Community > Posts By > afriQueen22
Erm...hello? :P
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Fun facts
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Tue 11/22/11 09:28 PM
If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it.)
If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it!) The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.. (O.M.G.!) A pig's ......orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (O.M.G.!!!) A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.(Creepy) (I'm still not over the pig.) Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Don't try this at home; maybe at work.) The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home . What the...?) The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?) The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?) Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (I still can't believe that pig ...quality over quantity.) Butterflies taste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know.) The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmm.......) Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. (If you're ambidextrous, do you split the difference?) Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (Okay, so that would be a good thing.) An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.) Starfish have no brains. (I know some people like that, too.) Polar bears are left-handed. (If they switch, they'll live a lot longer.) Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?) Now that I've managed to make you smile atleast once, share the facts and spread some cheer. And don't forget about the pig! |
Yes!!! My best friend tells me she loves me everyday, and someone else did too but I'd rather not get into that.
For some reason I got caught up in those Stephanie Plum books ![]() They were funny at first but now, at 17 books in, they're one long re-run...But I still can't stop reading the damn things, just in case she chooses finally. ![]() Help! I know what you mean! Personally, I'm on team Ranger Steph and I are both sluts b/c I can't choose which one either. When she's with Joe I'm all "What's your problem?!? Take him and those choco eyes in the room and make and honest man out of him!" But then Ranger looks at her from under his lashes with that non-smile, says "babe"...ahh, I jump ship and yell at her to jump him! I know!!! But Morelli just isn't as mysterious as Ranger. They're making a movie out of the books, unfortunately the movie characters just aren't as gorgeous as the book characters. You won't catch me watching them. Stephen King is the only one who can make his movies true to the books. The only way I can watch a book turned movie is if I see the movie before I've read the books. Take these books, First person books make crappy movies in general but then you have to ask the BIG is she going to tell the whole story in the movies? She sure as hell isn't going to be able to make 17 movies and if she messes with things to make it all fit into 3 or 4 films, she's F'd it all up. If I've read the book, I never watch the movie. I don't believe in setting myself up for disappointment. Plus, in the case of a series like Twilight and Harry Potter, it puts me off reading the rest of the books. |
Christmas for you and me!
I love reading about everyone else's christmas, everything seems like one of those tv shows lol
![]() We pretty much stopped celebrating christmas when I was 11, so we all just do our own thing on this day. If someone is in the mood to cook christmas lunch, that's okay, but there's no big family get together where we all sit down and eat it. That being said, I still love the holidays! The decorations, the christmas carols, Santa!!! It always puts me in a good mood |
First Dates
So I've had more thn a couple of guys ask me out to the movies as a first date, and I just find that less than an ideal place for a first date. It's dark, quiet and at that point, I don't think we know each other well enough for him to see me eat popcorn. What is your idea of a good, or even a bad first date? Feel free to share your experiences as well. good to see you're dating. if he asked me to the movies as a first date and I like him I'd go and hope there might be some time after to talk - at least the film is something to talk about (I'm shy - so this really is not a bad option for me) but most don;t like it because you can't talk. But me. I do not talk a lot at first anyway the meet & greet over coffee gets stale...also if he is someone IRL who I am acquainted with a meet & greet really isn't necessary if it's someone from online - if I am not thrilled once we meet at least I don;t have to talk to him ![]() Hahaha I wish. I turn them all down. I'm a talker and I like to get to know someone so a chill and chat session is ideal for me. Sitting in a dark movie theatre makes me overly awre of myself i.e how loud I'm chewing popcorn and I hate to admit it but I'm one of those people who comment during movies, which is why I prefer watching dvds alone at home lol. I think it's different for everyone, and I can see how you'd prefer the movie routine since you're a shy person. |
Reading this thread that comes very close to home in many ways I am thinking of a quote that I hope encourages you to feel you have many Mingle friends to grow with .... "A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere, Before him. I may think aloud." Ralph Waldo Emerson I love that. I wish we had a 'like' button. Me too ![]() |
She would probably spit in my face, push me down and beat me unconscious... I'm giving her a couple more years though, then she'll be proud of me!!
