Community > Posts By > briancarr

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 07:04 PM
Obama’s national campaign manager David Plouffe said Saturday that Truth Squads simply monitor attacks and refute them.

Later, state communications director Debbie Mesloh issued a statement that called it “the height of absurdity” for the GOP to contend that the Obama squad planned to go to court or jail critics.

She contended that Blunt, Donatelli, et al are out “to deceive voters about the role of respected Missourians across the state who want to see this election be about the truth, not false attacks like the ones we’ve seen today.

“Barack Obama’s Truth Squad is comprised of members of the community who – on their own time – are dedicated to raising the level of discourse in this campaign…,” she added.

By the way, a quick surf of the Internet found a McCain Truth Squad in New Hampshire, formed last January, that included several public officials with prosecutorial powers, including the state attorney general.

However, state Republicans have sent out a list of dozens of officeholders — who are lawmakers, not law enforcers — who they said make up the bulk of McCain’s Truth Squads around the country.

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:53 PM

you ain't telling me anything I have not already figured was a loser but I thought I was suppose to marry him...we went to church together and met in church...but I was never "saved" enough for him... it was always something with that one...did a real number on me I am just now starting to has been a long hard road ...cuz for years I have had an eating disorder and he knew it just another shot to the heart...
I dont take abuse lightly. Its not a good thing for anyone too go through. Sometime the power you let someone have over you, can haunt you for the rest of your life. There will always be regrets on both ends. After spending so much time trying to fix yourself, you realize how much of your life has been wasted, and how much more you can live Healthy. Not everyone is stronge enough too make it. Some dont even know whats happening because it normal to them. i am sorry if you thought i was making fun of you. We were a Abuse Family, and at 74, my Mother still blames

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:28 PM

When a woman worries or talks about changing her body.
C'mon ladies embrace the differences that make you You.

all the models are bone thin...society deems womento be that like a certain look...we are under a lot of pressure to feel adequate
The problem is in a Womans Head. A man that loves you, only cares that you give yourself toHim. He of course is going to be sensitive to you insecurities, but he is not going to want them to interfere, when He is tring too make you feel like the most BEAUTIFUL,IRRESISTIBLE,KIND,LOVING,SEXUAL,TASTY,WONDERFUL,YUMMY, Woman of His Dreams. Because that Who and what you are when He is being Intimate with you:heart:

here is an example....when my ex husband and I got married I was body fit...I had my third child I gained weight had to take time to lose it..everything was fine before I got pregnant..gained weight having OUR child...after having him...until I lost all the weight he would not touch me...I was not attractive enough to has nothing to do with it...
I so totally disagree. Love had everything to do in that situation. If he truly loved you, he would have accepted you 100%.

she who laughs last laughs the loudest...I lost all the weight and when he came with that look in his eyes...I would not let him touch me...and we ended up divorced for several other reasons but he is now gone bye bye...
YOU WIN:banana: :banana: :banana: Yea:banana: You Win:banana:

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:25 PM

When a woman worries or talks about changing her body.
C'mon ladies embrace the differences that make you You.

all the models are bone thin...society deems womento be that like a certain look...we are under a lot of pressure to feel adequate
The problem is in a Womans Head. A man that loves you, only cares that you give yourself toHim. He of course is going to be sensitive to you insecurities, but he is not going to want them to interfere, when He is tring too make you feel like the most BEAUTIFUL,IRRESISTIBLE,KIND,LOVING,SEXUAL,TASTY,WONDERFUL,YUMMY, Woman of His Dreams. Because that Who and what you are when He is being Intimate with you:heart:

here is an example....when my ex husband and I got married I was body fit...I had my third child I gained weight had to take time to lose it..everything was fine before I got pregnant..gained weight having OUR child...after having him...until I lost all the weight he would not touch me...I was not attractive enough to has nothing to do with it...
I so totally disagree. Love had everything to do in that situation. If he truly loved you, he would have accepted you 100%.
Yes, IF HE LOVED HERfrustrated

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:13 PM
Edited by briancarr on Sun 09/28/08 06:17 PM

When a woman worries or talks about changing her body.
C'mon ladies embrace the differences that make you You.

all the models are bone thin...society deems womento be that like a certain look...we are under a lot of pressure to feel adequate
The problem is in a Womans Head. A man that loves you, only cares that you give yourself toHim. He of course is going to be sensitive to you insecurities, but he is not going to want them to interfere, when He is tring too make you feel like the most BEAUTIFUL,IRRESISTIBLE,KIND,LOVING,SEXUAL,TASTY,WONDERFUL,YUMMY, Woman of His Dreams. Because that Who and what you are when He is being Intimate with you:heart:

here is an example....when my ex husband and I got married I was body fit...I had my third child I gained weight had to take time to lose it..everything was fine before I got pregnant..gained weight having OUR child...after having him...until I lost all the weight he would not touch me...I was not attractive enough to has nothing to do with it...
My example was a Man that was deedly in love with a Woman:heart: Your Husband was deeply in Love with Himself. During my Ex-wife pregnancy we made love more than ever. she use to still dress up in outfits. I didnt even mind when she leaked milk on mehuh Thats Love:heart:

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 06:03 PM

When a woman worries or talks about changing her body.
C'mon ladies embrace the differences that make you You.

all the models are bone thin...society deems womento be that like a certain look...we are under a lot of pressure to feel adequate
The problem is in a Womans Head. A man that loves you, only cares that you give yourself toHim. He of course is going to be sensitive to you insecurities, but he is not going to want them to interfere, when He is tring too make you feel like the most BEAUTIFUL,IRRESISTIBLE,KIND,LOVING,SEXUAL,TASTY,WONDERFUL,YUMMY, Woman of His Dreams. Because that Who and what you are when He is being Intimate with you:heart:

