Community > Posts By > Tricess

Tricess's photo
Fri 04/27/07 09:24 AM
Hey all,
I've been writing and recording rock and roll for a long time. Any
other musicians on this site? How do we get people to hear our stuff?

Tricess's photo
Fri 04/27/07 09:06 AM
I say just do what feels right. In the beginning you tried to contact
her and that was your initial gut feeling. So do what you originally
wanted to. Chivalry is not dead my friend. Some see it as desperate
and others as romantic. good luck

Tricess's photo
Fri 04/27/07 12:24 AM
All I can say is there are hotties filling my friend's list. Great
ladies too I might add. lol

Tricess's photo
Fri 04/27/07 12:22 AM
Well then!!! lol

Tricess's photo
Thu 04/26/07 11:17 AM
I think most guys think like you do at your age. Funny how ideas change
over time, especially with experience. I married the woman that you
described and now that marriage is over. Yes, looks are important, but
what about compatibility. What the heck are you going to do with "miss
supermodel" if you can't even talk to her? My 2 cents worth anyway.


Tricess's photo
Wed 10/11/06 03:09 PM
V for Vendetta, The Matrix Trilogy, LOTR trilogy and any superhero flick
(X-Men, Hulk etc..) Also love The Bourne series. Enemy of the State
and Van Wilder too lol

Tricess's photo
Thu 09/28/06 07:51 PM
Hi all! Interesting subject. I did research on it years ago and found
some information that has been forgotten over time. I believe that we
are supernatural creatures and that we lost it from original sin. So
now that we live in a natural state our souls are constantly searching
for the supernatural state where we truly belong. Hell is a
supernatural place and cannot be conceived by our futile brains. We can
try to understand it but it is difficult. Imagine falling off a cliff.
When u cross the plains of hell, u remain in that position of how u are
falling for all eternity. Pain #1. Then u get the feeling of
abandonment. Eternity without God. After all when we are in our worst
situations we usually turn to Him but at that point there is no one to
turn to. Pain #2. Then we are tortured with pains of the flesh and
pains of the soul. 2 different punishments. Pain #3. Then there are
pains of extreme cold and extreme heat. Being turned on and off by the
second. Hot Cold hot cold.
All this info I got from old books that were written by councils and
people who were visionaries. There are people on earth who seem to have
special gifts of vision and they have professed what they saw.

God is about love but he is also a God who hates. After all he does
hate Sin. So we must be prepared at all costs for an angry God too.

Thats my 2 cents worth. Thanks for listening.

Take Care

Tricess's photo
Wed 09/27/06 05:57 AM
F U C K hmmm I also heard that when a man wanted to marry a young
girl, who happened to be under the age of 14, he had to get permission.
Therefore the law was passed Fornicate Under Consent of Kin. F U C K

My 2 cents anyways. Take Care.

Tricess's photo
Wed 09/13/06 09:23 PM
Hmmm.... Dream Theater -Train of Thought
Rush - All of it
System of A Down -Mesmorize
Tool - Aenima
Symphony X - Wicked
WolfMother- (Just discovered these guys- Remind me of
old Zeppelin) song =Woman

Tricess's photo
Tue 09/12/06 10:06 AM
explosion = orgasm

Tricess's photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:53 PM
lickable = tongue

Tricess's photo
Sun 09/10/06 05:37 PM
stop = sign

Tricess's photo
Sun 09/10/06 06:34 AM
cops = bad boys

Tricess's photo
Sat 09/09/06 10:40 PM
Sometimes even your friends can have a secret crush on you. It seems
like they're protective but in reality they don't want you to be with
anyone except them. Find out what your friend is really thinking. Good

Tricess's photo
Sat 09/09/06 10:37 PM
feet=inches (can't wait to see the next one lol)

Tricess's photo
Sat 09/09/06 11:26 AM
Hey tired. I see that u finally agree with me. About 3 weeks ago you
had a different opinion. Good luck my friend.

Tricess's photo
Sat 09/09/06 09:23 AM
Check out DRAGONFORCE. Great metal band.

Tricess's photo
Sat 09/09/06 09:20 AM
A priest and a rabbi are fishing. The priest catches a fish.

Rabbi: Nice Sonbitch you got there Father
Priest: Why u swearing Rabbi
Rabbi: No you dont understand. Thats what its called A Sonbitch

Priest gets home and holds up the fish

Priest: Look at the nice Sonbitch I caught everyone
Sister Margret: Fr. why u swearing
Priest: No thats what kind of fish it is
Sister: Ok I'll clean it then

Hey Frank, nun says to the cook
Sister: Look at the nice Sonbitch Fr. McGinty caught
Cook: Why u swearing sister
Sister: No thats what its called
Cook: Ok I'll cook it then

They sit down to a nice meal when all of a sudden the Pope arrives.
Priest: Your holiness have a seat and join us
Pope: Thank you so much

After eating the first bite the Pope says;
Wow this is the best fish i ever tasted

Priest: Yes I caught the Sonbitch
Sister: I cleaned the Sonbitch
Cook: I cooked the Sonbitch

The Pope stands up and holds out his arms and says

"I Love You Fuckers!!!"

Tricess's photo
Fri 09/08/06 07:29 AM
I'd have to agree with animal. Canadian beer is where its at. I love
Labatt's Genuine Draft although I am a Captain Morgan's Black rum

Tricess's photo
Thu 09/07/06 10:44 PM
I have met a lot of ladies on-line. The one I fell for ended up being
the greatest liar ever.

22 became 38
lawyer became accountant
single became married with kids
and as for the pictures... well take a wild guess. Not her.

So the search goes on. I still have hope.