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Mon 12/17/07 09:31 PM
The beads fall
Scattering across the floor
Kneeling down she searches for them
Picking up all that she could find
Tears sliding down her face
The brilliant turquoise and bone
Cupped in the palm of her hand
The leather thing, now so old and frayed
Stretched to its limit
Tears dripping upon the beads
She wonders how many times they have been coated with tears now
How many times her mother had cried , how many times her grandmother had cried old, from before even her grandmothers time
Now held in her hand, slipping away like grains of sand
Gently she touches them, realizing now for the first time
She holds history, history of the first people in her hands
Cupping them tighter in her hand, she walks out to the barn
Pulling a string of sinew down, she restrings the beads
Tying the knot tightly, placing it around her neck once again
Hearing now the whispers of the first people in her ears
Lifting her head now, walking tall and proud, she is Navajo

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Mon 12/17/07 09:13 PM more northern New York...Southwestern New York is more Greenville and Port Jervis

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Mon 12/17/07 08:56 PM
Live This Life/Big & Rich

(((((Jonathon)))))flowerforyou :heart: so good to see you

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Mon 12/17/07 08:38 PM
Frustration grows
As I kick the rocks along the road
Hands shoved deeply into my pockets
Warding off the bitter cold
Walking to where I don't know
Just walking to get out
Get away, leave it behind
Snowflakes falling softly to the ground
Yet the sight just frustrates me more
Muttering to myself now
Take me away, just get me out of here
To no one in particular
Just saying the words because they need to be said
Knowing where I want to be but the time just isn't right
And her voice I hear, though I've never heard it before
Be patient my sister, the time will come soon, you will see
This is where you belong, this is where your soul calls home
Her voice alone reaches out and soothes my disrupted soul
And I slowly walk towards home....

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Mon 12/17/07 08:28 PM
Six Foot Town/Big &Rich

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Mon 12/17/07 08:09 PM
Whoa..wicked awesome!!

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Mon 12/17/07 08:06 PM
A man of beauty
No don't laugh
I know of one
His words touch me
The beauty that shines through them
As I read them each time his voice echoes in my soul
Deep and melodious, soothing the savage beast in me
His soul pure and gentle, shining through
Instilling peace and love to all who read
His eyes, shining a light so bright
It dances mischievously , hinting of devilish moments
His humor, so rich and full
His warmth, so gentle and pure
Love simply radiates from every pore
His words of comfort
Wrapping me safely in their embrace
A sense of peacefulness follows where ever he goes
His advice sage and true,his understanding is pure
He, is truly a beautiful man

**This was originally written as a testimonial, and when I wrote it I knew then I could do better and give this beautiful man the words that he so richly deserves, and I am now able to form them and put them down the way they are meant to be.Brwnkimba, you truly are a beautiful man, my dear friend.flowerforyou :heart: **

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Mon 12/17/07 07:50 PM
Deadwood Mountain/Big & Rich

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Mon 12/17/07 04:21 PM
Viol..Kojack is one of the new moderators...he's been a member for a while now, just new to moderating the forums

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Mon 12/17/07 04:13 PM
Men, Women..gender matters not...some are just well predators and we are simply just prey..fight or flight I think. Wonderfully written flowerforyou

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Mon 12/17/07 04:11 PM
((((((Mom)))))))) I love too give me strength and peace.
I have written my story, page after page, thread after thread...since the first time I posted my work story is far from finished.

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Mon 12/17/07 03:52 PM
You're going to make me read this whole thread aren't you??? Ahhh I hate being so lost all the time..ok ok I'll read..just feeling rather lazy and snot may take me a few days..I start out all good but then my mind wanders..worse than normal and I forget where I was and have to start all over again

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Mon 12/17/07 03:13 PM
I got a bulletin from Song on Myspace familia!!!

Dec 17, 2007 3:35 PM
Subject: OMG online for a minute..
Body: I think I'm having contractions Cody's on his way home!!

Will let you know more as soon as I know more

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Mon 12/17/07 06:03 AM
ahh no bro..waitin for nap time so I can go pass out for awhile

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Mon 12/17/07 06:01 AM


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Mon 12/17/07 05:56 AM

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Sun 12/16/07 10:16 PM
ok my brain is being smothered by snot and its making me all wonky and light headed.... so I am going to bed

g'nite Kyle & Steve

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Sun 12/16/07 10:05 PM
**sits on the floor** I'm losted and befiddled...I think my brain is being smothered by snotsick

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Sun 12/16/07 09:59 PM
Okies sis, I'll be around for a bit tomorrow nightflowerforyou bigsmile

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Sun 12/16/07 09:59 PM
yeah I know but I keep gettin lost head is all goopey and dopey

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