RIP Phenomenal Woman
its not unfathomable that being RAPED at eight might make one feel pretty bad, but knowing that TELLING may have cost a life would make one feel even worse but it is between her and her God, who, as far as I know,, does not damn children for how adults choose to react to their words,,, whatever happened to her at eight, didn't stop her from being an inspiration eighty years later or diminish the amazing woman she became,,, as is the point in the op,, her voice will be sorely missed by millions Bravo and well said. |
RIP Phenomenal Woman
what if,, she was? how could any of it be changed now and what has it to do with her passing? It would mean, her life and accomplishments were based on a horrific injustice. Just sayin'. Kids can say the damndest thangs, don'tcha know? Clearly you haven't read a lot of her work, if any. While it's true some people lie about rape and molestation, more people don't, in fact they rarely say anything about it at all. If you have read anything she wrote at all, yes, she did feel guilty about saying anything about her molestation which subsequently caused members of her family to kill the offender. She didn't speak for years afterward because she was horrified about her words had done. It has taken years for victems of sexual assault to speak out because of the stigma people insist on spreading. |
RIP Phenomenal Woman
oh seriously you're pulling that card?
Babble (3)
i think you heard right.
Babble (3)
Happiness comes at a price right?
Babble (3)
Thanx for Reading ^^ Hello Sara I wish I had more of a spark to add Writing has been slower than usual for me latly.... I seem to have lost my dramatic flair...but i haven't minded trading it in. =) |
Babble (3)
Hello, Darling.
Your writing is devilishly dark, as usual. Live to see another day: The cover of rain lifted As light shines through. See the beauty, standing alone, And hear the whispers Of thoughts you had once left behind |
turn on music.
Find nice guys now at Mutual Match...Click , pick & date! Hello Pats |
ok, so i took everyones advice about talking to people who don't have pictures.....but it just seems like every guy i talk to just blurts stuff out about wanting to have sex....can't we at least talk firts..jeesh..maybe i need to take my pictures down. ![]() ![]() ![]() Hello mirror |
Shadows .................... Deep in the shadows of my mind Where eternal darkness slumbers, where, frozen, stands the minute hands of time I feel your presence Rain falls from beyond the sky, Rain that mimics the tears of you and i and gradually the flood of memories consumes me Shall I bury what remains? Shall I slowly go insane? Etched in memory written in sand swept in the tide we vanish |
How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
With a pumpkin patch! |
Ever seen
you are right mirror. in reality the bible says " for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and whoeever believes in him shall not perish and have everlasting life"
which means there is only life or death. |
Ever seen
how can you defend your religion when you dont know what it is or what it stands for? how can you condemn others for celebrating their beliefs in their own ways when you yourself have not even taken the time to understand your faith? its a perfect example that people rule with fear. believe what i believe and you will go heaven. think of something different and go to hell. im sorry, but if my immortal soul is going to be damned because i believe or dont believe, i am surely going to find out exactly what it is im selling into before i drink the koolaid |
Ever seen
thats what i dont get. the whole point of chritianity is to "spread the word" to teach people about christ and his beliefs.
here a buntch of people take this and turn it into a catchy yet informative way of reaching people and giving a different and rather accurate view point of christ. yet it makes people angry beause it doesnt conform to the norm. |
Ever seen
Jesus Christ Superstar?
I was watching it on Hulu a bit ago and there were revies posted. One of the reviews stated "fits in well with the current godlessness/satanism of today's obamanation culture, just as well as it did during a previous anti-Christian time (there have been many). We have weathered this storm often. I feel sadness for those of you who are led to darkness by pop-culturalists. Ground yourselves in the Lord lest you be fooled by egomaniacal demons." Am I alone in wondering exactly how retelling the story of Jesus would be blasphemous whenever the Christian religion has been been twisting their own religion? Isn't the word "Christianity" based on the name Christ? and wasnt the whole teaching and preaching of christ to show us that god can understand humanity because he was/is human? I have read the bible, and in it, when i read the new testament, i find he teaches how to live a life filled with morals and compassion, how to see the simple joys in life and how to be a good person. He was an amazing example who taught us that in a society of war and fear there is a way to walk in the world that brings compassion. It shows that he felt emotion. Jesus got angry, cried, felt betrayed, felt abandoned, laughed and loved. How is any of this blasphemous? |
I swear i heard you In my dreams Whisper that sweet forbidden word Oblivion in a world Where ignorance is better than it seems one tender embrace Could kill so in a hushed voice Remind me oblivion |
lol ya..its just one of those moments lol
If you send me a text asking if i am out of texts..ISnt that redundant?
I know how you feel. =(