So, an individual can petition for this on behalf of his/her state? I had no idea. It would seem more sensible to require a minimum number of signatures before the petition could be submitted. But what the heck, if they want to do it that way I suppose it doesn't matter.
I wonder too if maybe you're just not finding the right people. But another thing to keep in mind is that farming and ranching are very demanding, and maybe these people are just extremely busy. Or maybe they're worried about the economy and are taking it out on you. Or maybe it's something in the way you approach them. No way to tell, because we aren't there. I'd say just keep trying, making sure not to be a pest. It can be a fine line sometimes.
An exit-poll data point that will surely haunt Mitt Romney and his party in weeks to come: If he had been able to draw half of voters under 30 in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, he would have won those states and the presidency. The millennial generation — voters ages 18 to 29 — was widely expected to stay home on Election Day, deflated by partisan politics and disappointed by the president they overwhelmingly endorsed four years ago. Instead, young voters matched their participation rate from 2008, with about 50 percent of eligible voters under 30 casting ballots. More importantly, they actually increased their share of the electorate, from 18 percent in 2008 to 19 percent this year, surpassing the proportion of voters over the age of 65 (17 percent, according to CNN exit polls). And while President Obama's support with this subset dropped from 66 percent to 60 percent, youth voters were a key part of the coalition that lifted him to a second term. “We’re treating this as a beginning, a new normal of what our country looks like, what our electorate looks like, and a new expectation for participation for young people,” said Heather Smith, president of the nonpartisan youth-advocacy group Rock the Vote in the aftermath. “This voting bloc can no longer be an afterthought for any party or campaign.” For months, the conventional wisdom was that young voters were turning away from the president, no longer inspired by the historic nature of his candidacy or his promises to remake Washington. They also seemed to be turned off by the nasty tenor of both presidential campaigns. Moreover, young voters have been slow to feel the effects of the recovery. Unemployment for the under 30s is mired at 12 percent — a fact that the Romney campaign attempted to capitalize on. Yet Obama racked up huge margins in this age group in key battlegrounds, including leads of 25 points to 34 points in the states cited above. Unlike other groups, young voters gave Obama an edge on handling the economy. Beyond that, their attitudes on social issues align much more closely with those of Obama and Democrats. For instance, a poll commissioned by the Harvard Institute of Politics showed that young voters preferred Obama over Romney on immigration reform (50 percent to 30 percent), health care policy (54 percent to 35 percent), and issues important to women (58 percent to 27 percent). A 2011 Pew Research Center poll last year found that 59 percent of Americans aged 18 to 30 support legalizing gay marriage. Some of Obama's campaign-year moves — announcing he now backs same-sex marriage, offering some young undocumented immigrants a way to stay in the country legally for two years — emphasized those issues and contributed to young voters' unexpected participation level. “I thought the turnout would be low because I didn’t think the campaigns and the political system were treating young people particularly well. There wasn’t a particularly coherent debate going on about policy, and honestly, there was a lot of mudslinging,” said Peter Levine, director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement. “So then you have to go to the explanation that this is coming from them … that they were not enthusiastic or happy about the campaign, but they were persistent.” It’s possible to envision national campaigns of the future making as many overtures to young voters as the Obama and Romney campaigns did to women voters this year, if they’re playing close attention to the data. Young people are not only helping to swing elections, they are changing policy. As Matt Segal, president of the youth-advocacy group Our Time, pointed out, it's no coincidence that when youth turnout was high, ballot initiatives to validate same-sex marriage passed in four states. There was an age when political consultants deleted young voters from their rolls, convinced they weren’t worth the effort, said Levine. Not so anymore. Obama is what happens when more dumb people vote than others. This whole original post is fine, actually fairly informative and not noticeably biased -- and then that last sentence. Where did that come from? MAJOR nonsequitur. |
By the way, MsHarmony, I welcome you back too and I missed you too. We don't have to agree on everything. I think one thing we do agree on is respecting other people regardless of their opinions. I'd like to see more of that going around.
