agree this post should be in the joke section.

they have also scientifically shown the humans lose 1 oz at time of death they think this is the soul leaving the body.

Cowgirlstomp's photo
Sun 12/14/08 07:48 PM
Ligers are not a SPECIES they are however a BREED within a species. Same goes for lizards. We FIND many new species all of the time however I do not know of a species being created through science... Sorry... SCIENCE ZERO!

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