Topic: Bloomberg Bans Food Donations to Homeless Shelters
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Fri 11/09/12 07:55 AM
Edited by CeriseRose on Fri 11/09/12 08:16 AM
Hard to swallow: Bloomberg bans food donations to homeless shelters

14 hrs ago

In one of NYC’s darkest hours, with resources stretched thin in the wake of Hurricane Sandy,

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is showing his priorities with a ban on food donations to homeless shelters.

No, not because of food contamination, but because the city can’t properly assess salt, fat and fiber in donated food and thereby ensure starving people are getting the optimal levels of nutrition.

Can’t have dumpy-looking homeless people on the streets!

We knew Bloomberg was a health nut, but maybe he’s just anti-food?

Maybe put this one to a vote — it’s hard to imagine what harm fresh soup and bagels (two items that have already been turned away) could do to a hungry person


boredinaz06's photo
Fri 11/09/12 09:34 AM

NY officials have been eyeing prison for those who have been displaced by Sandy.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 11/09/12 10:15 AM
that Guy is really Dumber than a Sack of Clawhammers!laugh

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Fri 11/09/12 10:29 AM

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:36 PM
Edited by GreenEyes48 on Fri 11/09/12 01:38 PM

GreenEyes48's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:37 PM

I'm glad I don't live under Bloomberg's "rule" and jurisdiction!

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/09/12 01:48 PM

NY officials have been eyeing prison for those who have been displaced by Sandy.

Twisting the story much?????? They are considering using a closed prison to temporarily house them, especially considering the new storm.

willing2's photo
Fri 11/09/12 02:39 PM
Edited by willing2 on Fri 11/09/12 02:44 PM
They will have their heads shaved, made to disrobe and crowd together in the showers.

They are told the water is cold but, there will be a warm fire for them after they exit.

Breath deeply.


Sounds like what a liberal would do. Starve sucker and hunker down while you at it.

metalwing's photo
Fri 11/09/12 04:13 PM

NY officials have been eyeing prison for those who have been displaced by Sandy.

Twisting the story much?????? They are considering using a closed prison to temporarily house them, especially considering the new storm.

Actually, an unused prison would make a great homeless shelter.

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 11/09/12 05:33 PM
Edited by boredinaz06 on Fri 11/09/12 05:34 PM

NY officials have been eyeing prison for those who have been displaced by Sandy.

Twisting the story much?????? They are considering using a closed prison to temporarily house them, especially considering the new storm.

Yeah that's great and wonderful and all, but the New York Post has a different view of it.