Community > Posts By > Wilga

Wilga's photo
Mon 12/24/07 01:45 PM
laugh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sneaking in while I send off Christmas emails.......Thanks for the replies.

And a Fabulous NEW YEAR filled with all your wishes.


Wilga's photo
Mon 12/24/07 02:16 AM
Oh oh oh oh..............Stevie Ray Vaughn and Andy Mckee (check him out on youtube)


Wilga's photo
Mon 12/24/07 01:58 AM
Edited by Wilga on Mon 12/24/07 01:59 AM
Oooops promised something light and fuff this time. Just could not tonight.

Emotions Nomad

Emotions, spewing forth in burning vengence, leaving all before in turmoil
Taking control of all to come, a tattered remnant of distorted memories
Higher peaks of chilling ectasy, dispelling all our past histories
I can only reach into a gutted soul, a gaping wound of mortal disdain
Desire, beauty, kindness and love, seem only there for me to despoil
Strike from these chains I try, to find within me that one desire
A kernal, soft to hold, rising to the shining sun, out of my soul's eternal mire
Bind my blackened heart to yours, I need, I cry, I campaign

Will it still be for me, life's sweet simplicity of a loves greater virtue
A darkened path, making a mockery, a travesty of me
I see a tunnel, a glimmer, a hope, can a future still be had

A step upon a rotting path, my desires trying to pursue
Loves great promise, a thorny prick, reminds me to be wary
Less it all come back, I remain emotions nomad

A Merry Christmas to one and all. Wishing you and your family the best of days and a fantastic new year bringing you all you desire and deserve.


Wilga's photo
Fri 12/21/07 04:31 PM
drinker Unsane, thanks mate

thanks to you all for replying.

Hmmmmm me feels like finishing up chrissy shopping now for some reason....ahhhhh well better it going to pressies than sitting in the bank going to waste hey....bigsmile

Wilga's photo
Fri 12/21/07 03:14 PM
Awwwwwwww really nice variation on a Quatrain style.
I have always had trouble with this syle and always
Tips me hat to those who succeed at it.
Especially when it is this good.


Wilga's photo
Fri 12/21/07 02:17 PM
:smile: Thanks guys, I think maybe I had better put up something light and fluffy next

Is good to have a place to be able to put words up.



Wilga's photo
Thu 12/20/07 11:59 PM

When I read this poem, so many thoughts, things to say entered my mind....then I realised that nothing I could say really could describe who wonderful it is

So this is all I have to offer..........flowerforyou

Wilga's photo
Thu 12/20/07 11:53 PM
Sometimes it is worth the introspection to really know one's self.

Grandeur of Truth

Blindly, cravenly, I entreat the shadows to appear
While Whorishly I sit amongst the twisted remains
Of the debauchery of my soul, willing all to come and jeer
I ache, I seethe, to hold again that from which I must refrain

Gratuitously, with spontaneity I am offered a sliver, an insight
Before, I am thrown again, agonizingly back to whence I belong
Love now for me, is bestialized, subverted, my own pitiful respite
Wilfully, longingly, I wonder if I ever can again, be invited along

Spinelessly, a coward’s act, I forsake the reality of who I am
Uncomely, repelling, a visage which can turn a beating heat to stone
Interminable, vapid intellect, defines my inner self, a prosaic sham
Unshackled, burdened, free from the lovers embrace, I face myself alone

My life lives within my own eternity, its forsaken, abhorrent self
Repelling, grotesque, from normal people I hide, I offend by being who I am

Wilga's photo
Thu 12/20/07 11:48 PM

Not a traditional use of the stanzaic form, which is probably why I find this piece interesting.

Was good to read this.

Wilga's photo
Thu 12/20/07 11:44 PM

Really like the metrical and rhythmic patterns of this poem.
The flow was just so easy to read. I came away from this with a feeling of serenity.

Well Done. Really good piece


Wilga's photo
Thu 12/20/07 11:39 PM
drinker This was a nice way to end an afternoon, reading this poem.

Wilga's photo
Thu 12/20/07 11:31 PM

Because you''re here to stay
Always and everyday.

This really, to me, sums up the whole poem. Two nice lines.

Beautiful sentiments expressed here. Glad I stopped by to read

Wilga's photo
Wed 12/19/07 01:33 AM
drinker Cheers everyone, thanks for the replies. Jess......fellow Australian *looks about....where,where* Pffftttt I am a Queenslander. *ducks*

It is a great place the forums here. And a great bunch of people.


Wilga's photo
Tue 12/18/07 03:34 AM
blushing Thank you LAmom. Your words are kind and appreciated. This is a wonderful site and am enjoying it greatly.

Wilga's photo
Tue 12/18/07 02:37 AM
Edited by Wilga on Tue 12/18/07 02:38 AM
Reading through the posts here, I realise how diverse and rich this forum is with talent. I almost feel blushing to put my words in such a telented enviroment.


Love a fleet footed thing, will steal away an unwary soul
for those who would be coy, a whispered word of endless pain
Deep chasms shelter a tortured soul, a respite, a refrain
O’ if only the world I see could be at all logical
Then the poisoned chalice would not have to be taken whole,
T’wix the rising of the sun, till moonlight fades, I abstain
Break free I’ve yearned so long, from the iron bands which constrain
My tepid heart, to be unleashed, I will beg, plead, cajole

Can it still be, for me, loves sweet grandeur
A token, a travesty, holding onto a past’s great plan
T’was it a shimmer, a mirage, on the memories hazy horizon

Till morning sun breaks it’s fast, I shall raconteur
And forestall the burdens, my emotions to the van
What other only see, as me, a fool, and abomination

Wilga's photo
Sat 12/15/07 03:01 PM
And thanks to PomInOz for this.
For once you have to love microsoft. This is a great thing and although for the US, they are planning to extend the concept.
3/4 way down the page is a place to send microsoft a message so it can be extended to other countries.
If we all do it, then we can help a lot of good causes.


Wilga's photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:53 PM
Okay so not really, but I was chatting on MSN and typed in *one for a correction and an emoticon I do not have was sent instead.
Does anyone know of anyother key combos that are apparently built into MSN but are hidden?

Wilga's photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:41 PM
Edited by Wilga on Sat 12/15/07 02:44 PM
Size matters..
Size does not matter...
Really a perpetual question with not actual answer.
Yes it does matter to some, both guys and girls. Great if that is they way they think, good for them. Although I tend to think that an attitude like that will slowly transpose across to other areas of their lives and lead to more shallow and empty relationships as time goes by.
Personally to me as long as the girl is happy and it is not a bad health issue there is so much more to a woman than a handbag for her bones.....just my two cents.

*takes soapbox to make a go kart with.....*smooched

Oh yeah I know this is a bit away from men but....well ya :tongue:

Wilga's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:42 PM
*....pulls up a stump, cracks a coldie off the six pack and hands it across.....* Ya gonna luvit here.

Wilga's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:40 PM
Hi Heide and Welcome, this is a great place a full of friendly people. YOu will enjoy your sojourn here.


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