Community > Posts By > sealove42

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:10 PM
Did I have to pay.... LOL

umm I think 5

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:09 PM

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:06 PM
I've done the road, and I didn't find much of a diffence of men, except I felt better. It matters that you take care of yourself, and when a woman does that it says that she care about who she it.

I spent four or five years in fitness. I sort of got burned out, but I still ride. I don't worry as much about my weight, but I felt better in six jeans and than 10. But, body health doesn't always depend on size. When I put the weight back on, I spent time learning in school. you can't do everything. I laugh and say if you want me at a gym looking goood support me and I will have time to go.

Good Job...

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:03 PM
Thanks, thinking alot tonight-- I still need to get the grove of flow down... some read better than others, and I love symbolism in poetry, but I have trouble writing it. In time...

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 10:01 PM
Hit the mood tonight faded spirit. Read nicely

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:59 PM
I think as we get older, over 30ish and we are single we have been down a few roads. Its fair to say that we are looking for the right one to come along.

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:53 PM
Amazing of course ugh

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:50 PM
Darkness in one heart makes it hard to grow in love with anyone.
I try to to let the hurt go, and mark it up to experience.

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:48 PM
Pink Floyd had alot to say about facing the truth

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:47 PM
Glad to meet you, I will miss you know.

Do you believe in soulmates?

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:43 PM
Pondering the moment
time sits still.
The clouds melt together
where it becomes the until.
The grasp of possibility
the slow motion of time.
Somewhere it meshes.
A lemon turns into a lime.

Watch closely, wandering about
was that your mind I read.
When you passed by,
you said the thoughts in my head.
Conscience delusion, convincing enough
Sounding on cue, rehearsed
Believing this is tough.

I sit and ponder God or physics.
computer graphic, Divine intervention
It all seems to have a purpose
Or was this man devise of his own convention.
Atlas a moment where Faith steps in.
One way was to the real surreal.
Faith, love and hope is that where I have been?

A strange way to go, but that is to wonder
is all but asking for complete truth.
Philisophical confusion, alluding to
disrupting, alluding the mood.
Ponder, wonder, question and ask why.
I'm attached to a Love I've never known,
but I am searching for where true may lie.

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:05 PM
Sweet sentiment.... :heart:

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:04 PM
I would give her a hug

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 09:03 PM

sealove42's photo
Wed 12/26/07 11:56 AM
Heart of Gold

sealove42's photo
Sun 12/23/07 11:27 PM
Nice Poem

sealove42's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:56 PM
Nice Poem.... sentiment

sealove42's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:52 PM
RENO Singles

sealove42's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:47 PM
yes couldn't sleep but tried

Have you ever admired someone secretly and never told.

sealove42's photo
Sun 12/23/07 08:44 PM