Community > Posts By > Bravalady

Bravalady's photo
Sun 12/02/12 08:19 AM
Foul language
Poor grooming
and the worst of all --

Bravalady's photo
Sun 12/02/12 03:02 AM

Well, what does "promote the general welfare" mean? and securing the blessings of liberty? That's really broad.

I think the terms are intentionally broad to allow for adaptation to changing times and environments,,,

Yes, I agree and I think it was very wise. I'm just curious what people on both sides of the spectrum think today. One person has suggested "no taxes" as the meaning of . . . something, he doesn't say what. I have a feeling he's not serious, but who can tell?

Bravalady's photo
Sat 12/01/12 09:09 PM
This idea has been around for a very long time. The government has not done a very good job of advertising these dollar coins, except for the Sacagawea ones. They need to just go ahead and do it. This is exactly the kind of efficiency in government that both Republicans and Democrats ought to jump on.

The confusion with the quarter could be lessened by not milling the edges of the dollar coin. Or maybe someone knows some reason why the edges need to be milled? They could also make it a different color.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 12/01/12 03:20 PM
Well, what does "promote the general welfare" mean? and securing the blessings of liberty? That's really broad.

Bravalady's photo
Sat 12/01/12 03:10 PM
You win the first round, you actually answered the question in a way I could understand.

I guess the problems come when we start trying to define what those three items mean.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:41 PM
Well knock me down with a feather if I don't agree with Conrad's point.

Little bitty houses all over the landscape aren't the solution. They need to be clumped together in one area. The town I used to live in in Maine had zoning like that. People love to live in the "wilderness" but when they build their houses there it's no longer wilderness and it's spoiled for everybody. But if you build houses (even normal sized houses) in a designated area, you can be much more efficient about waste disposal, utility connections, and all that other expensive stuff.

I don't mean to make this sound black-and-white. I like a lot of space around me. But it's worth while thinking about other ways of living before we turn the entire earth into an anthill.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:29 PM
. . . in 25 words or less?

Just curious what people think. Please just say what you believe and don't trash other people's opinions. (I'm going to make a bet with myself on how long that one will last, but what the hey.)

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:18 PM
WOW, thank you!

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:45 AM
Women will stop being confusing the day that men stop.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:26 AM

This is a personal attack and has nothing to do with the topic.

But, since you brought it up, why would I want to be with an obese, middle aged, used up, nagging old woman when I can have a thin, attractive 20 something with high firm breasts that'll do (not just willingly, but enthusiastically) most anything I desire sexually?

I don't care how many women are laughing at me because I'm too busy making some horny, young nymphet moan and scream. And so what if it doesn't last? It's not as if these young ladies are an endangered species. Every year more turn 18 and become available.

Seriously Dodo...did you just turn a blind eye to this comment?

Edit to add....that men such as the one that posted that offensive remark, seem to have total disregard for the younger ladies and indeed quite possibly contribute to their negative attitude toward men later on in life with that kind of behaviour...if, of course what he says actually happens. Hardly likely though, because the young ladies i know, seem to like the tight young guys their own age that actually have abs and obliques *ahem*

That's not just offensive, that's a sexual predator.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:20 AM

Taxation is way out of control and really there is no justification for the taxation we have to endure. America is mismanaged and out of touch and sync with reality. We were built on principles to not BE TAXED so damn much and yet here we are back to the English way of doing things. Well The federal Reserve is not government and English Banking has tendrils like cancer!

Lighten up, this is supposed to be a funny thread. If you don't enjoy it, don't post.

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:18 AM

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:16 AM

Domestic violence is a two person issue though. A lot of times the woman will intentionally put herself in harm's way "out of love."

noway noway frustrated frustrated surprised surprised

Blaming the victim is so much fun. . .

Bravalady's photo
Fri 11/30/12 08:15 AM
Whatever makes you think an emergency department can even be aware of a "pattern of injuries"? Emergency medicine is the epitome of NON-integrated healthcare. The doctors rotate through and there's no coordination with the patient's regular physician--not to mention that a lot of people in the ED don't even have regular physicians. Even if they suggest followup to the patients, they have no way to know if it ever happens.

People assume that healthcare records are all integrated these days and their doctor can find out anything just by looking it up, but that is absolutely NOT the case. Partly that's because of HIPAA (the patient protection act) but another large part is just technical, in that software programs for various hospitals and practices don't even recognize each other's data. Not to mention all the smaller private practices that may not even have digital records yet because of the cost and inconvenience.

I wish the people who want government services to be cut back even more than they already have been could understand that your story is exactly the problem they are advocating. Suppose this had been an emergency situation for the girl? Would spending an entire day making phone calls to "hotlines" (obviously barely warm, if that) be acceptable?

Your friend's niece is lucky she has such a caring uncle, and he's lucky to know you. I hope she gets the help she needs.

Bravalady's photo
Tue 11/27/12 09:05 PM
Good luck! That would be a terrific Christmas present.

Bravalady's photo
Tue 11/27/12 09:03 PM
Oh goodie, I get to be the first one to point out how UNreligious Christmas has been for the past few decades.

Bravalady's photo
Tue 11/27/12 09:00 PM
Tri Health seems to be a provider of health services, so people working for them would probably have a higher than average risk of contracting the flu, and then of course spreading it around. I suppose that is why it was required.

I have read that the flu shot is ineffective for people over -- either 50 or 60, I forget which, but I'm over both, so I don't plan on having it. I'm in excellent health and not usually in crowds, so it seems to me I'm at low risk.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 11/26/12 11:24 PM

As I pointed out earlier, in another thread, a woman said that a smart man is an oxymoron. If a man were to say that a smart woman is an oxymoron, then the man would be criticized for having a negative attitude toward women. So, why should a woman be given a pass for saying that a smart man is an oxymoron?

I totally agree with this. Back a few years ago, maybe quite a few years ago now, I began to notice how often I could hear or see this kind of thing from women. It was exactly the kind of generalization that women were complaining about from men. I seldom see it addressed.

Let's face it, a lot of people of both sexes take the easy way out and just run their mouths. I'm convinced that the majority of these people have pretty good relationships with the opposite sex in their own lives. But casting things in black and white is easy and attention-getting and can make you feel good for a moment. It makes you a hypocrite one way or another, but maintaining integrity all the time is hard.

A lot of time I think this is done with the idea, "Just between you and me, don't you agree that men are XXXX? (Of course we don't REALLY mean it, but it's been a bad day." You know, just ordinary complaining/venting. I'm not sure there's so much harm in that. The harm comes when everyone starts trumpeting it, writing books about it, having season after season of it on TV, as if it were actually true.

Am I rambling?

Bravalady's photo
Mon 11/26/12 01:49 PM

Folks, the gist of Venker's commentary is that something being done by American women is pushing some American men away from marriage, according to those men.

Very good point, thank you, Dodo.

Bravalady's photo
Mon 11/26/12 01:47 PM
Sounds like you're learning the hard way. As long as you ARE learning. People do take advantage of others on these sites. I am far more cautious with people I "meet" on the web than if I had first met them in real life.

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