Community > Posts By > Magicman1950

Magicman1950's photo
Tue 03/13/12 09:27 AM
Im an older Jewish guy, I just got here. Been looking around but the JS forum is a quiet place. Nice to find you ladys here.

Magicman1950's photo
Tue 03/13/12 09:08 AM
Im Jewish, from Israel, living in Hell (NY)

Magicman1950's photo
Tue 03/13/12 09:04 AM

Oh we nice jewish boys are around. Granted some of us are secular and vegan but we're here!

Religious, Modern Orthodox and vegan here. But not a boy anymore, an alterkakher at 61.

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 07:25 PM

When people tell me I look younger than my age I say thanks and assume they are just being polite. I look in the mirror and I see a 55 year old woman. It is only the last few years that I started coloring my hair because the grey was taking over and my job is in sales so I do need to present a good appearance.

I think you look great, Im lousey at guessing agesdrool flowers

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 07:07 PM

What do you think makes a real woman?

They are usually soft and squishy?......smokin

And are great served with a good kosher wine.rofl

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 06:55 PM
The fact is, male or female, there's not that great a selection for a good partner in life. So, when you find one, hold on tight.
You said it, Ruth!

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 03:18 PM
No we dont have a lot of toppless stuff going on. Its just that our one swimming area is "Adult, Clothing Optional." Its the only beach near Pittsburgh that I know of thats topless.blushing Me and my big mouth!frustrated

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 02:41 PM
LOL Society for Creative Anacronism a re-enactment group, we re-enact the middle ages.

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 01:15 PM
I earned every grey hair, achie bone, wrinkle, flaw, sag. I thank people who say I dont look 61 and those that say I look older, tell them I feel it. Be proud of who and what you are, youre unique, no-one else like you in the world.

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 01:02 PM
Yep, go there every year to an event called Pennsic. Its an SCA event

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 09:59 AM
Saw a profile that said: I hate shallow people!
To respond to me you must be over 25 and under 35. At least 6' tall, in good physical condition. Have a good paying job, with good benefits. A car less than 4 years old, either own or buying a home. You must be single and white. No forigners, no fat guys, no gimps.

Magicman1950's photo
Mon 03/12/12 09:39 AM

If you are at a topless beach do you compliment women on their nice breasts?

As soon as I find one in Pittsburgh, I'll let you know!

Coopers Lake Campground near Butler.:laughing:

Magicman1950's photo
Sun 03/11/12 09:23 AM

am enjoying this topic...very funny. Cos i dont know how posting on forums is so important. Its only the jobless dudes that keep posting all day.....funny.

Yes and its so nice to be retired and getting a great pension.

I do have a life beyond my computer, but its nice to be able to socialize from the comfort of my home.

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 07:00 PM
It is also important to know that you must be a whole person by yourself. If you must have someone in your life in order to be a complete person, IT WONT WORK!!!! Get your act together and become who you are, then look for a relationship. Dont try to find someone who youll love because you think you can make them better. Dont try to find someone to make you better. If you cant love them for everything they are, no matter what, you cant love them and youll never change them. They also have to accept you exactly as you are, no matter what.

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 05:45 PM
If youre lonely, talk to somebody, if youre tired sleep, hungry eat. first find out what youre feeling and please stop calling horny lonely. If youre horny take matters in hand and stop making truely lonely people look bad.

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 05:37 PM
The mentioned web sight is from Stephen Sizer, he is a known anti Semite, history revisionist and replacement theologian. He should join the KKK.

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 04:47 PM
Think about this, what are being called Zionist misconceptions are not at all. Seems everyone knows what a Zionist is without asking a Zionist. What gives Americans the right to the land that they occupy? What gives the English the right to England? What gives Russians the right to Russia? I am an Israeli, my family has been in Israel for 3000 years and this Joker comes along sayng thatt we Israeli patriots and natives dont belong there? I dont usually get angry over nonsence that I read in forums, but what was written here is wrong and full of lies. A Zionist is someone that believes in his countrys right to exist and his right to defend it.
Zionist/Israeli Patriot,
Uriel Ben-Itzhak

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 02:58 PM
T, tell him to hit the road and lf need be help him pack. Ill send you bus fare for someone like that.

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 02:32 PM
T, Im so glad you brought this subject up, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou. I have been so reluctant to even say anything and also been in denial. I was diagnosed with MS last year, told I probably had it for years and wasnt aware of it. Been so afraid to say anything for a number of reasons, No.1 being that it tends to make me less datable and appear to be a bad catch. Feel like I already have some strikes against me, the biggest being my age. With MS also I wanted to know how people felt and delt with such things. I still function quite well, Im a Magician and did a great magic show today. I cant lug and pull my equipment around like I used to, but Im still a great guy, even if I do say so myself. Please comment on this, thankyou.

Magicman1950's photo
Sat 03/10/12 11:08 AM

I am fine. I got checked out and had a CT scan done so there is nothing to worry about.

Yeah, Betty, it is a little freaky that I said that to you last week and came real close to having it come true. It is a fact though that with the miles I put on the road things like this can and do happen. I may not have found Mr Right yet but at least God doesn't want me either laugh laugh

So Jayne, maybe youll meet a nice ambulance driver and he will take you out for Peppers and a drink. winking