Community > Posts By > sara89

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 07:36 PM
do you think fearing the monster you could become will turn you into one?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 06:59 PM

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 05:38 PM

:smile: I wish there was some kind of way outta this world (besides death). :smile: Im still looking:tongue:

There is. flowerforyou

I can show you the way. smokin

But I can't easily tell you. ohwell

Sorry. frown

then show me please.

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 05:35 PM

:smile: I wish there was some kind of way outta this world (besides death). :smile: Im still looking:tongue:

me too. flowerforyou

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 04:07 PM

OMG too funny!

wayyyy to good, lol

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 03:52 PM
good advice.

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 03:31 PM

god must be compassionate. so why is the christian religion so full of mistakes?

Maybe because it has nothing to do with God? flowerforyou

lol maybe.

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 03:27 PM
what happened?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 03:25 PM

im familiar with the story...
i wonder if someone who is unable to function ecause their mind has been destroyed..if they are still who they are or if they have been lost.
would it have been better to die before they lost their minds completely?

I believe that the thoughts, personality, emotions and memories of the person are from the soul. The soul interacts with the body, but cannot be damaged like the body can. So a brain that has been damaged or destroyed doesn't effect the soul. I think that the brain works as a firewall, preventing bad things from moving into the soul. So bad behaviors and thoughts remain with the brain, while good thoughts and behaviors become part of the soul.

The individual isn't always the most important focus. Imagine a man in a coma. His family and friends can go on with their lives unchanged or they can change their lives for the better or the worse. Maybe the man is in a coma because a drunk driver hit his car one night. The drunk driver might decide to give up alcohol and dedicate his life to making up for his crime. The victim's family might grow more tightly together following the accident. The victim's wife becomes interested in the afterlife and becomes a Christian. The nurse who care for the victim see how much his family loves him and tries to be a better father and husband to his family. The doctor who treats the man dedicates her life to finding a treatment or cure for traumatic brain damage. God can use our lives to effect the lives of all those around us.

so what happens to us isnt always what happens to us, but also the other people involved.
pain can be a lesson to both sides?
the individual maybe chose whilst on a higher plane to choose their pain to teach others as well as themsleves?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 03:19 PM

..if they are still who they are or if they have been lost. would it have been better to die before they lost their minds completely?

No one is ever lost.

It sounds to me like your major concern is with the idea of a judgmental God. And the potential of someone slipping into eternal damnation 'undeservingly'.

I personally don't believe in a judgmental God who sends people to eternal damnation. In fact, I think that very myth is a cause of much angst for good people like yourself.

The only thing that you'd have to understand, if want to believe in that picture of a God, is that ultimately God must be fair and just. This means that God could not send anyone to eternal damnation who doesn't absolutely deserve that punishment.

This then comes down to what we personally feel is just and righteous.

Can you be compassionately superior to God?

Can God be compassionately inferior to you?

Clearly not.

Therefore God cannot punish anyone that you would not punish, because if he did, then he would be compassionately inferior to you.

Many people say that God weeps when a soul goes to hell.

That's hogwash.

If God were to weep because a soul went to hell, that would mean that God would feel bad about it, which can only mean that the person who went to hell didn't deserve to go there!

Otherwise why would God bother weeping? If the person who is going to hell deserves their fate then what's to weep about?

Clearly the religion is a potpourri of paradoxes and oxymoronic situations.

The only thing that you need to know is that God must be more compassionate than you!

If that isn't true then God is a lesser being than you!

So there is no need to worry about anyone going to hell who doesn't absolutely deserve to be there by their own free will choice. There can be no way to get to hell other than knowingly choosing to go there on your own. No undeserving person can end up in hell. For if that were to happen then God would be unrighteous.

If you want to believe in a God who sends people to hell (or even allows them to end up in by any means), then you must also believe that such a God is more compassionate than yourself.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a God, it would be a pathetic evil demon who has less compassion than a mere mortal person like yourself.

So if you insist on believing in a judgmental God, at least belief that it is more compassionate than yourself and cannot make mistakes or allow anyone to suffer who does not absolutely deserve to suffer.

This kind of angst over a judgmental God being unjust is a totally unwarranted side affect of a judgmental religion.

I prefer to believe Wanka Tanka of the American Indians. She is an all-loving God who sends no one to hell. There so no hell for the Indians. When you die you go to the great beyond, with all the rest of the tribe. If you have been an evil bad person you will live in shame in the after life amongst the very people you have been mean to. You will no longer be capable of being mean, you will simply be ashamed of yourself.

I don't believe that people who commit suicide will be ashamed of themselves. Or if they are, it won't be because of the act of suicide by rather because of other behaviors and reasons that may have occurred prior to that act.

Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of anymore than a person should be ashamed of having cancer. It's a malfunction of the brain. Not of the soul.

If you remember the person being good of spirit prior to their mental problems than that is who they truly are and will forever be.

Just know that if there is a God, God is more compassionate that you can even begin to imagine. There is no way that anyone will be punished for anything less than absolute and intentional acts of evil that were committed with a clear and healthy mind. Only those people will get what they deserve.

