Community > Posts By > sara89

sara89's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:25 AM

Sara........a coincicdence? lol.......

never copy any, but earlier laptop died so did so just in case, lol....

don't see how any of this would have been cause to remove a post.....

thought there must have been an angry post after mine....hum

here it is for whatever it is worth....

if one hears that suicidal thoughts are bad, will not this make one PANIC in any such situation, and not look with calm into all that makes one feel as this, allowing one to see that ALL FEELINGS ARE FOR A GOOD RESON, AND GUIDE YOUR SOUL TO IT'S DESTINATION, AND NONE ARE ASKED FOR IN ADVANCE, WITH ANY KNOWING...........

the feeling of wanting to end things is SENT to any, to make one LOOK INTO MORE, before moving on......

a sign of a new beginning of newer MUCH greater things to comne around the bend..........

if ones destiny is to end their life, then what can create it themself, or what can stop it?

have you PICKED one day and said...."today i shall feel like suicide?

hell no, so the mind, body, and spirit, all combined as the soul, are speaking to you trying to get you to ask the HARD questions that bring more truth to oneself......

if one is depressed, did they "request" to be depressed?

hell no!

is one bad for such?

hell no!

there are actions committed by beliefs held that made one with NO IDEA create somthing, to bring to more wisdom.....

a mistake?

hell no!

no one can create what bring harm to themself if there is knowing in advance, and the "soul" gives indicator using the feelings, thoughts, of any one to get one to look into.....

seems the biggest one thing that causes such is the feeling when one is seperated from another in their life......

the entire being says that one cannot live without this love, but if the true question is asked of what is love, then the true honest answer accepted even with the greatest pain and tears sets free to fly to a new much higher and happier plane then ever felt before......

if one truely loves another, then is not that others greatest happiness the greatest wish?

if so, then does not love set FREE another to FLY, and if another is SET FREE even going beyond GREAT PAIN, then the act of doing so sets the one that gave FREEDOM to another the same back but even ten fold MORE than what was given......

freedom and sight and vision that provides more peace and happiness than ever known possible in this lifetime, after the courage of the heart to RISE and GIVE what love really gives.....

if one is given all that the is thought will make happy, and is wanted from another, and this OTHER does not WANT to give the same, will the two EVER have what the mind says is possible?

how can they?

if two hearts are not BOTH wanting to give the SAME thing, it will have to end to carry one, to what cannot be felt now as better, but HAS to carry to better, as what was good yesterday was not picked and decided either, but rather the flow of lifes emotions only brought......

any new higher level of wisdom and advancement is ALWAYS brought by first PAIN, just as a child being born into the world is by pain, so being birthed into a new place is as the same, and the time for this is when entering into the place of adult decisions, most after leaving the 18 year old palce of the security of not having to think of such things......

all this is preparing one for their destiny of all that shall be accomplished in the now adult world of sight to see what is MOST WISHED, and if granted and receieved, WILL IT MAKE HAPPY?


can one ride a rollar coaster is pleasure and fun while their FRIEND beside is not having fun?

set em free, and the pain that comes to bring about this decision of WISDOM turns into euphoria of freedom for oneself...........

thank you. and apparently i was threatening and distressing to other they deleted my post...god forbid anyone have to think about anything besides sex and bad jokes on this site.

sara89's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:20 AM

seems to be prohibited on this site. :angry: :angry: explode grumble mad

Expressions on this site are limited to this.....:smile: :wink: laugh happy :tongue: noway grumble explode :angry: mad love ohwell flowerforyou indifferent glasses sick devil smokin frown embarassed smooched :heart: drinker :cry: brokenheart yawn huh blushing bigsmile sad


i guess i missed that memo

sara89's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:16 AM

indeed........wisdom is never embraced by ones own surroundings at first, but after the heart has followed what it knows to be true, the wisdom to create all happiness follows....

you posted earlier to one of threads which was deleted and i was hoping you might have what you posted earlier...i didnt get a chance to read all of it

sara89's photo
Fri 08/29/08 11:12 AM
seems to be prohibited on this site. :angry: :angry: explode grumble mad

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 11:57 PM

thank you. i wasnt aware of the word but im familiar with the concept.

I kinda guessed as much. But I just like to type. laugh

laugh i can tell. but at least you make sense when you do. flowerforyou

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 11:20 PM

whats a pantheist?

It's a very broad abstract term that simply means "All is One" or "All is God".

The roots of the word come from: pan = all and Theos = God.

Pantheistic = All is God.

There are many religions that have various pantheisic views and the term and they don't necessarily reject the idea of "many-in-one".

They basically hold that we all arise from the same source and we all return to the same source.

Pantheism itself isn't exactly a religion (although some people do use or absuse that label to label their religions).

