Community > Posts By > Tricess

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/23/07 05:05 PM
Writing the perfect song....

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/23/07 05:02 PM
Here I am!!!

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:31 PM
When u carry a picture of ur mother or ur children and look at it,
remembering the moment or the person, is the idea of a cruxifix. To
venerate or honour the form that started the faith is different than
worshiping the object. Catholics do not pray to the statue or the
cross. It is there as an image to use during meditation to pray to God.
The image is merely an image of rememberance.

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:06 PM
I'm actually European. Living in Canada where its prodominantly white,
I find that I get approached by white women more, stared at afar by
black women, and befriended by european women more easily. Go figure.
After all a woman is a woman. I really don't care where they're from.

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/22/07 10:01 PM
Welcome, There's a lot of great people on here. Enjoy!!

Tricess's photo
Sat 05/19/07 03:59 PM
It was physically impossible for anyone to survive a cruxificion. The
Turkish designed it and the Romans perfected it. The weight of the body
pulling down on the shoulders meant that they were separated and caused
the lungs to collapse. A mere man would die of exhaustion from that
collapse and not to mention the lack of oxygen. The mortal wounds of
those nails were compared to someone slicing their wrists open. He hung
on the cross for 3 hours. The thorn that went through his head was over
2 inches long and was also a mortal wound. A spear pearcing through the
rib cage? Some wound to survive. wow. And of course it is dated that
there was a huge thunder storm on that day. How can there be a blood
trail if everything is being washed away. Christ died on that cross,
was laid in a tomb, and on the 3rd day rose from the dead.

Tricess's photo
Thu 05/17/07 04:49 PM
ADVENTUREBEGINS... Sorry, did not mean for my thoughts to come directly
at you. Apologies. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of
anything. Some base it on fact and others on faith. Sometimes both. I
think every organization in this world has humanity as their excuse and
thus keeps peace from really cultivating the masses. One can love the
person but hate their actions, and that I can accept.

Tricess's photo
Thu 05/17/07 06:16 AM
and the turks created a genocide against the armenians. the germans
butchered the jews. israel mass murdered many palestinians and vice
versa. why hatred only against the catholic church. you should hate
turks, germans, israelis and the rest so as to not look hypocritical.
my thoughts of course. people cannot hate one thing and accept another
of equal value.

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/16/07 08:23 PM
theres always a bad apple in every basket. that doesnt mean that the
whole basket is bad. so how can any of u get off on blaming an entire
church for some peoples errors. you call urselves christian?? thats a
joke!!! love ur enemy , Christ said. without the catholic church, no
other christian church would have started. can one say that because
muslims bombed the world trade center that all muslims are terrorists??
think about it folks. and one question always arises..why is the
catholic church hated by most christians and please dont recite history
to me. the catholic church has never bombed a building or created mass
murder. when things like that were done, it was in the name of some
governmental hierarchy like Spain and such. never from Rome itself.
trace back all churches to their founders and you will find that the
catholic church was founded by Christ himself.

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/16/07 08:07 PM
thx boredchick good luck in ur search

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/16/07 08:04 PM
conversation is key! you either get along or you don't. the first few
conversations usually determine if there is any interest at all. once
there is good chemistry then it gets real exciting and the ball starts
rolling. habits (as mentioned before) tend to pop their little head out
and make an appearance and then truth starts to appear. u have to get
past the initial stage of trying to impress each other and pay attention
to what the other says. :))

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/08/07 10:55 PM
To play devil's advocate....there is a good book called "The evolution
hoax exposed" A good read based on scientific evidence.

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/08/07 07:50 PM
Ok here goes. Most christians believe that God hates sin. And it is
also said that the Spirit leaves a place of sin and returns after
repentance. If this is true then The Blessed Virgin would have to have
been sinless in order for God to enter her. Jesus Christ's birth has
always been know to have been a supernatural birth. Yet the world seems
to have had amnesia in the last 200 years. "True light of true light"
The old traditions state that Christ passed through Mary in the form of
light and therefore she maintained her virginity. The star that they
followed which remained over the stable of His birth apparently shot
down a beam of light into Mary and there appeared in front of her "The
Christ". She was the first tabernacle and contained God in her for 9
months. His birth was an appearance not a passing through. She also
only spoke 7 verses in all scripture. A silent woman keeping all in her
heart. Remember that her mother St. Anne was over 90 when she gave
birth to her. Then she was given up to the temple to serve God until
Joseph asked for her hand in marriage. Born for one purpose? Maybe. A
vessel? Maybe. All in all she is the great matriarch and whatever she
asks of her son He will do. Just like at the wedding of Cana where it
wasn't his time yet and He still performed the first miracle upon her
request. The greatest way to get to someone is through their mother.
And what quicker way to communicate to God than having her there with
her arms wide open, asking what your needs are, passing them on to Him.