So, you get your information from comedy shows? Don't we all? But Jon Stewart is way funnier than Fox. |
On Nov. 6, Americans voted to return Barack Obama to the White House; then on Nov. 7, some folks in Louisiana petitioned the White House to peaceably withdraw their state from the Union. Coincidence? According to the White House website, the petition was created by Michael E. (full last name not provided) of Slidell, La., the day after the election and has since been electronically signed by a few hundred people, most – but not all – of whom hail from the Pelican State. “We petition the Obama administration to: Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government,” the petition reads. It continues, “As the Founding Fathers of the United States of America made clear in the Declaration of Independence in 1776: ‘When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.’” The petition concludes with a further quote from the Declaration of Independence: “‘Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government.’” The petition has until Dec. 7 of this year to gather 25,000 signatures, at which time, the White House pledges, it will be placed on a queue for response from the administration. ... ............................. Mat 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. There is an ever clarifying dividing line being drawn within America and the World population. That line separates the moral person and the immoral person. The wise person and the Fool. The Just from the unjust. The Conservative and the Liberal. Those who seek freedom and those who embrace political bonds of slavery; Legislative and Economic- even religious under Sharia. The following video points out the division of ideologies in a clear way. Liberals will not watch it. They are afraid of the simple truths found within the video. But they will share their ignorant none the less and that is evidence of the problem we have in the world. Liberals who refuse to accept fact based knowledge. I would have watched it just out of curiosity, but 47 minutes long? Please. Plus, I think I understand about the division of ideologies, and the comments section on Youtube made it sound like it was "liberal-bashing." Even if I weren't a liberal, that would put me off because I'm not interested in bias. If I'm going to spend 47 minutes watching something, it better be either Arrested Development or unassailable facts. |
Edited by
Sat 11/10/12 06:56 AM
The only reason he got reelected is because there are too many people out that want free stuff and they know the republicans won't give it to them. The Republican plan is to destroy government and reduce taxes on the rich to some prehistoric level. If that's not asking for "free stuff" I don't know what is. "Just let me keep all my money, and to hell with everybody else." |
lets be real
"This allowed me to pay for my employees healthcare . . . even though I could no longer afford mine because of the cost of theirs."
If I were a religious person I'd say, "God bless you." Maybe I will anyway. Leigh, calm down. |
NY officials have been eyeing prison for those who have been displaced by Sandy. Twisting the story much?????? They are considering using a closed prison to temporarily house them, especially considering the new storm. |
KFC or Church's
What is Church's?
I just read an article on how people threaten before an election to move to Canada, but hardly anyone does. The immigration lawyer said this: "I've had Americans tell me this: When your national anthem plays, the hair on their arms stands up, and that's not like most people in the world," he said.
I can actually relate to that feeling. Anyone else? |
Saying a plant is "aware" because it turns toward the sun is just destroying the meaning of the word "aware." You've got to stick to accepted meanings of words in order to be taken seriously. Same with saying someone is conscious when asleep or in a coma. That's just contradictory to the accepted meaning of the word.
I don't care about being able to prove consciousness, but I do care about words. |
Does this site have a way where I can "Ignore" certain people when they post?
Edited by
Fri 11/09/12 08:10 AM
We'll see what he does, but so far, he hasn't been giving directives to the DEA to concentrate on other illicit drugs. All he has to do is say "pot isn't our top priority." As it has been though, the DEA is doing more raids of pot farmers in California (where it is legal through state law) than under previous administrations. You ask me, this is a 10th amendment thing, where the rights of the states supercedes the federal law. The rights of the states never supersede federal laws. If there is ever a conflict, the federal government wins. States can pass laws that cover areas not addressed by the federal government. |
Uh... I dunno where you're getting that from 'willing2'. Obama smoked pot when he was younger, might still now. I'm pretty sure he'd be for legalization. And the way he went at Arizona and any other State who were trying to enforce federal Immigration Laws might be a little taste what awaits any State trying to enforce the Laws of their State,since they clash with federal Law! Um, yeah, the Constitution does give the federal government authority over the states. |
And so it begins
Companies are giving notices to employees that they will be layed off. Because of the impending taxes and costs of the affordable healthcare act companies are laying people of in droves. Way to go America. Evidence? |
How fast is "too fast"?
Too fast is telling me he loves me on the second e-mail.
I dont mind tipping but the waitresses now adays think that you should tip 10percent of what you paid to eat BS! I think it should be out of kindness of the heart to tip. It should not be an obligation to tip more than 2dollars should do it. I myself was a waiter and I did not want my customers not to come back because they feel obligated to tip me. I want them to come back knowing and feeling comfortable eating at my restaurant so that way they can keep the money coming and hopefully I get a raise. Do you agree? Raise? Waitpeople get raises? Are you sure you weren't the restaurant owner? Your post doesn't make any sense. What, did you tell your customers not to tip you? Tip percentage has always been 15%, 10% is borderline, 20% or more for great service. There's nothing "nowadays" about it. And I think having to depends on tips for a living is BS, all right, but until there are some laws about it, it's expected, and therefore rude not to. I agree with Metalwing, if you don't want to tip go to a fast food place or a deli. |
Obama won. Life goes on.
LOL, so true. Dodo, that was a classy post.