However, patheism as a phiolosophy holds that we all arise from a single source (call it god if you like) and we all return to the source in the end (usually after many incarnations in various lives)

In this sense the panthesitic "god" if you want to call it that, truly has unconsitional love, as no 'souls' are lost to any type of eternal damnation. All 'souls' return to god.

It's the only picture that I'm aware of that has a God who truely loves "Unconditionally" .

Compare that with the Biblical God which places many conditions on his love and according to the Bible the vast majority of 'souls' are lost to eternal damnation (or at least to perishing out of existence altogether) whilst only very few are 'saved'. The idea that you can 'save yourself' by accepting Jesus as your Savior actually doesn't come from the Bible. Jesus himself said that he will denounce many who claim to know him.

So even according to Jesus himself he may reject you even though you think you have accepted him.

In any case, the Biblical God clearly loses many souls and has extremely conditional love.

If you are interested in pantheistic ideas of nature (or "god") you should look into it.

They only thing that I would personally ask of you is that you don't allow anyone to pass off pantheism as a 'religion' especially as a dogmatic one (one where they have well-defined rules or ideas of what God 'expects' from anyone).

A truly pantheistic view of God makes no demands on anyone.

I will give you the following website just as an idea of how some people think of it. But please know that I am not supporting this particular website or their ideas.

I might add that panthiesm can either be a religion or just a philosophy. In other words it can make sense to either a theist or an atheist and it offers principles that can be useful for either view.

I would also like to add that pantheistic views are amoung the oldest views that mankind ever thought up so anyone who tries to tell you that pantheism is 'new age' is full of it. Although, having said that, there may be 'new age' religions that fall under the category of having pantheisic views.

Other religions that have pantheitics concepts are Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and just about all of the Eastern Mysticisms.

The Native American Indians also had pantheisic views of 'god' in their idea of Wanka Tanka. She was the god of nature, the god of the world. They didn't think of her as a 'goddess' in the humanisic sense of the ancient Greek or Mediterranean female Goddesses. They thought of her more in terms of spirit. Like we think of Mother Nature, and Mother Earth.

The American Indians had a unique view in that much of their view was pantheistic (God is in everying). Everything contains the spirit of god (including us and animals) but also she is in the rivers, and the forests, and the trees.

In fact the phrase, "Knock on Wood" was an old Indian saying that means to appeal to the spirt of the forest (the spirit of the trees) by tapping on a tree (wood).

So the American Indians view Wanka Tanka to be in everything. She is the spirit of life and all of the universe and everything in it. However, they also though in terms of a 'heaven' or spirit world where all individual spirits will reunite after this life. The did not beleive in a hell. All spirits go "Home" to be with Wanka Tanka. Whether or not you were good in this life will determine how much shame you will carry in the next.

Smiless has recently started a thread with many sayings from the American Indians. You might enjoy reading them:

He also started a thread on Buddhism here:

As I've said Buddhism is pantheistic in it's views as well.

I see that you have yourself listed as a Buddhist. Perhaps you're just not aware of the term "pantheism" and how it fits into the Buddhist views.

Anyway, if this wasn't confusing enough let me know and owl see if I can make it even more confusing. flowerforyou

thank you. i wasnt aware of the word ut im familiar with the concept.

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 11:09 PM
made wonderful friends and had amazing disscussions. ive become really close to some friends here and cant believe the site is going down. sad
mingle is just not the same.

this place has been amazing

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 11:07 PM

Before JSH...I was just a train with no direction...After JSH... when my fellow JSHers elected me President/Dictator of JSH...I became "the train"...and a goddrinker drinker drinker

all heil to the train!

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:34 PM

so you're saying God don't control your soul?

If God controlled your soul you wouldn't have any free will.

Moreover, it wouldn't be yours. It would be God's. bigsmile

I supposed that could make sense in a pantheistic view.

Are you a pantheist?

whats a pantheist?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:28 PM
bigsmile :flowerforyou drinker:

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:21 PM

God bless you.

thank you

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:21 PM

smokin I'm calling the policesmokin

hey hun.
no hello?
im hurtsad

I'm sorry babeflowerforyou


flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:08 PM
with some of the buttheads on this site:angry:

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:04 PM

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 09:03 PM

smokin I'm calling the policesmokin

hey hun.
no hello?
im hurtsad

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:58 PM
i sneezed bigsmile

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:55 PM

apple seeds have arsinic in them?

i heard that appleseeds had trace amounts of cyanide in them (meaning not enough to kill you).

you misspelled "arsenic", BTW. bigsmile

eh. same difference

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:47 PM

apple seeds have arsinic in them?

Not enough. Believe me I've tried.

huh laugh laugh

I put them in everything, but still he was fine.

omg lol thats greatlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:44 PM

apple seeds have arsinic in them?

Not enough. Believe me I've tried.

huh laugh laugh

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:40 PM
apple seeds have arsinic in them?

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