Community > Posts By > hazeleyedbeauty

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Tue 10/24/06 12:41 PM
OMGosh, I so love your idea TXS. Thanks a lot!!!
I do in fact need to go the thrift store to get some things for my son's
costume (he is also going) so I will definately make sure I get that
purse and some fake $$$$ and jewelry.

I can't wait!!!!! This is going to be so much fun!!!!

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Tue 10/24/06 12:07 PM
Not asking for any advice this time. Just need a spot to let off some
major steam. Please feel free to make any comments if you'd like...: )

My son who is friends with my ex's little bro informed me yesterday that
my ex and his new girlfriend are going to the Halloween party this
weekend. The same party that I have been going to for the past 5 years.
The same party that I took him to last year but we ended up leaving
early because he didn't know anyone and wasn't enjoying himself. The
same party that you need an invitation to get in. Actually the
invitation part never seems to stick so that's irrelevant but

Why on earth would he be going now? To make me jealous of his new girl?
To stir some shit up?

And to make matters worse. UGH!!!!!!!!!! He/they are planning on wearing
the same costumes as me and my date. And to find out, he got all bent
out of shape when he found out what we were going as. Claiming I stole
the idea. I don't fucking think so dude. I was the one who came home one
day well over a month ago with a print out of my costume telling him
this is what I was gonna wear. That is when we were still together. We
were gonna go as a couple. 2 mafia gangsters. Anyhow, we broke up and so
of course, we aren't going together. But that doesn't mean that I'm
gonna change my fucking costume. Why should I? It was MY idea that I had
planned over a month ago. I know I said that already.

I hope to God that they don't go. Actually I could care less if they do.
I will enjoy myself and party with my friends as I always do and pretend
they aren't even there. But if they do go, I swear they better come
wearing something else. That's gonna be so fucked if they come wearing
the same damn thing. I guess we're just gonna have to get there first.

I've never had an ex give me this much shit. I hate the SOB! I broke up
with him and so what. Is this payback or something.

I still need to vent but I guess this will have to do.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Fri 10/20/06 09:03 AM
hard act to follow = honesty

.....not for me tho!

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Fri 10/20/06 08:54 AM
I had a space on myspace but cancelled it bc I was never on there and
couldn't really figure out how to create my layout. My ex signed up and
got a spot on there and began meeting people. We were still together but
on very very rocky conditions. He wanted to put my picture on there so
that everyone would know who his girl was and so that the ones who were
trying to get with him would back off. I refused and told him I didn't
want my pix on that site. Anyway, we ended up breaking it off and well
one of the girls who was trying to get at him was successful. They're
together now. Whatever! But anyway, it's just amazing how quick it all

Sorry I hate the site and it's so hard to not wanna look up his space
when I'm sitting here in front of my puter.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 01:21 PM
Pretty cool Addy! I like it.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 01:15 PM
If I had more time, I'd tell you my experience with 3 guys at once but I
don't. But I will tell you this, IT IS NOT FUN. It's a major headache.
I'm sure there are women out there who wished they could have 3 guys
head over heels over them but let me tell you, it is not all it's
cracked up to be. Been there, done that, didn't like it at all. Cried
about it too much.
I wasn't involved with all 3 at once. Let me just make that clear. I was
with each of them at different times but when I broke it off with them
all, they wanted me back.

It is hell!

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 08:26 AM
I've thought about getting my 14 yr old one but he is too irresponisble
and that is why I won't. Until he can prove to be mature and responisble
then I'll reconsider.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 06:53 AM
I knew that much. I got some things right but it was just too much of a
hassle and since I don't have a personal computer, I figured it would be
a waste. Once I do get one, if I ever do, I will try it out again.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 06:23 AM
I'm pretty smart when it comes to computers but man I couldn't figure
out how to create my layouts and all that so I deleted my acct. (sigh)

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 06:17 AM
That is the plan Ontario. I should be back in my homestate by next
summer. I'm waiting for my son to finish this year off.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 06:14 AM
Like I had mentioned in the other post (Interacial dating), my dad
demanded that I stop dating black men but I just ignored him. I was in
high school at the time. His threats didn't phase me one bit so
society's looks, especially from black women, didn't bother me any
either. I'm pretty tough and can take a lot. Don't let the smile fool

My bro is married to a black women and they had hell throughout their
entire time dating. Not married but when they first started dating. Her
mom was a total bitch. Can you say that here? She hated the fact that my
bro was with her daughter and was always giving him as well as the rest
of us dirty looks every time we were in church. She's not at all like
that anymore. I guess she changed her ways once her grandaughter was

YOu can't help who you love whether they're black, white,
like kingb said. : )

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Thu 10/19/06 05:56 AM
Thx to all of you for your thoughts and advice.

