How do you find a real man?
You need to stop looking at outer shells if that is what you are doing.
Real men are defined by how they present themselves. They are not always the ones with the big muscles and the six pack and the deep manly voice. They are the ones that take care of theirs. They are the ones who treat people the way they want to be treated. They are not the ones who pizz and moan about child support and such. They are the ones who if they bring a child into the world take care of it. We have a lot of real men on here. Old Hippie and Boone Dog are two of the best men I have ever known. Love you guys. |
Ya well, I dated younger because I have found that younger men are less likely to have ED issues. That is the down and dirty truth.
Trying to move on
I have two devastating break ups two years in a row. I dated in-between too. It was really not fair to the guys who were not the two I was in love with because all I did was talk about the two I loved. I think sometimes you just need to give it time. I mean you can numb your pain with meaningless dating but it is not really fair to that person.
Jewlery Making...
Such gorgeous jewelry. You are very talented. One of the loves of my life did beaded and wired jewelry. It is so much more personal to have a piece that was made especially with you in mind. My ex also did wire wrapping. I just love to look at the things he made me. Remembering the trips to the bead store and me picking out what I wanted and then him painstakingly making it a master piece. I will treasure that jewelry forever.
I spoke to a very bizarre person that I met on another site. Did not meet him in person. He calls me at nearly midnight tonight to say that he and his cousin are on there way over and where did I live. I told him no way in H E double hockey sticks were he and his cousin coming to my place. He said "come on, it will be like we are Chippendale's dancers". I wanted to say "so you are telling me you are most likely gay"? I just told him he was incredibly rude and that he was not coming to my place (he does not know the address). He called again. He was obviously drunk. I told him he was drunk and to knock it off.
I mean is it me or is it just wrong and rude for him to assume that he and his male cousin could come over to a single girl's apartment in the middle of the night??? He could be Ted Bundy for all I know. |
a cherry menthol cough drop
sex is no 'casual' matter,,,,, it has real and FAR REACHING conseequences beyond those few moments of self satisfaction,,, I do hope he recovers though Welcome to the 20th century. Sex is a casual matter these days, and since Bill and Monica to an even larger scale. People are breeders, a fact! Laws and conscience have done little to change that fact, just created an underbelly/underground that thrives thanks to prudish do-rights who think they need to (or can) control human desires. Children should always be protected of course, by law and conscience, but what part of "2 consenting adults" don't they get? Monsatan can clone and mess with the natural genome of things, but 2 adults sharing a moment is not casual and we need laws governing it? Get a clue! It's called intercourse for a reason! Intercourse From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Intercourse may refer to: Sexual intercourse Interpersonal communication, any kind of human communication and/or interaction not sure what Monsato, or laws have to do with my post,,,,,but thanx for sharing,,,, Sex is as casual as the person is. There are women who use men for sex and don't care. It's not just men. They are just in it for the sex and it's completely casual. There are others who would not want to have sex until they were married. Most are somewhere in the middle of all that. I have read enough of Ms Harmony posts to tell you she will not be shacking up or jumping in bed with anybody she does not have a real relationship with. |
I am sorry for all of your losses. That is just so tragic.
Makes me mad that so many people lost their sig. other and the scammers always say they are widowers. It's just not right. |
favorite movie?
Mixed Nuts
Citizen Ruth But I'm a Cheerleader Crazy in Alabama |
When to break up...
I break up with someone as soon as it takes a turn for the worse. I do not believe in sticking around to see if it will get better because it never does. I am single again because of it.
When, why, and how do you decide to break up with someone? |
The best advice is if you don't like someone's profile, mosey along past it.
Kiss Or Run - part 14
big smooches
I am really really tired but can't sleep. I am online and letting my boyfriend sleep because he has to work tomorrow (he works for himself).
there are people who are just not good with or fond of kids,,, and there are others still who just are eager to have some kids of their own before they take on anyone elses its not a matter of anything godd or bad or right or wrong as much as it is preference Msharmony has a very good point. I tried dating a man with a 13 year old boy and a 2 year old daughter. I could not feel sexual about a man with kids in the house. Esp. not my kids. And as far as preferences, I had man after man tell me I had to get rid of my cats because they were allergic or didn't like them. I now date a guy who rescues cats and understands I love my two I rescued and would never make me give them up. |
Couples on Mingle
How many couples are there on Mingle that continue to post in forum? I meet my boyfriend through another site but I stay on here because some of my besties are on here.
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 23
VERY taken.
Oh I have said he was hot for ages.
I was with the same man literally half of my life from 20 to 40 years old. I ended it. We are still good friends. I would not remarry unless my sig. other was dying or something and it made legal paperwork easier. I never had the fantasy some women have about a beautiful wedding. I have the world's nicest most generous ex husband. After a year of dating tons, I found a wonderful boyfriend. I am content with my lot in life.
There used to be this fortune telling machine on Main Street at Disneyland like the one in the movie BIG. I swear to G*d that thing works.
Confession time!
I refer to 2012 as Terri's Year of Dating and Mating. I married very young and wanted to see what was out there. I dated the rainbow. Seriously. All different backgrounds, religions, etc. I had a good time. That is how when I met my current boyfriend I knew he was what I wanted. He was the best of everything. Anyway, I went on more dates than I can count. I usually let them off easy and let them buy me a cup of coffee or a diet soda. I rarely let anyone pay for dinner. I had many over to my place for coffee. I believe I dated better quality than I hear a lot of women complain about. I say I was married to king geek and I was looking for the conqueror of the whole nerd universe and I finally found him.