WE can't DIE WITH THEM. WE can't FORGET THEM. So we each in our own mind find our WAYS to sustain OUR LIVING THROUGH THEIR PASSIN. Its a very hard place to be left at and IN,,yet we were made to KNOW,,we go forth...and memories were built into our minds as a way to KNOW they live forever inside US. My sentiments exactly. Thank you so much for sharing. ![]() |
AfriQueen22 - what a relevant topic this turned out to be. Thank you for starting it and please accept my deepest sympathy. To the many others here that have experienced tragic loss, or natural ones, my heart goes out to you. That sounds so trite but truly, I read every word over and over and my heart hurts for all of your losses. I wish I could hug each and every one of you and make your hurt go away. But I can't, ... if only it were that easy. I don't deal with loss well, never have. I tend to go into denial and keep on moving, not allowing the grieving process to actually happen. I lost my Mother suddenly 5 years ago, my 90 year old Father just three weeks ago after an extended illness. At the time my Mother passed I thought how much easier it may have been to have had some 'warning', the suddenness of one moment here and the next gone was overwhelming. However, after spending the last year living with my Father as his main caregiver, having the 'warning' did not make his passing necessarily any easier. Every circumstance is different, every relationship we have with our loved ones different and we all grieve differently. Profound, huh? ![]() However, after reading the experiences on this post , it gives me hope. So many people experience loss, on such a very deep level. Yes, death is a natural part of life - but it is a loss no matter the age or circumstance. It is inevitable. Is there life after death? Yes - we must continue to live. Is it easy - not always. You can see from the responses here that there are a myriad of approaches and experiences. There is a lot of heartfelt comments in this post, that I needed to see and digest. I truly believe that being able to share your feelings and experiences is part of any healing process. To know that I am not alone, the only one that ever experienced this - even though our circumstances are so varied, does help me realize that there is hope. I truly believe there are various stages of grief, there is no timeline for each or any of them and that each stage is not one time only. There are no ‘right or wrong’ answers, just other’s experiences to possibly learn from as we go through our own process and find our own way. A book I read years ago “When Bad Things Happen To Good People” may be enlightening. Did it have one solid answer? No. But I found it helpful. Today I feel like the most important thing I can do is be the best person I can be, to take everything my parents taught me and share that - with the family, friends, strangers, whomever. To live my life well and make a difference to someone in need, as my parents did - that is a way to honor them. Tomorrow I may be a basket case again and not want to get out of bed. My best advice - keep talking, keep reaching out and may you find your way ![]() Firstly, please accept my condoleces for your losses. Somehow, the fact that death is inevitable doesn't make it any easier to deal with. I nursed my mother and my grandmother for a long time before they passed, I saw the pain they were in but you always have hope that they'll recover. It's really nothing you get used to. When I posted this topic I was feeling below low, and the response from everyone and the experiences they've shared is like that glimmer of sunshine on a cloudy day. You're right, we loved our loved ones differently and so we will grievethem in different ways. Some choose to not let people close again, that in itself is a form of not living; some go into deep denial, choosing to go on everyday like it never happened; and others are able to look back at all the good memories and celebrate the lives of their lost loved ones, I'm not that strong yet. Each of us have to deal with different emotions as well, earlier someone mentioned guilt and I can relate to that. I agree that it helps to reach out. I remember I used to get so irritated when some random lady or man I was sitting next to on the bus would start telling me their problem, like WHO ARE YOU???? Until I realised that they are just reaching out, or in some cases, just need someone to listen. I doubt I gave them the best advice but I listened, and everybody needs a sympathetic ear sometimes. I'm not one to talk to strangers but I write, or lie down and wait for the feeling to pass. Everyone has their own winning formula. But whatever your method of coping may be, I do hope it brings you one step (no matter how small that step is) closer to the light. ![]() |
If you could go back in time
I'd go back to when I was 6... It was a year before I got sent to boarding school and is so far, the best year of my life. Lol that's not saying much given my age, but yeah.
The look of your age...
I think I look my age, but that's not saying much since I'm only 19. I don't mind being told I look a BIT older or younger. I guess that will change as I get older.
And as for this ruining my dating life? I don't date. |
I love the concept of re-grieving. My grief these days comes with a lot of guilt... Guilt because I feel like I'm being petty and should grow up already!! But as someone already said, it's different for all of us. Death is a tricky thing. It takes away but it also leaves behind. There are alot of things that don't die with your loved one, one of them being memories. There's nothing that wipes the slate clean, removes them from your mind. Little ghosts living inside your head. Honestly, I don't think there's any letting go of memories, good or bad. And it is through those memories that we, the one who left and the one who stayed behind, both live. |
What is true love?
True love is me calling you at 2am in the morning, telling you to meet me in the roughest part of town with a gun, and you showing up, no questions asked.
Ok, so maybe it's not as romantic as everybody else put it. I'm confused though, what is the difference between love and true love? |
How do you know?
Awwww sweetie, there are never any guarantees. But real love does take time. The rush of infatuation is incredible, and a starting place. Words are just words, a relationship takes more than that. I think you've just taught me the one lesson I have always failed to learn. I fall for words everyday, on the pages of a book, in a song, in movies etc. Say the right thing, and I'm drawing hearts around your name lol. "Words are just words, a relationship takes more than that." ... Seems silly and obvious, but this is my biggest lesson to date. A real AHA moment. |
I've read quite a few of your poems, and you have quite the way with words. As my late gran would say, "you summon them and they do your bidding."
Always a pleasure to read. |
If I Showed You Mine...
.its very nice....inner feelingsssssssss but yes..........fear. fear of loosing smone ..........thts in it ......written so beautifully. Thank you. |
First Dates
So a nice, quiet romantic dinner seems to be what people define as a good first date. But what is your idea of a bad one? I'd probably skip the quite, romantic dinner on a first date, as I'd want to keep it a bit less serious and more relaxed. The pressure for romance on a first date might make it a bit awkward. Lol I thought I was the only one who thought that. If he's trying too hard to impress me, I sort of start feeling like maybe this isn't the real him. Perfect date for me? Going out for ice cream. Who lies over a McFlurry? |
How do you know?
Word of advice ... always have hope but don't be naive. Because if someone truly loves you and wants to be with you ... they will find a way to make it work when you aren't able too. I was beginning to think that maybe I was acting like a child for expecting him to make atleast an effort to get intouch with me, but not anymore. I hate to think I've been taken for a ride, but has it broken my heart? Honestly, no. It's just bruised my ego. Part of me knew it wasn't real, the rest of me is just catching up. As to whether he loved me as much as he said he did or not? I guess I'll never know. I can only hope he did, but that might just be my ego talking. |
I'm not a great taker of my own advice, but I've found that curling up into a ball waiting for death, doesn't work. So, may I ask? (don't answer if it's too personal) Why don't you take your own advise? Cause to me, (from what I have read,) you seem fairly smart. (no offence) It seems like you know the answers.....and curling up ain't it. None taken. I don't know all of the answers, it's more of a trial and error sort of thing. And as to taking my own advice? What blasphemy! Lol I'm joking. I know I should, but uhm, I just can't seem to do it. Weak, I know. |