All others are forgiven. Innocence is never guilty. flowerforyou

while i have my own spiritual beliefs i find myself also battling tat which was ingrained in me as a child. i find myself searching and thus i ask.
i wonder if what we believe makes up our heavens and our hells.
are we our own gods who decide by our own moral and ethic codes whether or not we go to hell, by going against what we believe is right or wrong?

god must be compassionate. so why is the christian religion so full of mistakes?

if a person is evil before mental illess that means they were always evil. if a person is good that means thats ho they are.
but what if the mental illness causes that person to become evil causes them to cause pain? would it have been better of the killed themselve before it?
should they keep walking despite the agony they cause or should they die? is living then selfish?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 02:53 PM
i am!

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 02:39 PM
sometimes the ending to the story is a new begining
sometimes peace comes in the depths of despair
sometimes you must learn to wait
sometimes you must seize the day
sometimes you dont need all the answers
sometimes you have to find them on your own
sometimes time is an enemy
sometimes hes a friend
sometimes its better to forget
and sometimes better to remember
sometimes its better to hurt
rather than hate
and sometimes you are your greatest enemy.
and sometimes its better to know when to trust rather than doubt

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 02:17 PM

what if you cant see beyond them? what if all you see is pain and more pain? is it better to keep living through it, even if turns the soul bitter? if you lose parts of yourself ecause of the pain, then is it worth it?

In the Bible, there is a story about a man named Jacob, who was renamed Israel. One night, Jacob encountered a being whom he thought was a man. Jacob and this man fought all night until the man realized that Jacob was so stubborn that he would fight to the death, so the man touched Jacob's leg and crippled him. It is then revealed that the man was God and God renames Jacob "Israel" at that point. From that day on, Jacob had to depend upon a cane for support and this forced him to realized that he couldn't depend upon himself.

The message translates just as clearly to non-Christians as it does to Christians: There are times when you cannot depend upon yourself for all of your support. Everyone needs support from someone, be it from Family, friends, confidant or God.

If you have lost someone close to you, then you need to find another source of strength. For me, I find my strength in God. If you have a Bible, read the Book of Ruth. It's short and deals with this very topic.

im familiar with the story...
i wonder if someone who is unable to function ecause their mind has been destroyed..if they are still who they are or if they have been lost.
would it have been better to die before they lost their minds completely?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:49 PM

:cry: ohwell



There are many here with ears, hearts and arms, to hold you... however, it is not possibly the best place to seek support, in the long haul.

I feel for you, it is a lonely place when the person you held most trusted is gone.


im looking more for answers than for support. understanding of life and death. i have support. but its the answers i need.

thank you.

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:37 PM

Remebering is not for the soul

its what the mind does

When the mind and soul can no longer assist each other, the effcts will be seen in the body

Eventually, None of the three will work, and life will end

then whats the point of living?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:36 PM

what if you cant see beyond them? what if all you see is pain and more pain? is it better to keep living through it, even if turns the soul bitter? if you lose parts of yourself ecause of the pain, then is it worth it?

You know what lovely?

Seek out a good counsellor.... a female one.... invest in yourself, so that others may also.

Your questions are valid, and you are asking of the masses to produce the answers....

Only you, and a trusted mentor, who has taken the time to develop a deep and trusting relationship can assist you with this journey.

There is a lot of painful experiences in this world.... in every person's world, irrespective of their classification of mental health.

What you seem to be asking is for a solution.... only you have that, with the guidance of a trusted sounding board.

i recently lost my sounding board...

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:31 PM

what makes us who we are if not our soul?
im sorry im not trying to argue im just curious

We are the some total of every decision, choice and happenstance of this lifetime.

The 'what' of someone is their personality, their character...

The 'who' of someone is their soulspeak, their essence, that which they brought with them at this birth, into this body.

The universal connection, to collective consciousness.

Give it whatever name sits well with you, god, allah, krishna, buddha, whatever, the concept is still the same.:wink:



sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:30 PM

Your spirit and soul are from God, but your body is the result of a genetic lottery. Your body is the result of the union between your father and mother. God doesn't plan those things to happen, it's just the way it is. To believe that God plans for us to have our bodies would mean that God arranges rapes and incest, which isn't true. Although God doesn't directly give us our bodies, God expects us to do the best we can with what we have.

This is also a chance to explain something. To the Jewish mind, all things that happen are attributed to God. This is because God has control over all things. Even when God doesn't directly cause an action, God has allowed it to happen. This is always for the best for everyone, but often times it will seem to be capricious or even evil.

very true. god wants us to make the best...what if the best is death? or is that not an option?

Death is the end of the struggle and toil we have in life. To end your own life is murder and giving up. Therefore, suicide is never the best we can do. We must struggle to overcome our problems, not give into them.

what if you cant see beyond them? what if all you see is pain and more pain? is it better to keep living through it, even if turns the soul bitter? if you lose parts of yourself ecause of the pain, then is it worth it?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:28 PM

Mind body and soul Work Together, but are not all the samething

"Insane" a part on the mind

Your soul takes the bigest part of what makes the person

the body is the reaction or product of what the other two might agree on or not

Your soul isnt what goes insane

You have a soul aslong as you are alive still

No soul is no Life

but if the soul cant remember..cant fuction in its it worth keeping that body?

sara89's photo
Thu 08/28/08 01:27 PM

then whats the point of living if the two cant interact?

How did a disorder become soulless?

Ever thought that perhaps there is more soul, not less, in those that are societally special?

I have many people in my world who have disorders, some chemically treated, some herbally and naturopathically treated, and they are more soulful, that 90% of the walking dead called society.

i was just wondering if the people who cant fuction if they would still consider themselves..who they were and if it would be better if they died before it got that bad

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