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Thu 12/13/07 05:17 AM
((((((Shadow))))))) good morningbigsmile

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Thu 12/13/07 05:14 AM
laugh laugh laugh great comment Hanged

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Thu 12/13/07 05:11 AM
Ahh but I love the snow Catbigsmile

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Thu 12/13/07 05:10 AM
Night sky star filled
So quiet and still
She reaches for my hand
As we sit and watch in awe
Stars twinkling and winking
As if just for us
No words needed, just two friends
The stillness appreciated for what it is
Silence wraps its self around us
Connecting with each other
Connecting with the stillness and stars
Wonderment and awe, as I point out a brilliant shooting star
Peace and serenity wash over both of us
And we simply are.....

*** Inspired by Lauri's comment in the New Church Of Free Will thread

"Quietly reaches out, takes Poet's hand, and watches the passing of a shooting star..............."
much love Lauri:heart: ***

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Thu 12/13/07 05:08 AM
~Shooting Star~

Night sky star filled
So quiet and still
She reaches for my hand
As we sit and watch in awe
Stars twinkling and winking
As if just for us
No words needed, just two friends
The stillness appreciated for what it is
Silence wraps its self around us
Connecting with each other
Connecting with the stillness and stars
Wonderment and awe, as I point out a brilliant shooting star
Peace and serenity wash over both of us
And we simply are.....

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Thu 12/13/07 05:03 AM
((((((Cat)))))) Mornin gf

Snow is supposed to be coming here too

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Thu 12/13/07 05:02 AM
Some are not sure how to word not interested nicely and are afraid of hurting others feelings. Just keep emailing those who capture your interest and get active here in the forums, give people a chance to know you through your responses on the forums

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Thu 12/13/07 05:00 AM
Breathless anticipation
Waiting for that touch
The softest tenderest touch
Just a finger tip tracing the jawline
Skin quivering as it waits
Fire burning in her eyes
Waiting waiting for his touch
His finger tip moves slowly
From ear to chin, her skin tingles
Sighing deeply with desire
Fingertip tilts her chin upwards
Her eyes locked on his
His lips move slowly towards hers
Barely brushing against hers
He exhales she inhales
Sharing the same breath
Lips moving closer meeting
Lips parting, tongues colliding
A kiss, perfection between two souls

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Thu 12/13/07 04:59 AM
Not sure yet, may just stay home and spend it with a friend and my son

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Thu 12/13/07 04:58 AM
laugh laugh laugh

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Thu 12/13/07 04:49 AM
Yep I am Sage **passes the paper to Sage**

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Thu 12/13/07 04:39 AM
Window check..still no snow..

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Thu 12/13/07 04:33 AM
I play guitar, badly
I also play piano, eh so so, self taught on both

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Thu 12/13/07 04:23 AM
(((((Charles))))) Good Morningflowerforyou

((((((((Katers)))))))))flowerforyou Good Morning Gurl

Ahh well its a snow day and my sister in law will be out of work early so its not so badbigsmile

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Thu 12/13/07 04:21 AM
AS I read this all I can think of is Chicken Little..The Sky Is Falling The Sky Is Falling!!! It will be what it will be, it will end when it ends..who the hell are we to go around predicting stuff??? Bah....its just alarmist bs

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Thu 12/13/07 04:15 AM
Good Morning ((((Tiger))))flowerforyou
Good Morning (((((((Sage)))))))flowerforyou flowerforyou
Good Morning (((((Pam)))))flowerforyou
Good Morning ((((((Suz))))))flowerforyou

Sullivan West Central School District...Closed due to the ANTICIPATION of snow..yeesh

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Wed 12/12/07 05:56 PM
Laters bro love ya!!:heart: flowerforyou drinker hug my niece for me too!!

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Wed 12/12/07 05:52 PM
Ahh but did you know purple tastes like brown???

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Wed 12/12/07 05:49 PM

I'm all good rozey, just as looney as everbigsmile
LOONEY LOONEY LOONEY and she knows that the color blue tastes just like the color green lmfao

I thought that was common knowledge bro????

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Wed 12/12/07 05:43 PM
I'm all good rozey, just as looney as everbigsmile

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