I'm not at all making excuses for J but all truth be told. He has
changed since I left. He doesn't drink as often. He has his beer every
now and then just like I/we all do but it's not like before. He doesn't
hang out with the old friends. It's like that saying we all know too
well, "you don't know what you've got til it's gone". Well he says he
woke up when I left. I believe him. Maybe I shouldn't but I do. I agree
with a lot of what y'all said. Especially EFP who pretty much summed it
up to the T like TxGal said. : )

I can't see myself going back and forth with P although the passion that
I was always looking for was there. Passion fades right. Once that does,
there better be something there to back it up. Well there wasn't
unfortunately. He just messed up with me too many times for me to keep
wanting more. I don't think of him as much as I used to and find it
easier not to so I feel I'm moving on in some ways.

It sucks living in a small town. It really does. You can't get away from
the people you wanna get away Which is why I'm glad I'm
moving back home in a few months. I'm sure there I can start a new

Anyway, thx again.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 01:21 PM
I dated a couple of black guys when I was in high school. My dad sure as
hell didn't like it but it didn't stop me. So if I can ignore my
father's opinions about it, I'm sure I can ignore society's if I was in
that situation again.

My bro is married to a black woman and they have 2 girls together.
Beautiful black/mexican nieces.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 01:14 PM
Well speaking from experience. The guy that I was with for 8 yrs and
have 2 kids with says he fell in love with me the very first time he saw
me. I was like yea right. I didn't give him a 2nd glance after I saw him
the 1st time. But about a week later, I get this letter in the mail from
him only I didn't know it was him until I got to the very end. It was a
6 pg letter and I completely fell head over heels after reading it. 3
months later I moved 1800 miles away from home to be with him. I guess
it was love at first site. For him anyway.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 12:46 PM
I broke it off with my last ex the exact same way candyfloss described.
I just completely ignored his calls, text messages, everything.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 11:31 AM
I've thought long and hard on whether or not to post this. I guess
because when I do, I'm basically putting my history out there. I would
appreciate some feedback if y'all have it though. Thx!

I was involved in an 8 yr relationship a yr and 8 months ago. I left him
because I couldn't handle the drinking and hanging out with the friends
at all hours almost every night while I was at home with the kids. He
wasn't or isn't an alcoholic and was never abusive, never cheated on me
or anything bad for me to leave. I just simply got fed up w/ the
boozing. Anyway, we have 2 kids together and live in the same town so we
see and talk to eachother pretty often. I know that if we didn't have
kids together, we wouldn't. Anyway, after I left, I became involved with
a guy about a month later. I was with him for a yr and 3 months until
just 3-4 months ago. I broke it off with him for trust issues and
because I didn't see a future with him. I'm 32, he's 24.

Anyway, the father of my kids, we'll call him J, was and is a good man.
He really is. He's what every woman would hope to have. Anyway, during
the last 3 years of our relationship, I just didn't enjoy being with him
intimately. I loved him but fell out of love. I tried but couldn't bring
myself to feel that way again. I'm not one to stay with someone if I'm
not happy or for the sake of the kids. With the second guy, P, I found
passion. Although he couldn't and never offered me anything, the
intimacy was great. Whether it was in the bedroom or just cuddling to a
movie on the couch, it felt like heaven. We broke up and made up for
like the last 6 months of our time together. I guess it was one of those
love/hate things. And for a while there, I kept asking myself if it was
really love or just lust. When we weren't together, I found myself
missing him. When I would go out and party, all I could see was his
face. I had fun but missed him. His name and face was all I could think
about no matter where I was. It sucked! So anyway, we always got back
together when we realized just how much we missed the other but it never
lasted for more than a week and then we would break up again.

Now he is gone and has been for a few months. J wants me back. Always
has to be honest. I love him, always have. He's the father of my kids
and we have history. There is a future there. With P, there isn't. I
believe there isn't. I don't think about P like I used to when we
weren't together. I find it getting easier as each day goes by. J and I
aren't back together but since P left the picture, we've been hanging
out. Have had sex. It's just not there for me though. I don't feel "it".
But I keep telling myself that if I love him, I can fall back in love
with him.

I guess what I'm asking opinions on is what would you do. Do you go back
to the one who is great for you, you have a solid promising future with
but the in love part isn't there but you're willing to try again. Or do
you go back to the other guy (P) because he just makes you feel special
in every single possible way but know that there isn't a future there.
Or do you just leave them both alone and move on?

There it is. That's me.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 09:55 AM
That's just the thing though. She isn't his girlfriend. Right? You have
to be able to hang out with your friends. I've always told myself and
I'm sure y'all have heard this before. Never let a man or woman get in
the middle of a good friendship. It's the plain and simple truth.

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 08:19 AM
pizza = sausage

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 07:21 AM
Well if my friends asked me to go to Vegas and my new guy, whom I've
only gone out with 3x asked me to go to a foreign film festival (which
in my personal opinion, find boring), I'd have to go to Vegas. C'MON!
It's Vegas.

A night out with my girls (in your case, guys) in VEGAS! That kind of
thing doesn't happen too often, a 4th date more than likely will.

If she's as nice as she sounds, she'd understand. Good luck. : )

hazeleyedbeauty's photo
Wed 10/18/06 06:29 AM
#1 is a HELL NO.

#2 is a yes...from experience. However, I didn't move to a different
country, I moved to a different state. 1800 miles away.

#3 How petty? I would have to say no.

#4 all depends on if they would die for me.