Community > Posts By > VintagenNerdy

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Sat 01/21/12 06:18 PM

hmmm, can ANYone tell me then

Tell you what?

why Ash ain't around tears

No earthly clue.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:15 PM

I don't like my face either, but I'm trying to get used to it.

i'll buy it from you.

2.99. My face is cheap.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:14 PM

hmmm, can ANYone tell me then

Tell you what?

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:07 PM
Because I have no idea what's going on.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:04 PM

Has anyone seen Black Swan? I saw it yesterday at Target and almost got it. I might go back for it today....

I thought it sucked, but many people loved it. Taste is very personal,,,,

Yeah, I'm one of those people who really loved it. However, I'm a big sucker for all of Aronofsky's films.

Thanks. flowerforyou

Welcome. flowerforyou Have you seen The Fountain?

No, should I?

Since you people were slacking' this morning and didn't answer me right away, I didn't get Black Swan. I got 2012. Think I will watch it tonight. But I'm gonna get Black Swan next time.

The Fountain is definitely a must see. It's a beautiful movie, by the same director as Black Swan.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 06:00 PM

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 05:57 PM
That my fingers and toes, are freeeeezing.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 05:56 PM

i don't like your face.

I don't like my face either, but I'm trying to get used to it.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 05:33 PM

Has anyone seen Black Swan? I saw it yesterday at Target and almost got it. I might go back for it today....

I thought it sucked, but many people loved it. Taste is very personal,,,,

Yeah, I'm one of those people who really loved it. However, I'm a big sucker for all of Aronofsky's films.

Thanks. flowerforyou

Welcome. flowerforyou Have you seen The Fountain?

No, should I?

Since you people were slacking' this morning and didn't answer me right away, I didn't get Black Swan. I got 2012. Think I will watch it tonight. But I'm gonna get Black Swan next time.
what is black swan about?

It's about a swan that turns rabid and traps a mother and son in her broke down Pinto....oh wait.


no photo
Sat 01/21/12 05:31 PM
I have most of everything with Boris Karloff, and Bela Lugosi in them.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 05:28 PM

You are just jealous because I found it first.


no photo
Sat 01/21/12 03:02 PM

wow I would never have guessed

COTFLGOHAHA = Crawling on the Floor Laughing Guts Out and Having a Heart Attack

I am so using this everywhere from now on!



no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:35 PM

I knew this girl.....I soooooo wanted to get close to her.....
I was sooo excited when I got her invitation to a party.
It ended with.....BROB

so I........

B rought
M y
O lder
B rother................

S he
S lept
W ith
H Im!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lol oh lord.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:30 PM

Oh and I love The Original Bride of Frankenstein. I actually have a reprint movie poster of it.



no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:28 PM
I'm so lost.
My mom uses more acronyms during texting that I do. It's odd.

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:11 PM

Has anyone seen Black Swan? I saw it yesterday at Target and almost got it. I might go back for it today....

I thought it sucked, but many people loved it. Taste is very personal,,,,

Yeah, I'm one of those people who really loved it. However, I'm a big sucker for all of Aronofsky's films.

Thanks. flowerforyou

Welcome. flowerforyou Have you seen The Fountain?

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:10 PM

Can't believe we finally get hit with snow..
..and I lose power for however many hours.

Right as I get home?! Seriously?!?


Eff you UGI and PPL!


Acronyms. grumble

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:03 PM

I just learned some new ones lol.

8 - Oral sex
1337 - Elite -or- leet -or- L337
143 - I love you
182 - I hate you
1174 - Nude club
420 - Marijuana
459 - I love you
ADR - Address
AEAP - As Early As Possible
ALAP - As Late As Possible
ASL - Age/Sex/Location
CD9 - Code 9 - it means parents are around
C-P - Sleepy
F2F - Face-to-Face
GNOC - Get Naked On Cam
GYPO - Get Your Pants Off
HAK - Hugs And Kisses
ILU - I Love You
IWSN - I Want Sex Now
J/O - Jerking Off
KOTL - Kiss On The Lips
KFY -or- K4Y - Kiss For You
KPC - Keeping Parents Clueless
LMIRL - Let's Meet In Real Life
MOOS - Member Of The Opposite Sex
MOSS - Member(s) Of The Same Sex
MorF - Male or Female
MOS - Mom Over Shoulder
MPFB - My Personal F*** Buddy
NALOPKT - Not A Lot Of People Know That
NIFOC - Nude In Front Of The Computer
NMU - Not Much, You?
P911 - Parent Alert
PAL - Parents Are Listening
PAW - Parents Are Watching
PIR - Parent In Room
POS - Parent Over Shoulder -or- Piece Of Sh**
pron - porn
Q2C - Quick To Cum
RU/18 - Are You Over 18?
RUMORF - Are You Male OR Female?
RUH - Are You Horny?
S2R - Send To Receive
SorG - Straight or Gay
TDTM - Talk Dirty To Me
WTF - What The F***
WUF - Where You From
WYCM - Will You Call Me?
WYRN - What's Your Real Name?
zerg - To gang up on someone

Lol what the crap.
I refuse to learn some of those. Some I already knew, because I'm dorky.. Pr0n.. L337..

no photo
Sat 01/21/12 02:01 PM

Actually, I pondered this myself like last year.

Found this retarded story of some internet chat room, eh, frequents?
Not sure the best word for them; anyway..

Apparently, there was a couple amidst the mix of like 200 some people in one chat room. So they started shorting it so they were able to actually read each other without having to scroll up and deal with the bar always moving cause of people always posting..

There little code dialect soon caught on; and it became a major fade in chat rooms..

However, we as Americans, love acronyms (cue sarcasm)
Navy. Army. National Guard.
Government. USDA. Science. etc..

They've been using acronyms since like.. the dawn of time.

So, now that I've just totally bs and guessed..



That makes sense.


no photo
Sat 01/21/12 01:46 PM

I've read many of his books. They are always better than the movies. The last one I read was Cell which I really liked.

Was Thinner a King book? That was good...

It is, and I agree.