Tricess's photo
Thu 05/03/07 01:19 PM

Thanks for your response. The bible translations have created havok
throughout the decades as the english language has many meanings for the
same word. In the latin vulgate, during the last supper, Christ said
this is the cup of my blood, of the new and everlasting convenant, which
will be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins. In the
latin text the word "multis" could mean many and all in the english
language. Therefore some bibles state that Christ said "shed for you
and for all" instead of many. This is an example of what has caused
many to think that the Book has faults. It is due to translations,
mainly in the english language.

The Catholic faith believes, as I have stated before, that baptism
removes original sin and allows the believer to enter the gates of
heaven. Therefore they baptized the infants early in fear of death
prior to adulthood. Which makes sense as no one would want damnation
for their own children. Then confirmation allowed those same infants in
adulthood to make that acceptance for themselves. Better safe than
sorry I guess. I personally don't think that baptism is just a symbol
of faith. My logic is that it is essential for a believer to have it as
part of membership to their faith. You cannot join a club and break
their rules as they would revoke your membership. The same goes for all
things including a person's faith. Either accept that religion in its
entirety or find something else, I say.

Take care

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/02/07 07:41 PM
I'll add you if you like. :smile:

Tricess's photo
Wed 05/02/07 02:10 PM
Here is something that u can try. Go to start, search, all files. Type
in the program that u r trying to uninstall. When all the files appear
that have that title, highlight them and press delete on your keyboard.
That's how I got rid of an old version of Norton that would not


Tricess's photo
Wed 05/02/07 02:04 PM

Thanks for the questions. I will try to elaborate for you. Again these
are my thoughts only.

Adam and Eve were created in perfection. When they sinned, they lost
that perfection and became natural imperfect creatures. When Christ
came, he came and left this world in perfection thus re-instating the
true role of mankind. The new Eve, being his mother, lived a simple and
perfect life. As the first 3 councils in the church stated, she is the
only feat that Satan and sin have. They could not penetrate her thus
making her the perfect new Eve. Death could not conquer the
supernatural state as it contained immortality. The natural life
consists of being mortal and therefore allows death to conquer it.
God’s plan is to allow us into his paradise and, therefore even in a
state of sin, we are allowed to return to Him as his love for us is so
great. But there has to be perfection and therefore we are called to
rebuke sin and be forgiven because this natural state does not allow us
to be perfect.

Part II – God has always placed signs either for His sake or for ours.
Not sure yet. But Cain had a mark place on his head so the “others”
would not kill him for his crime. Sampson had long hair to show his
strength. Baptism places an indelible sign on our souls to show that we
have accepted the new covenant between God and man and therefore is a
sign or a pass into heaven. It is the mark of acceptance, which shows
that we decline being born under the original sin and therefore removes

Hope that’s clearer. lol

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:20 PM
Wow, such a controversial question. Here is something to think about.
After the fall of Adam and Eve, they were cast out of the garden. This
meant the gates of heaven were closed to all. Instead of death, God
gave them natural lives and took away their supernaturality. His plan
now was to create a new Adam and Eve to repair the sin of the originals.
Thus the term original sin. Yes we are born with this stain but it is
removed with baptism as christians believe so it does not remain. With
Christ's arrival, he defeated death by his death and re-opened the gates
of heaven to all. So as the originals recieved death through their fall
from grace, Christ defeated it and gave us a chance to live forever.
People tend to think that God's logic is human based but in actuality it
is a Godly knowledge that we cannot comprehend. Who knows what his plan
is? Can an ant think on a human level? How can we think on a Godly
level? He has restored what we have lost in original sin by instituting
baptism and a Messiah. My 2 cents.

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:09 PM
What I meant was if you go by emotion only you may get hurt. Using
intellect to analyze if its just a crush or a real, honest to goodness
spark may be a smart thing to do. When we are young we tend to jump
right in and take the chance but as we evolve into mature adults, we can
step back a bit and take a look at the big picture. My thoughts anyways.

Tricess's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:05 PM
a good solution would be to add more ram and increase the speed of it.
go to my computer, right click it, go to properties, click on hardware
tab, find device manager. click on the cd drive and uninstall the
driver. then reboot ur machine and let the driver reinstall itself.
that might get ur cd drive working again. is selling new
units starting at $329 just to let u know.

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