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Sun 12/16/07 09:48 PM
eh not much..just driftin along with the tunes and wanderin around in my mind

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Sun 12/16/07 09:26 PM
Hi Pat!

(((Steve))) ooooooooooooooom bite me

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Sun 12/16/07 09:21 PM
(((((sis))) hugs flowerforyou

Didn't get that much Laura, got mostly sleet.((((Laura))))

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Sun 12/16/07 09:18 PM
This Moment/Melissa Etheridge

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Sun 12/16/07 09:16 PM
'Ello everyone

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Fri 12/14/07 09:47 PM
Play-Dough, Crayola, Footprints, Surfboards and let us not forget MANGOES!!! Why??.....why not bigsmile

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Fri 12/14/07 05:16 AM
Mornin Everyoneflowerforyou

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Fri 12/14/07 05:14 AM
((((((Cloudy)))))))) You just Am..wonderful

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Fri 12/14/07 05:07 AM
I've written and re written my profile a thousand times in the year I have been here, it always comes out as me, who I am , nothing fake nor pretend about it. Currently its nothing but song lyrics, it says what I want to say about me right now.

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Thu 12/13/07 02:06 PM
Intense imagery, so alive it leapt off the page...excellent piece!!

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Thu 12/13/07 02:05 PM
Tattered and frayed
She stands before you
Screaming garbled obscenities
You turn your head and walk past her
Not really seeing nor hearing her

Stinking and dirty
He stands before you
Mumbling distorted words
You turn your head and walk past him
Not really seeing nor hearing him

How many, how many have you walked past
Without seeing or hearing them
Just seeing the despair
That being enough for you
And you walk past ignoring them

How many, how many more will you walk past
Until you see the man or woman before you
The person who was once like you
The person who once had it all like you
With just one turn of the card became what they are now

How long, how long until you too become one of them
One of the ignored, the despairing ones
One of the downtrodden, the forgotten ones
How long, how long do you really have in this world
How long....

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Thu 12/13/07 01:58 PM
Life isn't always meant to be roses and chocolates. Its cold, dreary and painful.You portray this eloquently KC, being alone on Christmas makes it even more so cold and painful, for this I am sorry.flowerforyou

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Thu 12/13/07 01:54 PM
Simply beautiful flowerforyou

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Thu 12/13/07 01:39 PM
I reached out into the sky to touch upon a star
My hand brushed up against yours as you too reached out to touch a star
I lay upon my tummy to gaze at my reflection in the lakes surface
Your eyes gazed back at me as you too gazed in the lakes surface
I whispered into the winds words of poetry waiting for them to be carried into the world
Your words of whispered poetry came back dancing into my ears
I became the song that no one sings
You sang my song
I became the myth that was unattainable and unbelievable
You reached out for my hand and held on
Believing in me, so I became
Breathing life into my wholeness
You step back fearing that the image now before you isn't real
And I speak, my whispered words of poetry dancing into you ears
The light fills my eyes and you see now that I am indeed real
And your reflection pierces my soul as you gaze deeply into the light in my eyes
You reach for my hand once again , the heat of a thousand flames engulfing your hand
Tightly you grasp my hand not fearing the flames
The stars shift and fall from the sky landing at our feet
You become a song that no one has ever sung
I now sing your song as you sing mine
Picking up the stars, we become them and fly towards the sky
Lighting the darkened sky with the intensity of a thousand flames
My hands reach for yours as we become the star children and dance through the night

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Thu 12/13/07 01:20 PM
Thank you everyone

Thank you Lauri for the inspirationflowerforyou

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Thu 12/13/07 01:19 PM
Thank you everyone

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Thu 12/13/07 01:18 PM
Just a thought
Its all I have
Just a thought
Its the only thing thats real
Its all that I feel
Just this one thought
I hold on to this thought
It carries me on through the day
Its all I have
This one thought, this thought that is so real
All that I feel, and I tuck it away
Saving it for another day
Keeping it in a small wooden box
With an old brass lock
Hidden from view of the world
Not ready to share this thought
Locking it away until the one special day

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Thu 12/13/07 05:48 AM
due to get 6-10 inches here today and another 10-12 inches on Saturdaybigsmile

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Thu 12/13/07 05:31 AM

I'm doing good Shadow, dancing the happy snow dancebigsmile laugh

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Thu 12/13/07 05:29 AM
You want me to know something
The messages come, but I am unable to decipher them
You keep reaching out in that way that is yours
Trying so hard to tell me something
Trying so hard to make me understand
But I am too blind and deaf to get it
I scream in frustration
Just tell me, just tell me
Put it before my eyes
Before my ears
Tell me in a way that I understand
Frustration at you and myself
Why can I not understand
What it is your are trying to tell me
Push aside the confusion in my head
Speak plainly for me to understand
With frustration comes the sadness
Desperately I want to know what you say
But in my own confusion and frustration
The message gets lost
You slip away now, and I grow cold
No longer feeling bold, I curl inward
Shutting away everything, turning my back
As I too slip away

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