Community > Posts By > Blaze

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/21/19 06:16 PM
As a guy who has never owned a cat, i too used to believe that cats are aggressive and they will will kill me in my sleep. Its just the way they looked or screamed. With time i realized cats are harmless and cute. I started a liking to big cats like tigers even though they're very harmful and most aggressive.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/21/19 06:12 PM

they are scary weird. Like attempting a home invasion while appearing demonically-possessed weird

You need help. Either go to the church or visit a psychiatrist.

Blaze's photo
Fri 12/20/19 10:49 PM
Your view of the world is materialistic. People would not understand you if you give them extreme glimpse of your worldview. Showing them little by little can help.

Most of your theories are possible. The view that universe is ever evolutionary and expanding is proven already by research. We do not know how universe began or what was before "existence" was formed. But we do know what is eventually the fate of universe. And we have seen it with our eyes in distant galaxies billings of years of light years from here. Our universe has an end like any other thing. We define the end as "end of time" meaning end of change in universe(times definition). When protons and electrons stop moving and freeze forever in time due to collapse of inter molecular forces then thats when universe ends. A forever cold and dark place where no star exists even black evaporates and just dead collapsed bodies of stars exists in the end. No formation of matter takes place eventually. A forever dark void where nothing changes forever. That is our fate

Blaze's photo
Fri 12/20/19 10:08 PM
Because they're actually having an orgasm through their mouth.

Why do dogs always poop in hallways?

Blaze's photo
Fri 12/20/19 10:03 PM
I wonder if he's secretly a vampire?

Blaze's photo
Fri 12/20/19 10:02 PM
If you could choose to stop aging(through technology) at whatever age you like, would you do so? Why? Or why not?

What i mean is, you would be young/old/kid whatever you like forever until you choose to kill yourself or by accident. Would you like to live a life like that?

Blaze's photo
Thu 12/19/19 12:48 PM
Edited by Blaze on Thu 12/19/19 12:55 PM

Anybody tell me.?

Gods were invented by specific section of society to retain power. It has been so since thousands of years until 20th century when world finally awoke and banished these so called clergy and kings who claimed they are chosen by gods.

Take my word, live free without any limits and even break your own limits one day. Don't let anyone limit you by faith. Man makes his own destiny.

Blaze's photo
Thu 12/19/19 12:25 PM
It doesn't depend on you whether or not we exist. If you don't like us, don't accept our invitations, and don't invite us to come to see you. Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!

Blaze's photo
Thu 12/19/19 12:18 PM

However, one partner was committed, which meant him having me on a pedestal, putting me first -even over our kids-, never giving me proper feedback when needed, not showing a backbone etc.
His behaviour made me feel smothered and if I was dealing with a child instead of a partner who was standing next to me as an equal. He smothered the life out of me. And I felt totally unsupported.

The thought of having that again, no bleeping way!!

He deserves better

Blaze's photo
Fri 12/13/19 12:16 AM

But to return to the question as to why I don't believe that the Chinese authorities are exterminating the Uyghurs.

The Chinese actually have an excellent record on protecting their minorities. There are approximately fifty-five non-Han minorities in China that have existed under Chinese rule for at least two thousand years and still have their own language and way of life etc. The largest of these minorities are the Lolo who live in Myanmar, Thailand and Yunnan and Sichuan in China. Despite over two thousand years of Han Chinese migration into Yunnan and Sichuan, the Han have not replaced them and the Lolo are still there with their own languages, customs and traditional dress. Admittedly, the Cultural Revolution was as hard on these people as it was the rest of China as the Communist Party tried to irradicate everything of the past. However, they survived this horror and continue to flourish even under Communism.

finally someone who understands from different perspective. I'm not chinese and i understand their history and culture. One needs to understand how PRC was formed and what happened in mainland china in last century to get the point. These so called death camps are fickle imagination of people who want to believe what they want without any evidence. When they're shown some evidence of "reeducation camps" and testimony of uyghurs living in Xinjiang, these people often claim that's fabricated. Well then each should believe what they want, testimony and evidences do not count then.

