Community > Posts By > Tricess

Tricess's photo
Fri 08/25/06 06:45 AM
wow. maybe its time to cut it completely off Kristina.

Tricess's photo
Fri 08/25/06 06:41 AM
great responses so far. maybe these can help those guys out there who
have no clue. thanks

Tricess's photo
Fri 08/25/06 06:39 AM
Too funny. You could try a disposable camera with no flash built in.
Take the shot during the day and outside. Instant photograph with no
flash in the face. Take Care

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 10:38 PM
Ontario here. lol

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 10:37 PM
I ended a 2 year relationship recently. This was a woman who I couldn't
see myself married to. It was unfair for me to string her along and
take away any chance of her ever being a wife or mother. But we still
are best friends. Communication is the key. Even if love ends you can
still be friends.

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 10:32 PM
Ladies, what is your biggest turn-on about men besides sex?

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 10:21 PM
I got married a little young and was married for 8 years. Then I found
the note after work one day. Guess some people just want their freedom.
Needless to say I gained mine too and I am way better off. Meeting the
right people now.

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 04:27 PM
I have over a thousand for sure.

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 12:47 PM
Wow MasterJason, well said. I personally never came in anyones face or
mouth until a woman asked me too. She said that it turned her on. So
maybe its not the only men that want to cum in a woman's face. It can
be blamed on both sides.

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 11:42 AM
Good for you. Stay with your hobbies and eventually someone will like
you for you. I say the greatest line in life is "whatever". Let life
happen. When not looking, they all flock to you. I just play my guitar
and stay involved in my hobbies and it seems like I meet people all the
time. For those who want to change me I just wave goodbye. So I guess
the wall is up until you learn to trust them. Trust and respect are
things that are earned my friend.

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 10:06 AM
What I meant was that you can be in love and have a physical
relationship. But enjoying the person or just the act is two different
things. Some people just want sex. Others can't live without the other
person. I had a girlfriend who wanted it 4-5 times a day. At first it
was awesome then it got annoying especially when at work or trying to do
something else. What ever happened to spontaneous?

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 06:33 AM
I think sex is over-rated only when it comes down to people who let it
engulf their lives. I enjoy it as much as the next person and with the
right person it can become addictive. It's the one night stands and the
meaningless nights that turn me off (the next day).

Tricess's photo
Thu 08/24/06 06:30 AM
lmao. unsure you are too funny. Not too bright even when they're
asking for money. :) Hey that rhymes.

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 07:28 PM
Fyresyren you take the words right out of my mouth. Enough said.

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 01:04 PM
Would you get to know someone who doesn't post a photograph? Is it right
for someone to post all of their info on-line yet afraid to add a

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 12:57 PM
unless its not what you're...

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 10:54 AM
thanks but i meant publishing your own music. not downloading.
limewire carries too many viruses. i prefer bearshare myself. take care

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 07:27 AM
I am a musician who loves recording CD's. Any tips on using the internet
for exposure?

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 04:28 AM
I recently posted a profile on a dating site and met over 100 ladies. I
started to see a pattern in some that I just have to tell people about.
Their profiles might say they are from the U.S. or any place, but after
e-mailing a few times, they would mention that they are stuck in Africa.
Some even say they were robbed and cannot come home. Then the big
question is dropped into your lap. "Can you send me money?". Be careful
as I've found there are no fraudulant laws in Africa and these are
people who have a business in scamming people. Any experiences like

Tricess's photo
Wed 08/23/06 04:19 AM
Sounds like a real peace of work. Trust me when I say that a lot of
people can say 'I love you' so easily. Build a friendship with someone
first. Remove all doubt. If you feel that they are lying right from
the get-go then they probably would lie to you forever. Who needs that?
And as far as looks are concerned, do you want to wake up next to Mr.
Ugly for the rest of your life? Good luck!!

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