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:49 PM
Edited by briancarr on Sun 09/28/08 05:50 PM

I think the older u get the harder it is 2 find ur mate, I'm 47 its been almost 2 years now that I've been single, n at this stage n my life yes I want a committed relationship, I dont do one nighters anymore, and yes most man even my age is just looking 4 sex, can u beleive that.
Men wanting Sex isnt going to change with Age. They may want it less at times, but they are going to want it. The Men that i know in their 40's, or ones that are out of marrages and long relationships, are very afraid to invest again. Most of the time Woman classify them as being Bitter. Some are, but some have too work so hard to get back on their feet, and learn who, and what they want out of life, it makes them very cautious. It doesnt help that their are more Woman now a days that are willing too have Sex without a commitment. It takes time for some Men too get over the Fear, but many are still using the saying,Why buy the Cow, when your getting the Milk for Freefrustrated But please trust that their are pleanty of Men that are looking for that Special Someonefrustrated

Nicely put Brian. Excepting in my case, my ex made out like a bandit. He's a disabled Vet, ended up being bumped from 60% to 100% AFTER the divorce was final. Also reaped SSI. Can't work anymore due to PTSD (lucky ducky)

I go to work every day, raised all 4 of 5 kids alone, while he was checked out on pot and the emotional dysfunction.

He was able to buy a house out in the middle of nowhere for zilch, while I had to live in one of the higher middle class neighborhoods so I could keep my kids in the schools they needed to be in.

Needless to say, I lease. He owns.

He didn't lose anything but respect for a long time from the children. He has since pulled it together.

So ya .. the guy doesn't always pay the biggest price for divorce babe.

Oh did I mention he's remarried? LMFAO. Altho I don't envy the woman. She is sweet but they are both "older thinking" and I live on the young edge.

Ya .. in the end I guess I'm STILL the winner. :banana:
I think you kind of just explained how you dodged a Bullet. Nice story thoughflowerforyou

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:42 PM
Rose Sented A$$holeflowerforyou

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:40 PM

that women do that turns you off..or drives you crazy...
Its a set up:banana: Run:banana:

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:37 PM

I think the older u get the harder it is 2 find ur mate, I'm 47 its been almost 2 years now that I've been single, n at this stage n my life yes I want a committed relationship, I dont do one nighters anymore, and yes most man even my age is just looking 4 sex, can u beleive that.
Men wanting Sex isnt going to change with Age. They may want it less at times, but they are going to want it. The Men that i know in their 40's, or ones that are out of marrages and long relationships, are very afraid to invest again. Most of the time Woman classify them as being Bitter. Some are, but some have too work so hard to get back on their feet, and learn who, and what they want out of life, it makes them very cautious. It doesnt help that their are more Woman now a days that are willing too have Sex without a commitment. It takes time for some Men too get over the Fear, but many are still using the saying,Why buy the Cow, when your getting the Milk for Freefrustrated But please trust that their are pleanty of Men that are looking for that Special Someonefrustrated

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 05:10 PM
Being Question about how you looked, wouldnt be so bad if you knew you didnt have to defend it at timesfrustratedMy great Grandfather was White, so their was a chance, i was going to be kind of light. My complexions has been quesioned from, date of birth, until nowfrustrated We do not determine who we are going to be, or what we are going to look likefrustrated As a Black person in America, you are trapped because you are judged by your own people, and the rest of the Country. The sad part is it always has something to do with the way your Color:frustrated I think being Judge by your own people hurts the mostfrustrated
They interviewed a small Black Child. They asked him what he thought about Obama. He said, His Father told him he could only be Pres if he had Good Hairfrustrated

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 04:51 PM

if you don''s not a relationship......or even a friendship. don't even waste your time, if you don't have that kind of communication.
You have to pace yourself. It usually doesnt take time for the real person to come out. Not everyone handles things the same. You have too find out what type of responses you are going to get from them. You have to try too draw out some of thier doubts, and fears to try too see how they are thinking.

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 03:49 PM

there is no magic wand

I have a magic wand in my pants....

frustrated I will not ask to see; I will not ask to see; oh hell I wanna seeblushing flowerforyou

You'll go blind laugh
No you wont, you will be just a little citcelsyDnoway

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 03:09 PM

Mine's mainly fear. I'm working on that, but that's the God's honest truth. I'm scared to death of falling in love again.
I would just be afraid off being the only one in Love in the relationshipbrokenheart

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 03:01 PM
I am in a Truck for 47 weeksnoway

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 02:54 PM
I miss, Beautiful Face:heart: and Smile,a Warm, and smooth Body:tongue: The smell of Her Conditionerbigsmile Her wanting attention during the game(Always lead to a nice Halftime, if only for 7 minutes):thumbsup: Her telling me too go Shopping once a year, so i can stop wearing the same old thingohwell Hearing the garage door opening, then run into the Yard, to act like i have been working all daynoway Acting like i was listening to how Her day wasasleep The Smell of Food being Cooked:smile: Clean Sheetswinking Laughing at Her Crying at some Sappy Movietears Listening to Her telling everyone what i got Her for a Giftflowers Sex even when She wasnt really in the moodsmitten.......etc

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 02:41 PM

That's not bad, that's just plain nasty.
Why? Just because they dont wear Shoes?ohwell

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 02:39 PM
they are shoe shopping with the other nice guyssmokin glasses

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 02:30 PM

I think it matters most if you only have a 1"1/2:cry:
Small Fishohwell Of coursehuh

briancarr's photo
Sun 09/28/08 02:24 PM
I think it matters most if you only have a 1"1/2:cry:

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