Blaze's photo
Mon 12/09/19 11:56 PM
Edited by Blaze on Tue 12/10/19 12:01 AM
Indian citizens are themselves not safe in india, forget about tourists from other countries.

In india, Justice is often bought by capital. The cops will not bother to help you if you're in a situation where your life is in danger, the cops won't even consider your plea. The more bribe you give the more it will favour you. Now who would like to live in such society?

Problem is with indian citizens too. They believe that its women's fault for going out late at night when they get raped. Such disgusting backwards thinking never dies. Generally People here do not blame the police for not doing their job. The police are responsible for letting crimes happen. There are no patrols around metro station, malls, cinemas etc. The police does not care if any crime happens which they could prevent. Shockingly, the public does not care as well. They are very comfortable to blame victims for that.

The indian public should have protested in millions. They should have marched to the parliament house in the capital and surround it. The government is weak, people's power is above them. We need police reforms and judiciary reforms too. The problem is how to get people to protest? Some protests are erupting in metropolitan cities of india, which are not organised. Tribalism has doomed us.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 09:12 AM
Maybe our governments lie to us all this time. Maybe there is oxygen in space but these fat pigs don't want us to ever leave the flat/spherical planet? Maybe earth is a prison designed to keep 7 billion inmates.

I need more drugs to think like that.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 09:06 AM

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 09:04 AM
I would be stunned and ask for a coffee until i figure out how i ended up here.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 08:58 AM
I totally agree. Online support plays a huge part in dealing with any kind of bad experience or trauma even. I just wish people were as open about their feelings and thoughts in real life. We have to find out why people are less socially active in real life. Many people have developed class and they usually do not even indulge with people from different class. Social classes are in hundreds of types. It can be from your looks or your race or your economic status or even in todays world, your social-networking status. . This further divides people and alienates them from each other. Society is like a huge organism with parasites living inside it which runs the society. We must not neglect anyone, all are as important and everyone should matter. We must share each others feelings and pain to better understand each other and progress together. Someone elses misery could be your misery in future.

So far to be honest, i have mostly received abuses for stating my opinion in online forums. I'm quite shocked, i have never had such experience anywhere else. But i wont let that stop me from sharing my ideals and opinions.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 08:29 AM
Edited by Blaze on Sat 12/07/19 09:00 AM
Seriously, What did you expect from Saudi citizens?

That's a sad incident. My condolences to the dead.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 08:09 AM
I am actually attracted to both of those body types. I guess i just love woman as however they are.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 08:03 AM
Sometimes, i have been told that I've slanting eyes. Yet, i don't have any ancestry from east asians(mongoloids) as far as i know.

Blaze's photo
Sat 12/07/19 07:52 AM
At the moment I'm walking around the park completing my target distance, browsing the forums. I check my phone time to time. I've to achieve 12,000 steps or 6 miles walk per day. I saw a YouTube video about this challenge and i got interested in it. Somehow I'm motivated and i feel good after walking 6 miles in 90minutes.

Blaze's photo
Fri 12/06/19 01:49 AM
Edited by Blaze on Fri 12/06/19 02:26 AM
Can you show us the sources about "extermination of Uyghurs"? There has been 1,000 deaths in Xinjiang since the insurgency. As far as I've researched Uyghur terrorists killed 169 people from 2017 to 2019 and Turkestan Islamic party has been designated as islamic terrorist organisation since 2007 when it carried several terrorist attacks inside china and it has support from alqaeda and taliban. In kashmir, 35,000 people have been killed since insurgency by the government. Those were all terrorists. Would you call this a genocide? Moreover, genocide involves ethnic cleansing and mass murder by definition. Only 1000 people have been killed so far since a decade of insurgency in xinjiang. That is not even close to genocide or extermination.
I know what terrorism from Afghanistan and Pakistan looks like in my country. China has not killed jihadists like my country does, rather china has made a different lenient approach to counter jihadists. China puts them in "reeducation" camps so that the uyghurs can not be prone to Islamic extremism. Not all Uyghurs are terrorists. China is saving it soil.
